I absolutely agree with your point of view of this poem, since you nicely described what the author was trying to convey being, you shouldn’t give up so easily. This message emphasized greatly especially after working so hard to reach the position you worked so hard to get to in life. I would also sympathize with you since all through my life I’ve let things go past me since I felt that there was no point in continuing certain things in life because of a lack of courage to fulfill my dreams or work harder to make those hopes and dreams a
The entire poem encompasses the idea that the woman’s life is never ending and has its rough patches. Although it “had tacks in it” that may have tripped her up, she did not let those stand in the way of where she wanted to go in life (3). The relationship between the staircase and a person’s life can be incredibly similar to one another. A staircase may have many different twists and turns, broken boards, and run down patches that relate to a various events that happen throughout life. Just because there is a hole in the stairs, or a death in a person’s life, does not mean that one should quit living or give up on everything that they have accomplished. There may be setbacks that require time and love to heal, but there will always be hope to move on to a better life. The mother insists that her son does not turn back and give up just because his life has hit a hard spot. She never gave up hope, and she insists that he does the same. The metaphor of the staircase to one’s life, can easily relate to anyone in the world. There will always be rough patches and hard times, but everyone gets through them, and they are usually stronger in the end because of it. Life may not be an easy task, but we must learn how to survive and thrive whatever may be thrown our
When I first read this poem, it was in the book “The perks of being a wallflower” and after I read it I instantly fell in love with it and I did not know why. I think the poem shows the truth to how quickly life can change and the overwhelming sense many get by constantly seeking for approval from others. He looks for approval from his parents, and from his teachers. The constant repetition of achieving an A from his teacher is something he seeks when he feels his parents pulling away from
It is a sin for anyone to destroy, in a blink of an eye, what they have been working on for months or even years. Therefore, one should always face the hardships with a strong will, hold their head up high when facing an upcoming storm, because that is the only way they can survive the war that is life. Right towards the end of the song, there is an extremely empowering line that says “this road never looked so lonely, this house doesn’t burn down slowly to ashes” which stands as a reminder that right when the challenge becomes harder, one should never forget what they are fighting for and simply give up. The amount of determination reflected in this line is the reason why I listen to this song whenever I feel defeated by the obstacles. It comes to spark the flame of determination in my heart when I consider backing
The purpose of this poem is to encourage people in despair or people who are about to give up on something to keep pushing forward. Encouragement is made apparent in lines 23-24 “And so hold on when there is nothing in you, Except the Will which says to them: “Hold on!”.” Determination and encouragement go hand in hand and are both made obvious through “If” which is why this poem is relevant to the Book Lethal and the news
This poem is written in free verse. My paraphrase of this poem is: I am fourteen, and now my skin is marked with acne. The boy that I love is still immature. How come my skin is so dry? What if I was gone before morning? Even so, my mother leaves me isolated. I have to learn how to dance before the upcoming party. I cannot practice in my cramped room. Maybe if I die before graduation, they will chant melancholy tunes. There’s nothing I want to do, but there are too many things to be done. Even so, my mother leaves me isolated. Nobody wants to listen to what I have to say. I should've gotten into the math team, I had better grades than him. How come I have to be the one with braces? I don’t even have anything to wear tomorrow. Would I even live long enough to grow up? Even so, my mother leaves me isolated.
Moreover, I will have a higher tone when reading the first line of the poem because it translates to “I would know nothing, dream nothing” which already demonstrates the speaker lack of hope and state of mind. I believe that emphasizing and differentiating the beginning of the poem with having a higher tone than in the rest of the poem will effectively demonstrate the speaker stubbornness to not allow himself feeling hopeful again since he says he would dream nothing. Then, I will lower my tone as he begins questioning his own state of being immobile because he feels like there is no chance for him to move forward anymore. As he questions his own state of immobility, he becomes more and more hopeless, feeling stock in his own body, life, and even fate. Towards the end of the poem, where he feels like there is a slightly chance of him being able to move forward again, he would still be hopeless since he feels like there will never be hope for him.
