
Tuberculosis : A Infectious Disease Essay

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Tuberculosis; often referred to as the silent killer, is a highly infectious disease that is contracted annually by 9.3 million individuals globally, and causes 1.8 million deaths. It’s high mortality rate led to the formation of the American Lung Association in the United States in 1904, after it was declared the leading cause of death during the nineteenth century and early twentieth century. The origin of tuberculosis is not certain; the first documented deaths were recorded in ancient Egypt and Greece, when it was known fittingly as “consumption”, coined for of its all-consuming nature. Today, tuberculosis is more of a problem in developing countries, but is still a threat in the United States. To take preventative measures to avoid contracting this deadly disease it is important to know the causes, life-cycle, how its diagnosed, interactions with the immune system, and public health actions to reduce risk of infection.Tuberculosis is a facultative intercellular bacterial parasite caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mycobacteria are rod shaped in appearance and is a gram-positive bacterium. One characteristic unique to Mycobacteria is the addition to an extra layer beyond the thick peptidoglycan cell wall that is composed of lipids and polysaccharides; this gives M. tuberculosis a unique envelope that makes the cell have low permeability (advantage against the immune system). M. Tuberculosis doubles it’s population every 18-24 hours, which is considered

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