On tuesday we have discussed a banning word which was considered the new b word which is bossy. This was discussed a little on monday but was mostly continued on tuesday. Bossy is used on mostly a female which means what it is, someone who is acting like a boss and tells others what to do. It may seem like a good thing due to the fact that being a boss is good thing but it is used as a bad word which is why it is the new “ b word “. I can see why people are trying to ban the word bossy and I can agree with it but there are many other words that are used in a bad way like bossy and they can be used on men as well. As they described it, if a women seems to be controlling things she can be seen as someone “ bossy ’’ which is a bad thing yet when a man is being a boss he is considered a “ leader ’’ which seems to be good thing. The point is to show how negativity is spread by the word bossy to women. …show more content…
We reviewed what people search on google and how most people are true to themselves when they search on google. The episode was totally agreeable because it did seem to be true on how people search; the great example that was given was racism and one word searched a lot was nigger. We reviewed on how topics were being searched after a speech was given by obama. We discussed how when Obama discuss how muslims are great, there is many bad searched about them on google. Near the end of class, we read an article about the word nigger and at the end we talked about the article and how we feel about the usage of the
The SAN policy controls whether a newly discovered disk is brought online or stays offline, and whether it turns out to be read/write or if it remains read-only.
The March meeting is usually a Blue Jeans for Babies meeting however since the Dallas Morning New will be at the March chapter meeting and they will be taking photos for an upcoming article and have asked that we be in chapter colors and appropriate para (CARDIGANS, POLOS, DRESS SHIRTS) and NO JEANS but, I am asking each Soror to still make a 5.00 donation to the chapters MOD fund raising page at https://www.marchforbabies.org/team/t2427177.
African-Americans in the South after the Civil War were new to the concept of freedom, yet that very small two syllable word meant a lot to them. Slaves were not considered as a piece of property that could be used and abused by their slaveholders anymore. Slaves families were separated by the effects of slavery, so the freed slaves immediately tried to reunite with their families. News finally reached Texas about slaves being freed on June 19th, 1865, also called Juneteenth. Juneteenth is considered one of the oldest known celebrations that commemorated the end of slavery in the United States. The news of the Emancipation Proclamation did not reach Texas until about two years after its public awareness because there was little Union
Magic, sorcery, the transformation of one thing into another and everything in between, as well as the fantasy in it, has been the driving force behind many great myths, both ancient and modern. But when the topics of magic, fantasy and medievalism are brought into discussion together, it is clear that it has a very sordid past. In the Middle Ages, magic and the fantastical outside of the Bible were highly frowned upon and seen to be the work of the devil or his minions. And pretty soon the Catholic Church and the hierarchy thereof got it into their heads that all females were either a witch or a warlock, and thereby practiced devil worship. But as the great scientists and their work took prominence in the Middle Ages, the hold of the Catholic
June 21, 1964, the Freedom of Summer! Civil rights organization included the Congress on Racial Equality and Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, which a voter signing up to drive, or Freedom Summer, Aimed to increase voters in Mississippi. Freedom Summer has most of black Mississippians and over one-thousand out of state white volunteers face abuse and harassment from Mississippi's white population. The Ku Klux Klan police did a series of violent attacks towards them. About a hundred white college students had help cofo register voters on November 1963, and several hundred students more had been invited to expand the voters project in the Freedom Summer.
6. In order to find all possible outcomes when rolled three identical dice, we can use multiplication principle. Since each dice can have 6 outcomes (1-6) and there are three dice, we have (6・6・6) = 63.
Today is Thursday June 18, and thankfully I am feeling better after a whole week of sickness. Yesterday was a slow day I woke up late and did chores which I felt was a workout because by the time I was done I sweating like crazy. I felt that since my body was sick, my exertions felt twice as weak. Afterwards I just wanted to lay down in my bed and never get up but I decided since I was already sweaty I'd do more. So I got up and did some stretching, yo-ga, and some sit ups. Those I did to make-up a little for what I was missing.
I am interested in taking English 9 Honors because I hope my future career will be based on English skills such as writing and reading. In my future, I hope to be a lawyer, which is a more difficult job and I will need an advanced level of English skills. I thought taking an advanced level of English will help me reach my goal of becoming a lawyer. I also decided to take this class because I really love and understand the topic of English. I have always loved to read on my own time and in school and adored writing, from poems to stories and many other writing forms. Since I have the pretty good understanding of English I want to work harder to learn more about English skills. In English 9 honors my expectations regarding this class is a more
Room is lasting because it will live forever, and in its endlessness, it will continue to motivate generations after we are all gone. It is one of the best films of the new millennium and after its two superior hours, you turn out to a person who has a new appreciation for the tiny miracles of life that are usually ignored. Room is a transitory moment in time and I will always remember it with affection because of there is no way in hell I am watching it again. Jack’s relationship with his Ma that gives both personifications of Room their force of feeling, and on these terms the movie is entirely successful. Larson drew well-deserved praise for her breakout performance as a counselor for troubled teens in “Short Term 12,” and the demands of that role, with its balance of tenderness and tough love, were in some ways an ideal warm-up for the startling display of mama-lion intensity she unleashes here.
Weekly Research- Week 2- A & P III -Tamara Goins- Antonelli College- Ericca Peacock- Instructor
Every friday, a teacher will pull three tokens from the bin. Those three people will get the prize of the week.
This latest session was with a family that is very special to me. I met Cody and Theresa when they were pregnant with Parker, and they become more than just my clients. They were instantly my newest friends. We just clicked. They moved to Waco when Theresa graduated from dental school, so the entire family made the three-hour trip for me to take family photogaphs and have a cake smash for their newest. It's an incredible honor, and they're a special family to me, so I wanted to make sure the baby photogapher session was perfect.
The first paper is due by Monday, April 9, 11:59 p.m. You MAY use sources outside of the Liberty Search Engine (and are encouraged to do so). Also you may use scholarly books and not just journal articles. You should avoid using generic websites that do not appear scholarly in nature. A good rule of thumb is that if a website does not have an author, it is not a good source. Good online material has also usually been published in print at some point. Google Scholar and JSTOR are great places to search, as well as the online encyclopedias I've shown you. Always feel free to send me an email if you have questions about sources or formatting.
March 8th is “International Women’s Day,” defined by YES! Magazine as: a day started on March 8, 1857, in New York City by Garment workers who “staged a protest against inhumane working conditions and low wages.” Despite being attacked and dissolved by police officers, the movement continued. By 1908 the movement had grown to 15,000 women in the New York City march alone. It also expanded to include child labor, shorter working hours, and voting rights. The slogan for this rally became “Bread and Roses” with “bread symbolizing economic security and roses for better living standards.” May 1908, the Socialist party named the first “International Working Women’s Day” on the last Sunday in February. The date has moved around slightly but remains around the first of March, so it makes sense for it to be on March 8th. http://www.yesmagazine.org/people-power/where-did-international-women-s-day-come-from
I enjoyed the topic of domestic violence, and I actually felt extremely emotional about this specific topic. My opinion is that I wish we were actually doing this topic, so we could assist and aid these women and children in our community. The more in-depth, we got into domestic violence, the angrier it made me. There needs to be additional safeguards for domestic violence victimization. It is unthinkable how many women die every day, and I wish I could do more. I contemplate the young girls, who rush to get married in our community, and how this predisposes them to domestic