If you earn a hospitality and tourism degree from the University of the Potomac, you can save money with our Tuition Assistance Grant (TAG) program and receive an education that will help you get a job that pays well, is fun, and could have a lot of perks.
What is the TAG Program?
Simply put, the Tuition Assistance Grant (TAG) makes it simpler for full-time students to save money on their college education. It makes getting a degree more affordable. When a full-time student completes six classes, the next two classes will be paid for by For every six classes a full-time student successfully completes, the next two classes are paid by Tuition Assistance Grant.
The grant works this way:
It applies to tuition, but does not pay for fees or books. Courses completed by placement exam, courses finished before readmission, transfer credits, and developmental courses, do not count toward the Tuition Assistance Grant and are excluded from the program. A student must earn the grade the curriculum required, as stated in the school catalog. The only students eligible are readmit or new students enrolled in an undergraduate or master’s programs. Students not eligible include University of the Potomac students eligible for other school scholarships, employees, and dependents. To receive the grants, students must successfully complete the necessary courses. The TAG could be lost if students don 't take courses for two consecutive semesters. If students
My name is Antonio Sutton and I have a question about my transfer credits. I submitted my transcript to admissons a couple weeks ago, but my UCF account still has not updated with the 3 classes I took this summer. I need to register for ACG 2071 this fall, since I took ACG 2021 this summer. Do you think this process be completeed before the start of the fall term?
Hello Jennifer I apologize for the late response unfortunately I will not be able to attend GCU this fall due to my disability the University was not able to make accommodations I would not be able to commute. Despite the amazing scholarship and the wonderful staff I cannot move forward with enrollment. I sincerely thank everyone who tried their best to assist me. Thanks so much for the opportunity.
The Board requires 150 semester hours earned to sit for the exam. One way to accomplish this is to complete a master’s degree or higher from an eligible institution. Another option is to complete a baccalaureate degree from an eligible
OSAP, a program designed to benefit Ontario residents in need; they can apply to receive a Canada-Ontario integrated student loan through the Ontario Student Assistance Program or OSAP. The program was started back in the 1990’s, by the Ontario government to enable those with lower incomes to receive loans, grants and scholarships which allows them to have the ability to pay for their post secondary education.
Definition: Money granted by the federal government that a local authority can allocate to a wide range of services.
This phase is to clearly breakdown each student’s aid package or the type of assistance they get. Multiple college students do not understand the difference of what they have to pay back and what they receive for free from scholarships of universities. Also this phase is for students to stop and realize their financial responsibility for the future.
The College JumpStart Scholarship will help me attain my goals by earning my bachelor degree in graphic design so I can become a professional graphic designer to a purse a career of my dreams. I am very compassionate about graphic design and how it can help me to achieve to start my own business to share my creativity and gift of art and share my amazing designs to people. I was accepted to University of North Florida and will begin classes in the fall semester. In order to fulfill my bachelor degree, I need this scholarship to pay for books, classes, art supplies, and living expenses on the campus. As a struggle college student, this scholarship will strength my opportunities at UNF to take advance graphic design classes so I can able to graduate
Courses will only be available to students that have the proper prerequisites if they are required.
School students will be given an opportunity to earn both high school and college credit for the following courses through Interactive Television Broadcast or Online:
Federal Student Aid helps students get meet the costs of going to college or career school with grants, or loans or work study programs. It helps students learn about what help the government has and how to apply for and get financial help.
Presently, the availability of educational opportunities at the college and university level is a critical state and personal interest given the needs of the state for a well-educated workforce which has never been greater. Too many, the focal point of attending college is receiving a high paying job in the future. Unfortunately, in most states, tuition is on the rise and students who come from low-income families find themselves struggling to fund their education. According to legislatures, “The cost of college in New Jersey, as in the nation, continues to grow faster than the rate of inflation.” (State of New Jersey 1). In the national financial aid policy resources that are typically given to the neediest families are shifting towards
Over the winter intersession last year, I took a Biology course similar to the Biology 141 course at a local community college. My advisors never mentioned to my father or myself that in order to take the course, I first had to get a permission slip signed by Dr. Sweeney and other advisors. After completing the course, I went to Dr. Sweeney to ask if he could sign those permission papers and he denied my request and my course credit transfer. I have three credits from that Biology course and Dr. Sweeney mentioned that I could use those credits towards my "Free Credits". I would like more information about that since I am currently listed as a first year student here at the university meanwhile I am starting my Sophomore year this fall. I currently
senior with a cumulative grade point average of 3.3 or higher. Those who meet this requirement are given a form
I would like to be able to take a Art 4 as a college class this semester. My concurrent enrollment form was on hold because I had a C in Algebra 1 and a C in History. I had a C in History and in Algebra 1, because when I took my finals it dropped my grade. I struggle with test taking, that is why my grades were low. I also had some absentees because of my knee injury. I feel like this year I will be successful in all my classes to be able to take a college class.
• Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) - This grant is available only to undergraduates having the greatest financial need. Awarded on a first-come first-served basis by the Office of Financial Aid until all federally allocated funds are awarded.