
Tubbs: The Five Types Of The Power Of Reward

Decent Essays

According to Tubbs, of the five types of powers that he discuss are Reward, which is the power an individual hold to reward someone be it financial or emotional (flattery), Coercive, the power an individual hold to punish ( Also known as Scrooge Power, (Tubbs, 2012)), Legitimate, the power an individual hold derived from the power given from others over themselves ( Think president in USA or Parliament in the Europe, or even the Boss you are working for.
Also, known as Position Power, (Tubbs, 2012)). Expert Power, the power derived from the respect an individual have due to their knowledge or expertize in a certain field, no matter how this knowledge of expertize is acquired either by studying the field or having a hand on experience, (doctors, …show more content…

On the other side the whole other members are executing the power of Reward, (the emotional side, the biggest flattery someone can make you is admiration, at least that is how I see it), creating in this way a dual current inside the team where both parts are exercising power and being submitted to it. Since it is a closed circle the energy stay inside the cell, making that group a magnificent team. (Unless something disturbs the equilibrium, like the Leader having favorites or losing touch with reality, growing a big ego in other …show more content…

Spiritual, a true Believer. When I empathize the word a True believer, I mean a man/woman of Faith, not of Religion. Human history has proven then we are totally capable to make the most horrific acts in the name of the Lord, using religion as a justification (which is a thought that leaves me cold because the Lord will hold all of us accountable for it), and while most of the people dedicated to religion are people of faith, not all of them are. Merriam Webster dictionary define Religion as: “a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith”, while faith is defined as: “mental conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon”. As everyone can see they are not really the same

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