
Trying New Things

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Author Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, “Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.” This quote explains that without pushing yourself past your comfort zone, you’re going to remain where you are. Life is about growing and experiencing new things, so if you remain where you are, then you’re going to miss out on a lot. You learn by doing and seeing and taking from what you already know and applying that to your situations. I agree with Emerson’s quote, you have to try new things and learn from your mistakes to experience life and excel in all that you do. Trying new things is a very important part of everyone’s lives. Without pushing our own boundaries, people would still be crawling on the floor and …show more content…

You need to grow spiritually, emotionally and physically to have a full life, and mistakes are part of the growing process too. This year I tried out for lacrosse for the first time. I’ve never played before, but I went to conditioning and tried my best in everything that we did. I was nervous about trying out at first because I felt like I wouldn’t know how to do anything and that people would judge me. After conditioning and playing constantly, I was starting to feel like I was finally getting the hang of it. When tryouts rolled around, I felt prepared and ready to give my all and I made the JV team! My fear of being judged and not good enough almost held me back from something that I now love doing and if I hadn’t forced myself to at least try I wouldn’t be where I am now. Of course, I wasn’t perfect and I mess up pretty frequently, but it’s because I’m trying to learn and push myself. I’m still trying to perfect the basics, but making mistakes is ok and I can take what I learned from them and make sure that I’m even better next time. Everyone makes mistakes, it’s part of life and learning, so don’t be afraid to try new things because we are all humans who are each going through our own individual growing

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