
Turner Syndrome Research Paper

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Turner syndrome is a chromosomal condition that affects development in females, which is also known as 45, X Syndrome; this disease affects the X sex chromosome, or the Y chromosome that determines the male features. If the whole other sex chromosome is missing the sex of the child will invariably be female, that is the classic Turner's syndrome. Mosaic Turner syndrome is where the female has one complete sex chromosome, and the other is partially missing. By the age of five, they start to develop a short stature, and a early loss of ovarian function; some girls and women will have more symptoms than others. In some cases, a diagnosis of Turner syndrome is made when a girl normally approaches puberty (Genetics Education, 2018). Although they …show more content…

Females that have Turner's Syndrome about 30% of them have extra folds of skin on their neck, lymphedema, skeletal abnormalities, or kidney problems. (Genetics Home Reference, 2018). Lymphedema or Oedema is where the back of the hands, and top of the feet get swollen, but disappear within a couple of months after birth. Vomiting food in the first few months after birth is common because of the high-arched palate as well. Some other symptoms are the development of secondary sexual characteristics, for example developed breasts or sexual hair. (Genetics Educations, 2018). Most women with this syndrome can not become pregnant, but is very rare; unfortunately they would have a higher risk of a miscarriages and birth abnormalities. A life threatening problem would be the heart …show more content…

Normally the baby is conceived with the usual 46 chromosomes. Then during cell division the chromosomes are divided into half the egg, and half the sperm, which end up with 23 chromosomes each. Although and error can occur during Monosomy is where the complete sex chromosome is missing, because of the fathers sperm or even the mothers egg. Mosaicism is when an error occurs in cell division in the early stages of fetal development and leads to cells in the body having two complete copies of the X chromosome, while others having only one copy of the X chromosome (Mayo Clinic, 2017). If there is a fully developed X chromosome and partial of a Y chromosome then the individual will develop as a female, with the risk of developing a type of cancer called gonadoblastoma. 45,X/46,XY affects a small percentage of girls with Turner's; small fragments of Y chromosome are in their cells, which can increase the risk of developing tumors, along with gonadoblastoma, in their internal sex organs. Deltion, ring chromosome, and isochromosome are different types of variations of Turner's Syndrome. Deletion is when the X chromosome is missing some of its genetic material. Ring chromosome is where there is two X chromosomes, but one is shaped like a circle with the ends joined. Along with isochromosome which is the X chromosome has two long arms instead of a long and short arm. (Turner's Syndrome Society,

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