Sita Lama
Professor Hernandez
ENGL 1302
23 April 2017
Tuition fees variation
Education is the weapon to lead life of people towards progress as well as the nation. It plays important role in the life of people to become good scientist, doctor, engineer, businessman and teacher who give valuable contribution for the country and the world. About thirty-two million adult Americans cannot read. There are private and public colleges and universities in the United States. Private colleges are more expensive than the community colleges. They offer the same classes, credits, and programs for the students. But the high tuition cost charged by private schools makes a vast difference between them. Not only private universities, there is different
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About thirty-six percent of Americans completed bachelor degree among the entire population(Adul-Alim). Students struggle economically to pay cost for their study. Many of them takes debt from college and bank. “Fifty-eight percent of US college students take out loans to help pay for tuition and fees” (Best and Keppo). In addition to this, they are force to work hard and maintain balance between study and work. Students face economic and mental stress by the increasing cost of college. The amount varies from $4000 to $60,000 per year across the United States for undergraduate students. It is very expensive and difficult to afford these fees for many undergraduate students. Government made policy to provide financial aid programs. The GI grant provides financial grant to students. Federal aid programs and the student loan inspires colleges to rise amount of fees. They increase tuition fees every year. Students and parents have to pay deep debt for expensive fees.
The state and federal government do not provide enough fund to public colleges now a day than earlier years. The fund provide by the state is not sufficient. It is not easy to run any institution without fund. In order to cover the difference, colleges fees sky rocket beyond the affordable cost. College administration need to maintain and run the colleges which need money. They increase cost of student fees in public colleges and
The increased costs of tuition and fees are making it more difficult for individuals to attend college, and they are being forced to drop out, having a major impact on graduation rates. Data stated that was stated in FACT SHEET on the President’s Plan to Make College More Affordable: A , Better Bargain for the Middle Class (2015), “The average tuition at a public four-year college has increased by more than 250 percent over the past three decades, while incomes for typical families grew by only 16 percent” (“Fact Sheet”, 2015). This is causing major stress and becoming a burden on the finances of the student and their families. In order to attend college, a large percentage of students will have borrow money because of
In the year 2007, 18.2 million students enrolled into college. About thirty-nine percent of those students were between the ages of eighteen to twenty-four (Marcus). College is seen as something one must do to be able to have a successful life or career. Student debt is almost guaranteed for anyone that goes into college. Seventy percent of bachelor's degree recipients graduate with student debt. Student loans in just the U.S. alone are up to 1.2 trillion dollars, this is the second highest level of consumer debt, just trailing behind mortgages (Snyder). Student debt has been an issue for anyone thinking about going into, that is attending, and graduating or leaving college. How to solve this issue is very simple, which is to save money, lower
Financial support has played an important role for college students, especially for university students, whose family could not support their education after they have graduated from high school. Due to this situation, students have to go through a lot of problems with their tuition fees to be able to continue with their education. They always need a large amount of money besides paying for the tuition but also for living, and students have to go through a lot of problems with their tuition fees in order to be able to finish their career on time and earn a better living in the future. Some students will choose to go to work part time while at school, so they can pay for their fees and their own expense, such as gas, foods, and clothing. On the other hand, most of students will choose to take out loans from somewhere else, such as the bank or federal loans. This way, students who choose to take out a loan could focus on their education without worrying about how to pay for their fees. It is very important for students to acknowledges and be aware of the different types of student loans, and all the requirements before students decide to obtain a loan. Because of the raise in tuition leads to the existence of the student loan debt is a burden that is a financial impact on lifestyle changes, such as postpone couples to get married, to have children, to buy a house and to save for retirement.
The United States needs to look to other nations that have figured out the necessity of higher education to be at an affordable cost if not free. In 2015, college graduates are facing on average just north of $35,000 in student debt (Berman). In part, the government has reduced the federal funding that each college receives each year. Therefore, colleges have constantly raised the
The increasing cost of higher education in the United States has been a continuing topic for debate in recent decades. American society emphasizes the importance of education after high school, yet the cost of undergraduate and advanced degrees continually rises at a greater rate than inflation. According to the Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance, cost factors prevent 48% of college-qualified high school graduates from pursuing further education (McKeon, 2004, p. 45). The current system requires the majority of students to accumulate extensive debt with the expectation that they gain lucrative post-graduate employment to repay their loans.
