
Turner's Impact On American Imperialism

Decent Essays

America is the country it is today because of imperialism. As America expanded, so did our thoughts and ideas about life. Frederick Jackson Turner, Alfred T. Mahan, Herbert Spencer, and John Fiske’s ideas all helped shape America. As all of their ideas came together, America saw the ability and reason to expand its power. Frederick Jackson Turner wrote the book “The Significance of the Frontier on American History”. The book’s basis was about his idea that American people created their own lifestyle. Until this time, most people believed that the way that America was was because when people founded the country, they brought their ways of life from Europe. Turner turned the U.S. on it’s head when he expressed that how Americans lived was from their own trial and error. As America expanded toward the West, they did not have any knowledge about the land. They didn't know how to live on it or farm it so they learned what worked and what did not. They didn't use any methods from other countries. They explored the land on their own. For example, If a boat shipwrecked on a desolate island, the people would not know anything about the land and there would be no one there to teach them. They would begin a new way of life. They would have to pick teams to do daily tasks and they would have to write …show more content…

Mahan also wrote a book that highly influenced how America is today called “The Importance of Sea Power Upon History”. In his book he wrote about the importance of having a strong Navy and the bases to support it. Mahan, contradictory to what is said before, did look at other countries as he determined what it was that made countries strong. He found that Britain had the most powerful Navy and that they had bases close to the coast of the United States. He saw that this created an advantage that the United States did not have. In his other book, “The United States Looking Outward”, he writes what he believes are the three main things that the United States should

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