During the 2016 U.S. presidential election, one of the Republican candidates, Donald J. Trump, repeatedly warned the U.S. that the election polls were being “absolutely rigged at many polling places.” (“BBC News,” 2016) He tweeted, “Of course there is large scale voter fraud happening on and before election day.” Although the impossibility of rigging an election on such a large scale has been proven, Trump continued making the claim. He continued making the claim was because most opinion polls and news commentators suggested that Hillary Clinton would win the general election. The creator of the “Gimme the gold” cartoon, Mike Luckovich, depicted Donald Trump in a negative light through an effective use of logos, pathos, and ethos.
The cartoon illustrates how much more fit and prepared the other candidates are in comparison to Trump, and argues that the reason Trump would lose is because he is unfit for the presidency. The illustrator uses logos, an “appeal to logic” in rhetoric, by depicting Trump as an out of shape Olympian wearing arm floats to suggest that Trump is ill-equipped to compete in the waters of politics
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(“Your Dictionary,” 2016) Trump’s arrogant statement and expression could evoke annoyance from the people seeing the cartoon and make them want to facepalm. Since his statement implies that the others, despite how capable they look, could not win against Trump without the race being rigged, many would begin to doubt Trump’s rationality. The swimming race takes place in the Olympics, an event that many take seriously. Many fans of sports and the Olympics would be disappointed and almost offended to see someone like Trump as the representative of their country. This situation could be considered a play on how many would be disappointed and concerned when realizing that Trump would represent their country and potentially embarrass
The Author of the passage is debating, whether student athletes should be awarded monetary compensation for their contribution to teams that garner millions of dollars for universities. The author uses appeal to Logos and Pathos to build his argument on the subject, and to help persuade the reader to agree with the the argument they are trying to make.
Leonard Pitts take a stand against President Trump in “Mr. President: ‘Just who the hell do you think you are?’” Pitts portrays the point with not only the use of pathos but also logos as he asks the President to examine who he is, and reminding him of where and who he is serving.
Logos, ethos, and pathos are essential components used in advertising. By learning to recognize logos, ethos, and pathos in advertising, we are able to understand the message and what is being portrayed. (Albert et al, 2014), suggested that Aristotle postulated that a speaker’s ability to effectively convince an audience is constructed on how well the speaker appeals to that audience in three different areas: logos, ethos, and pathos. These appeals together form what Aristotle calls a rhetorical triangle.
In “window to save worlds coral reefs rapidly closing.” Michael Greshko targets a environmentalist audience to explain that coral bleaching is one of the many effects of climate change. Which can only be stopped by limiting our emissions and using cleaner energy. Greshko was effective in getting his message across using ethos, pathos and logos. He mainly uses logos but still uses pathos and ethos enough to get his point across.
The use of rhetoric is powerful, dangerous, and has the influence to change people’s opinion. So in the article “Art of the Steal: This Is How Trump Lost $916M and Avoided Tax” David Cay Johnston effectively uses rhetoric to suede his viewers towards his opinion. Johnston uses pathos, ethos, logos, tonal shifts, and inductive and deductive reasoning to try to explain to his readers how the presidential candidate ,Donald Trump, lost and made money..The author explains how the use of ethos, the appealing towards ethics, helps shift the audience’s view of Donald Trump. Johnston also uses the emotions of the reader to help his own claim, through the use of pathos. Through the use of logos, the use of logic, the
By using a hurricane to describe the immigration politics hitting the Whitehouse, the author uses both pathos and logos to further his belief that chaos will ensue when the congress must come together to please the president, the supporters of DACA, and the immigrants. However, ethos is where the author lacks rhetorical persuasion as this cartoon is mainly driven by pathos and
Studies show that about 69% of highschool studies graduate. Recently Donald Trump, businessman and television personality was elected for president, and his whole slogan was “Make America Great Again” which he put on hats. This slogan has to do with him wanting to increase employment and a big way to do that is by more people getting through school. The message of the political cartoon I chose is that if you are able to get a good enough education you will be able to become successful in life. The cartoon portrays this message through the use of many different rhetorical devices. The first device the cartoonist uses is symbolism. The cartoon uses the hat to symbolize graduation from school. This ties back to the message of if you are able to
This article shows great details of how bad writing can be fixed. The article begins by showing logos of what high school and college students are struggling with the most. The reason is that it states key examples of what the students at New Dorp high school aren’t good at. The article shows a lot of opinion from teachers by telling their ways of fixing the students. It is also repetitive by saying that the main reason the kids are not good writers is because they are lazy. In certain ways, this article is using pathos by the teachers. I do think the writer could have used more proven facts.
