
Tuition Assistance Grant ( Tag ) Program Essay

Decent Essays

If you earn a hospitality and tourism degree from the University of the Potomac, you can save money with our Tuition Assistance Grant (TAG) program and receive an education that will help you get a job that pays well, is fun, and could have a lot of perks.

What is the TAG Program?

Simply put, the Tuition Assistance Grant (TAG) makes it simpler for full-time students to save money on their college education. It makes getting a degree more affordable. When a full-time student completes six classes, the next two classes will be paid for by For every six classes a full-time student successfully completes, the next two classes are paid by Tuition Assistance Grant.

The grant works this way:

It applies to tuition, but does not pay for fees or books. Courses completed by placement exam, courses finished before readmission, transfer credits, and developmental courses, do not count toward the Tuition Assistance Grant and are excluded from the program. A student must earn the grade the curriculum required, as stated in the school catalog. The only students eligible are readmit or new students enrolled in an undergraduate or master’s programs. Students not eligible include University of the Potomac students eligible for other school scholarships, employees, and dependents. To receive the grants, students must successfully complete the necessary courses. The TAG could be lost if students don 't take courses for two consecutive semesters. If students

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