In the recent years, media, especially news outlets had been accused of being severely influenced by political party’s establishments due to their content. For example, in the United States, some had accused media companies of being biased towards a political party while they clearly support the other. It is a fact that this accusation, no matter how ridiculous they may sound, still holds some elements of truth in it. Since it is undeniable that the media industry is in one way or another affected by external factors, this essay will discuss the various ways of how movies and TV shows are affected by the political and economic factor. The essay focuses on movies and TV shows because they generally capture a larger scale of audience, causing …show more content…
For example, in a Disney cartoon show, DuckTales which ran from 1987 to 1990, there are many moments in which the creators try to portray that capitalism is a better way of life compared to Socialism or Communism (Dofman and Mattelart, 1975). In the book, How to Read Donald Duck (1975), it is argued that the Donald Duck character is an excessively materialistic character which values money among other things (Dofman and Mattelart, 1975). The book also argues that there are multiple moments in the cartoon shows which shows that the characters are only successful in their career and ultimately their life after they are able to achieve great wealth while the poor and working class are looked down upon. Since the show was released towards the end of the Cold War, it could be said that the show was heavily influenced by the American economical ideology which is consumerism due to the United States being in the Capitalist bloc. Apart from the United States, the DuckTales show was also aired in other countries such as The United Kingdom, New Zealand and Australia, it is clear that the show was made not only as a propaganda medium to influence to American people but also people worldwide, especially children into believing that Capitalism is the only way of life. Thus, it is only wise to theorise that the show could be created as a part of the Cold War itself as it undermines the Communism ideology that was practiced in Soviet Union during that time. In the book, How to read film (1977), the writer suggested that the character Donald Duck would had been different if the United States didn’t adhere to the capitalist ideology (Monaco,
The movie “Sixteen Candles” is a 1980’s teen comedy film. It’s about this girl named Samantha Baker and her family forgets her 16th birthday because it’s the day before her sister Ginny’s wedding. She is just a normal teenager that gets bugged by creepy freshmen, spoiled siblings, confused parents and a beautiful, popular blonde that stands between her and the boy of her dreams. She is in love with a popular and attractive senior, Jake Ryan. Sam thinks that he does even notice her because she isn’t popular, does not think she has a good body image like Jakes girlfriend Caroline and she is virgin. When she was in study hall, Jake picked up a sex quiz that she had taken and was meant to be seen by her best friend Randy. Sam panics because the quiz contains
The reason The Simpsons has been able to continue over so many years and seasons are because the programme is animated. In real time, of course, Bart Simpson would by now be almost 40 years old, and Homer and Marge would be in their 60s. Animation allows the characters to be preserved in a timeless bubble where no one has to get older. Bart and Lisa are frozen in the fourth and second grades, and Maggie is still yet to talk. Animation also allows for an entirely flexible setting that is evident in the way the Simpsons’ home town of Springfield is endlessly malleable. Depending on the needs of the episode, Springfield has mountains, a harbour, a beach, can be freezing cold or suffer from an extreme heatwave, and can also have been simultaneously
The movie Quiz Show is about the scandal of the 19?? TV show “Twenty-One.” The scandal and the effects of it discusses the sociological topics including social structure, privacy, and human nature.
It is important to note the following when evaluating China’s media industry: Public service television is an essential service to the community and cohesion of democratic societies aimed at the production, publication and distribution of a set of radio and television channels airing the diverse and balanced for all audiences, covering all genres and designed to meet information needs, culture, education and entertainment of Chinese society, spread their identify and cultural diversity, promote the information society, promoting pluralism, participation and other constitutional values, ensuring access for significant social and political groups.
