Author Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, “Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.” This quote explains that without pushing yourself past your comfort zone, you’re going to remain where you are. Life is about growing and experiencing new things, so if you remain where you are, then you’re going to miss out on a lot. You learn by doing and seeing and taking from what you already know and applying that to your situations. I agree with Emerson’s quote, you have to try new things and learn from your mistakes to experience life and excel in all that you do. Trying new things is a very important part of everyone’s lives. Without pushing our own boundaries, people would still be crawling on the floor and …show more content…
You need to grow spiritually, emotionally and physically to have a full life, and mistakes are part of the growing process too. This year I tried out for lacrosse for the first time. I’ve never played before, but I went to conditioning and tried my best in everything that we did. I was nervous about trying out at first because I felt like I wouldn’t know how to do anything and that people would judge me. After conditioning and playing constantly, I was starting to feel like I was finally getting the hang of it. When tryouts rolled around, I felt prepared and ready to give my all and I made the JV team! My fear of being judged and not good enough almost held me back from something that I now love doing and if I hadn’t forced myself to at least try I wouldn’t be where I am now. Of course, I wasn’t perfect and I mess up pretty frequently, but it’s because I’m trying to learn and push myself. I’m still trying to perfect the basics, but making mistakes is ok and I can take what I learned from them and make sure that I’m even better next time. Everyone makes mistakes, it’s part of life and learning, so don’t be afraid to try new things because we are all humans who are each going through our own individual growing
I realized that I needed to communicate with my coaches and teammates to become a leader and a role model. By being one of the youngest girls on team, I learned from the older girls how important it is to have a role model on the team. As scared as I was to walk into tryout, I could not be more thankful that my parents pushed me to do so. Making JV as an eighth grader really boosted my confidence and encouraged me to become more open.
The personal essay titled “The Space In-Between” by Santiago Quintana details the struggles he dealt with while trying to figure out his identity as a member of both the Mexican and American cultures. Even though Santiago was born and raised in Mexico, he was often questioned about his ethnicity because his physical appearance did not align with that of a “true Mexican.” Instead of having brown skin, black hair, and brown eyes, he has white skin, light brown hair, and blue eyes. Since Santiago looked so different, he was singled out, bullied, and treated as if he were a foreigner in his own country. The difficulties he faced clearly had numerous negative effects on him emotionally, however, there was an unexpected and overwhelmingly positive
Making mistakes is a trait everyone has. No one is perfect and no one will ever be. "We learn wisdom form failure much more than from success. We often discover what will do by finding out what will not do; and probably he who never made a mistake never made a discovery. "-
As a sophomore, I tried out again. There were enough girls to create a junior varsity team but again, I was a benchwarmer for varsity, still not useful enough to play, but too experienced for junior varsity. During this year I started to realize that blaming other players for my failure was
I agree with Ralph Waldo Emerson "Unless you try to do something beyond what you have mastered, you will never grow". If you don't try you will never master anything. If you don't try to master new things you will never learn anything. If nobody tried at new things we would never have anything new. If you never try at new things than you can not master anything. If you ask anybody famous they will probably so they tried different things before they became famous. Trying new things could be hard but, it will make you a better person. You can not master anything if you don't try. You will never master anything if you don't try. Rhonda Rousey didn't know she was good at Mixed Martial Arts until she tried now she one of the best fighters
I went home full of excitement and quickly recounted to my mom the success I had that day at baseball. I went to bed that night with more confidence than I thought possible and looking forward to another day of baseball. Made my way through school that day visualizing my performance that afternoon for tryouts. With more excitement than nerve I began the second day of tryouts. Thursday we worked on throwing and catching skills, friday was batting. An area in which I struggled a little more than others but with confidence pouring out of me I stepped into the box. Even with the confidence boost working on my skill I struggled heavily and was not happy with my performance. So trying to keep my confidence up I tried to finish that day of tryouts but I could tell that the coaches were less pleased with my performance that day. There’s not a much faster way to be served a large slice of humble pie than to realize you may not be all that you once thought you were. So keeping that in mind I finished the day doing my best. When we gathered together to make final cuts I could feel my heart beating in
I worked out everyday and practiced every chance I got. When the first day of tryouts came around again, I woke up that morning like every other day, but I knew today was different. I knew that today was the day I was going to redeem myself. When I got to the field most of the guys looked familiar, a few of them even joked around with me and asked "you're back for more?" Unlike the previuos year, I was ready for this tryout. I proved to everyone that doubted me and said I couldn't and I earned my spot on that team. The moment I saw my name on the team's roster was one of my proudest
Every time school starts I am always looking forward to soccer season because that’s what I love doing the most and what i focus on. When soccer tryouts come up I am always ready also I am always prepared to give it my all to go out there and impress the coaches and let them know how much it means to me to join the team and how bad I want to play. There is two days of soccer tryouts and I attend both days because is very important for me to make the soccer team. I went to day one of soccer tryouts and I was trying my best to get attention from the coaches that were watching but then I felt like I didn’t give it my all, I felt disappointed because I know I could do better, at this point I was worried and stressed out but I never planned on giving up. I told myself that I was going to do better the next day.
