
Twelfth Night And Queen Elizabeth Lends

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During the 17th century, men and women were not treated the same as far as opportunity, and given freedom to be whatever they desire. The early modern period society was seen as one to control women, and let men be the king and priest of their household. Every relationship was grounded on hierarchy. As stated in the Norton Anthology of English Literature, “the man on top, and the husband’s patriarchal role as governor of his family and household... the family was seen as the secure foundation of society and the patriarch’s role as analogous to that of God in the universe and in the king in state.” The text Twelfth Night and Queen Elizabeth lends itself to the theme of gender and sexuality and presents its message as a challenge to the expectation of the society at that time. Because it goes against societal views of gender through androgyny, it is presented as a disruption which must be co-opted to bring about a new view of gender as a whole.
During this period, gender roles were very strict. Women were only allowed to dress a particular way while men were dressed completely different to them. Because of the strictness in the society about the appearance of men and women under norm gender roles, the fad of cross dressing was seen as an abomination for women. “King James denounced the fad... his anxious reaction of James, the Bishop of London, and Chamberlain testifies that this cross-dressing was seen as a challenge to gender hierarchy, insinuating that clothes and custom

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