Have you ever wondered why you were forced to take an English course in college, where you had to learn about genre and different forms of writing? Ever also wondered, when am I going to ever use this in everyday life? Well, I am here to tell you there is an explanation to both of those questions and it should make one think about what they are learning on a whole different level. Starting with genre, you should know that pretty much everything has a genre within.
Throughout the debates, many speakers from all age and profession make a strong point and indeed produce a vivid reaction from the audience. Predominantly, the speakers use ‘pathos.’ The speakers choose this strategy because the incident involves the loss of people, especially children, so every viewer is going to be moved. Indeed using ‘pathos’ is effective in this debate since the intended audience is close to the victims. The speakers demonstrate compassion and empathy in their speech.
This paper analyzes the types, forms, and effectiveness of the author's use of pathos to evoke emotion from their audience to persuade them to support the purpose of their message. Defined in the course pack as "using emotion to persuade" (Heasley et al. 128) pathos is a technique rhetorists use to garner an emotion response from their audience through one of four methods. These five methods are word choice, vivid examples, personal experience, scare tactics and sensory details; authors can employ these methods individually or in conjunction with one another to invoke a pathetic response from their audience.
“When you use logos, you are persuading with logic based on evidence and your skills of reason”(study.com). In Donald Trump’s inaugural speech, logic is rarely present.
They use their artistic skills as an aid to convey messages to people of all ages. Political cartoons appear all over the internet and social media. The cartoonists usually distort several of the characters’ physical features in order to emphasize a belief or criticize an idea in the society. A recent political cartoon depicts Donald Trump with a long nose. The cartoonist tried to influence the viewers into believing that Donald Trump is a liar, and he does not fit to be president. It might seem that the cartoonist drew the cartoon just to make the viewers laugh, but his goal was actually to present the reasons why US citizens should not vote for Trump. This drawing might not immediately cause the viewers to alter their attitude towards Trump, but the drawing will appear in the viewer's’ mind whenever the presidential election is mentioned. Sometimes, the cartoon might even influence the viewer to vote for Clinton instead of Donald Trump. The more entertaining a cartoon appear, the faster the picture will spread throughout social media and the internet. This will allow the cartoonist to spread his ideas to a greater amount of
Normally an author uses pathos to gain sympathy from readers by using emotions. The first example of pathos is when she made the statement “ If you are black and male and you do not play sports — well, good luck gaining admission to schools like UNC (Jackson).” In my opinion, this is a strong statement that is hard to read and makes me feel discouraged. The reason she said this was to show her point that they are extremely picky about who plays on these high revenue teams. These schools are only looking for the students who will bring in money for the school and that is why the author is trying to show that they get treated with priority. Another example of pathos is when she said “ Unlike college athletes who bring in revenue, non-revenue
Marijuana is one of the most commonly used drugs in the Nation and the world. In an article by Gray (2007) he states that “42% of high school seniors have tried marijuana, 18% have used it in the past 30 days, and 5% use it daily. Among adolescents aged 12 to 17, 3.6% met criteria for cannabis use disorder (abuse or dependence) and 2% met criteria for cannabis dependence”. Gray (2007) also explains how easily adolescents say it is to obtain marijuana these days. The article also states that there is evidence to prove that marijuana use may lead to “hard” drug use, academic failure, and more. With those who use marijuana chronically it may lead to impairing of the immune