
Truth And Reconciliation Commission Essay

Decent Essays

Question 3: Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada was established under the assumption that the Indian Residential Schools were an assimilation attempt on the First Nation population. This commission led to the compensation of over $6 billion for those who went to one of these school. Unlike the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of other nations, the Canadian one was not meant to be a transitional justice because there was no shift from authoritarian to democratic rule. It was strictly the outcome of litigation. Furthermore, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada was not approved to press charges on individuals for acts they were accused of, nor name individuals unless they …show more content…

The Canadian government never transitioned from an authoritarian government, and instead maintained itself as a democracy from before the Residential Schools began till modern day society. With this knowledge, it is clear why there was no attempt to find the facts about the state’s transgression and how they played a part in the internationally recognized conflict – because it did not only implicate the old government but the current one as well. Truth and Reconciliation Commissions assume that conflict arose from an authoritarian government and that a democratic one would not cause nationwide tragedies like that of the Canadian Residential Schools. As a whole, the general ideas of Truth and Reconciliation Commissions are inaccurate when dealing with a western power such as Canada, they hold a favorable democratic bias thus not taking into consideration that there was no shift in the style of

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