Propaganda is information represented in a piece of art with a purpose of influencing people’s opinion typically on issues of politic, power, freedom, and movement. The artist usually creates from a biased or misleading point of view. The information could be true or false. The purpose of propaganda is to make people believe the art’s truth.
It is always good to learn from your mistakes. Sometimes mistakes can be considered good things because it lets a person change how they do something and that there could be many ways for doing one task.
Trace how music took shape in the United States in the second half of 20th Century, focusing on at least two composers, their styles and output During the period of World War II between 1939-1945, music also played his role for entertainment, recuperation and uplift, which pervaded in homes, concert halls, army camps, government buildings, hospitals and factories. American music in this period was considered to be “Popular Music” that focused more in romance and strength instead of propaganda, morale, and patriotism while classical music has limited scope. This period of music has its unique relationship to war.
Ralph Waldo said, “unless you try to do things beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.” I agree with Ralph Waldo, push yourself to do greater things. Ralph Waldo said it right, if you don't push for greater things you will not succeed. One reason is, to be a greater person push further than what you have already accomplished. You will never get better if you keep doing the same ole thing. People who don't settle for the easy way are stronger.
I remember three years ago trying new things was so facile for me. I never truly worried about trying out for things or doing things by myself in a crowd. I was such a silly girl and held the world in my hands my Eighth grade year. Times were so easy when I was in Junior High, but what happened? Freshman year came briskly before I could even think; so did Pom try outs. I had been so terrified to try out for my pom team again, especially for the high school teams.My parents believed in me, and so did my teammates. After learning all the skills I would have to try out with I easily became confident in my abilities. I thought I was a shoo-in, since I had been on my pom team already. I continued to practice even though I wasn’t worried in the least.
There’s a saying that everyone’s said at least once in their lifetime, I’m sure. It’s so cliché, but now I know that there is so much truth behind it. “Believe in yourself.” Rather than giving up on yourself, use your failures to make you better. Learn how to bounce back from adversity and learn from those experiences. This is called using your growth mindset. According to Carol Dweck, research psychologist, in her book Mindset, “In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment.” It wasn’t until the summer between my junior and senior year of high school that I learned this and of course I learned it the hard way. I had played club basketball for four summers in a row with the Longmont Rush basketball club. I loved the game of basketball and I had spent countless hours working on my skills on the court. I even wanted to play in college. I already had schools scouting me. Unfortunately, in my final season, just before my senior year, my biggest fear came true.
For most of my life, I was skilled in organized sports, especially soccer, which I had played for many years. After a successful soccer season my freshman year, I thought that I would make the JV team for sure. At tryouts, I went through the motions of each drill. I breezed through the conditioning tests, doing the bare minimum for each test. I didn’t try as hard as others, as I felt that I was more skillful than most of my peers.