The tone of the poem is definitely very intense and persistent. The speaker talks about the inevitable realization that time does not wait for anyone and that death is not something that can be avoided which is pretty intense for a poem. The tone is also persistent due to the repetition and emphasize that the speaker places on the idea of time. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of not holding back on things that people want to do before it is too late and they
This story had a big impact on me because I am also athletic and I love to play sports. I have earned many medals, trophies, and other accolades throughput may athletic career so I can relate to this story. I have also heard stories from my grandfather about his high school sports. My opinion on the poem is that it is sad to see that the young athlete has passed, but it is also good to know that he died on top. He never had to witness his records being broken or his fellow townspeople following a different
As the author states in the poem “the art of losing isn’t hard to master,” it can be difficult to get over with but with time one will be able to handle it. So many things in life are meant to be lost; it starts off with something small things and going into bigger things getting misplaced so that it is easier to react to the loss. The author expresses attitudes and feelings that not everyone may understand. While some people might interpret her tone as a negative connotation, others might interpret it as a positive connotation because they may be reading the poem differently. Although loss may have a negative meaning towards it, Bishop explains her poem with a positive attitude. She uses her own experience in the poem like when she lost her mother’s watch and then she escalated into
The reason I chose this poem is mostly the discrepancy I have towards the message. I think that one should love wholeheartedly. Although there is the chance of ending up heartbroken, one would never know what love is truly like if he or she would not take the risk of fully loving another person. Just because William Butler Yeats had his heartbroken by a cruel woman does not mean that others will end up with the same fate. Yes, if one is “deaf and dumb and blind with love” in my opinion, he or she will end up heartbroken. However, if one is smart about giving their heart away and gives it to the right person then they have a good chance of ending up happy. Therefore, I believe that everyone should take the chance and love with all of their heart but do it carefully, and no matter what the outcome; they would still have the experience of loving unconditionally.
It is a sad poem and it makes you feel great sadness for the author because it brings you back to a time or memory you have that you were in the same position at one point in your life. After reading so many of the similes in the poem it gives you the effect of reality that she has been dealing with this issue for quite some time and can’t seem to shake her feelings. In the poem she says “Like a train off its track, toward a boarded-up station, closed for years”. This gives proof of how she is still dealing with the lingering pain. A boarded up station would have no use to a train that is on the wrong path.
I think this poems message is to show how you can at times lose confidence in yourself and end up thinking about all these “whatifs” that keep running through your head, as the speaker experiences; he tries to think positively but these thoughts can’t stop running through his head. He starts to think of things that could happen that aren’t even
First of all, you're using someone else's poetry to express how you feel. This is a delicate thing . . . ’” This can be considered an allegory for life. There are many do’s and don’t’s when making a good life for oneself. For example in high school you have to follow all the rules. You have to do your homework so you get a good grade in the class. So your good grades will allow you to get into a good college so you can get a good job. Once you get a good job you can pay for necessities and live a happy life. If you don’t get good grades you essentially fail. This idea was implemented by my parents who emphasized the importance of good grades so I can have a good life. This mentality was very fragile in my mind and I was always afraid of failing. I was afraid that I would disappoint my parents and shatter their dreams of having successful children. Especially during my junior year when I had to take the ACT. I told my father I was afraid that I would not get the score I needed and end up wasting a lot of money. He told me that he did not pass his first exam to become a sheriff. I used his poetry and his experiences to express how I felt. It was comforting to know that I was not alone and that I did not have to be afraid of disappointing him. Similar to Rob who listens to music to
The warning tone in this poem made this a didactic poem. The speaker is teaching a lesson to his or her audience. The only way to know so much about this lesson is to have gone through yourself. If we go back to the very first line, the speaker chose the age ten. Why the speaker did not choose four, five, or even six? This may be a clue that the speaker is drawing from his own personal experience. Did the speaker faced the unforgiving real world at this age? Nonetheless, the poem is very instructive. It advises do not let a child lose their innocence. The lesson’s tone expresses humor but also sadness. You never want to think of a child losing their innocence. You want them to experience the joy of growing up into
As the poem goes on it gets deeper with meaning, sadder even. Lines four and five are the most crucial lines of the poem. Line three ends with the head giving the heart advice. “You will lose the ones you love. They will all go,” this isn’t the first thing someone wants to hear, especially not someone who is aware that they have just lost someone they love. But this is classic, logical advice that your emotions need to hear. What it means is that one day everyone you love will be gone, it is the sad truth of the world we live in. Nothing is forever. “But even the earth will go,