CBS aired the television show “Criminal Minds” in 2005, involving a team of seven intelligent and unique individuals. It is running strong into its seventh season and continues to gain popularity from people of all ages. This elite group of individuals makes up the leading team of profilers for the Federal Bureau of Investigation Behavioral Analysis Unit. These men and women find themselves in violent and dangerous situations all the time in their career with the FBI. The drama immerses viewers into the world of crime and violence that most people do not experience. The job of these FBI agents is to profile criminals and figure out their next move so they can stop them from committing another crime to innocent people. This show not only
It being the leading source of news since the printing press. We put our faith in the media to report accurate facts unbiasedly. Between 1983 and now the media industry has consolidated from 50 individual companies to 6. That means that though the impression given is that there are a multitude of sources to attain information, the messages being communicated are all one in the same. The limitation of media sources cause a ripple effect of limited information, allowing these companies to control the public’s perception on
The content of the media is the fault of the people’s desire. Media publishers such as the New York Times Company, CBS, and Viacom are businesses raking in billions in revenue by meeting public demand. It is public demand for specific stories which dominate media publication and broadcasting. For example, the development of uber-conservative Breitbart and alt-left Slate developed as a result of conservative and liberal yearnings for biased media outlets. Before Breitbart and Slate, and other partisan news sources, established media either leaned center-right, or center-left but surges of conservatism and liberalism were visible in election returns during the turn of the 21st century. It is a result of this surge of liberalism and conservatism
In the film, Inside Out directed by Pete Docter and Ronnie del Carmen it talks
Over the centuries, the media has played a significant role in the shaping of societies across the globe. This is especially true of developed nations where media access is readily available to the average citizen. The media has contributed to the creation of ideologies and ideals within a society. The media has such an effect on social life, that a simple as a news story has the power to shake a nation. Because of this, governments around the world have made it their duty to be active in the regulation and control of media access in their countries. The media however, has quickly become dominated by major mega companies who own numerous television, radio and movie companies both nationally and
In our society, there are many forms of mediated texts ranging from newspapers and magazines to films and television shows. Each of these media forms can be seen from different theoretical perspectives and analyzed to understand the different concepts that may influence them. Television shows are one of the most popular media texts with approximately 400 new shows airing each year (Ryan, 2016). However, it is often very unlikely for these television shows to strive as 65% are cancelled after their first season (Ocasio, 2012). This then, brings Marxist scholars into the picture as they are interested in how economic factors affect the production and distribution of media content (Mack & Ott, 2016). The Marxist theoretical perspective allows Marxist scholars to study television shows in order to understand why they were cancelled and how certain roles in the media lead to this.
Despite his low IQ, Forrest Gump leads a truly charmed life, taking part in many of the most memorable events in his lifetime. Without trying, Forrest teaches Elvis Presley to dance, becomes a football star, meets John F. Kennedy, serves with honor in Vietnam, meets Lyndon Johnson, speaks at an anti-war rally at the Washington Monument, hangs out with the Yippies, defeats the Chinese national team in table tennis, meets Richard Nixon, discovers the break-in at the Watergate, opens a profitable shrimping business, becomes an original investor in Apple Computers, and decides to run back and forth across the country for several years. Meanwhile, as his life goes by, Forrest never forgets about Jenny, the girl he loved since a
The mass media has become a big part of our society and its counterparts. In a time span of 50 years this medium has influenced society to an extent where it has created wonders. This immaculate tool can control almost every action we perform, from speaking to the actions that every human being performs in society. The mass media has brought upon a new era of idea's and changes in the world we live in. As we analysis media in depth we will find many aspects of media which overlap and some of the smallest factors and aspects of media, which create the biggest impact on society.
Mass media plays an important role in the society by providing entertainment, information and acting as the government’s overseer. Several scholars have developed philosophies that help people understand how mass media fulfills its roles in the society. For example, Horkheimer and Adorno have constructed theories that explain the functions and impacts of mass media in the society across the globe (Mosco, 2008). The central theme in all mass communication models entails the meaning of media contents, which include the images and texts and their influence on the target audience. The perception of the target audience concerning the text and images in the media are what form the basis of these theories. This essay discusses two hypothetical frameworks: the political economy and cultural studies theories, including their similarities and differences, and how they help in understanding the relationship between the media and society.
The media influences how people experience social life. Media such as newspaper, television and film, are important sources of information, education and entertainment. It can be used to learn more about the world and the people in it. In this regard it can be said that the media represent, interpret and endorse aspects of social experience (O’Shaughnessy and Stadler, 2005). The media are also implicated in social regulation, or in other terms, the government of society. The media are implicated in government and politics in an obvious way because modern systems of democracy are conducted through the media. But the media have a bigger role to play in government by structuring how society is controlled and maintained.
Finally the public television is used as an example to describe the peculiarities of the media and the political economy of the media.