Colleges are noticing a drop in students’ interest in a higher education, because it forces them to fall into poverty. Obtaining a higher education is a dream of many working class citizens, but the price to go to a choice college is not available economically. The majority of students use some type of student loan, they have become the norm for attending college (Johnston, Roten 24). College is becoming unaffordable to many lower class students. With tuition prices this high, students are backing out of school and looking for jobs that only require a high school diploma. Student loans should help people, but it is only hurting them because they feel like they can never repay it. Especially since student debt continues to rise. “Student loan debt rose by 328 percent from $241 million in 2003 to $1.08 trillion in 2013, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York” (Johnston, Roten 25).
Rise in tuition is often seen as a school trying to gauge as much as money as they can from the students. A view most forgotten in this argument is that of the school. The school has to have money to feed the students and house the students plus teach them. Those three things are a necessity for the students. Schools would face lawsuit after lawsuit if they failed to feed the students. The school also has to pay its employees and hire new ones that leave.
Every 7 7 in 10, 226 million college graduates has student loan debt; thats over 1.3 trillion dollars. This paper will give a rough estimate of what someone may need in college and how much it will cost to get them. There will also be averages of college tuition and credit hour costs. College is an important aspect of life now that a degree is needed to get most jobs. There are many ways to decrease the prices of college and there are multiple ways to pay for college but college will still be expensive. The cost of college still is too demanding because of living cost such as food and clothes, The course supplies and student loan debt once the student has graduated but, there are ways to reduce the cost like military
Today college tuition prices are rising. Paying for college can often be a stressful responsibility. A college education is very important for many students, but when stressing on how to pay for college gets in the way, it becomes more of a burden. Kim Clark effectively states the rising prices of college tuition in her article, “The Surprising Causes of Those College Tuition Hikes.” Clark states that the cost of attending a public university, even after subtracting out aid and inflation, rose more than fifteen percent in the last
Financial support has played an important role for college students, especially for university students, whose family could not support their education after they have graduated from high school. Due to this situation, students have to go through a lot of problems with their tuition fees to be able to continue with their education. They always need a large amount of money besides paying for the tuition but also for living, and students have to go through a lot of problems with their tuition fees in order to be able to finish their career on time and earn a better living in the future. Some students will choose to go to work part time while at school, so they can pay for their fees and their own expense, such as gas, foods, and clothing. On the other hand, most of students will choose to take out loans from somewhere else, such as the bank or federal loans. This way, students who choose to take out a loan could focus on their education without worrying about how to pay for their fees. It is very important for students to acknowledges and be aware of the different types of student loans, and all the requirements before students decide to obtain a loan. Because of the raise in tuition leads to the existence of the student loan debt is a burden that is a financial impact on lifestyle changes, such as postpone couples to get married, to have children, to buy a house and to save for retirement.
The cost of attending college has risen drastically over the years. Statistics show that there has been a 260% increase in tuition costs since 1980. The increase in tuition cost equates to an increase in money borrowed to fund higher education. An increase in money borrowed results in an increase in debt accumulated over time. As a result of the rising figures, the economy as a whole has also suffered because of the restricted financial space many graduates find themselves in upon completion of their degree. In this paper, we will discuss college costs, reasons why they have risen, and the best way for students to pay for it.
As a result of this, states receive pressure to make up for this and must raise tuition. Grant donors are also becoming less generous in their contributions to students as well. This makes affording college even harder for students.
College tuition has been an increasingly intense topic of discussion over the years. The costs of higher education have been debated by many people, and it has been discussed as to whether costs are becoming too high for students to afford. College has become more and more popular, and now as many as 20 million students attend universities reported by The National Center for Education Statistics (1). The value of a college degree is immense, but college tuition is becoming too expensive for students to afford, and furthering the problem are students’ lack of knowledge on how to pay and earn money towards their college degree.
Most of the tuition hikes are due to the decline in state financial support. As state funding declines, colleges are left with few options to close the budget gaps, which leads to increased tuition rates; currently, state funding is the lowest it has been in 25 years (Fillion, 2016). Higher education leaders defend the infrastructure, asserting that stagnant wages, not tuition rates, are the real culprit to the unaffordability of higher education (Farish, 2016). Wages and government funding are not the only factors leading to tuition hikes, colleges in competition for national rankings have upgraded their facilities in order to attract top students; these upgrades, energy prices, and debt service have added to tuition
The continuous rising cost of higher education is frequently spoken about today and deserves much more attention then it receives. College tuition for students is a rather large investment and considered to be one of the most expensive to make. As college tuition prices are continuously increasing so is the cost of housing. The average American family is finding it more and more difficult to be able to have a fair shot at affording to go to college. Although there are numerous possibilities, the cost of higher education for student is still too high and implementing a solid accreditation process and examining the student loan crisis happening could help improve a lot of problems.