
Twelfth Night By Olivia Viola Essay

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The story takes place in Illyria, a real place warped into fiction. Main character Viola is a young aristocrat, and the protagonist of the play. Viola’s realistic, and ingenious and realizes the danger of being a woman alone in a strange land, impersonates a man, renaming herself Cesario, and goes to work for Duke Orsino, after she finds herself alone after a shipwreck. Her personalities all around charming, and obtains Orsino’s trust within three days through her wit, charm, loyalty, knowledge in music, and conversational skills. She’s also loyal, following Orsino’s orders to win over Lady Olivia for him as Viola is in love with Orsino. Next, Olivia: a prosperous, alluring, and virtuous Illyrian woman. She refuses to return affection towards neither Orsino nor Sir Andrew, insisting it’s due to her brother’s death and the mourning she feels. …show more content…

They both enjoy wallowing in self-pity, and have shallow emotions-shown when they’re love is transferred between characters at fast paces- and are self-indulgent. We’re then introduced to Viola’s twin brother, Sebastian, who doesn’t add much to the plot and who’s character isn’t as developed, or rounded, as his sister’s. He seems to be there only to add confusion, and to allow Viola’s true identity to be revealed, allowing Osiro to fall in love with her. Malvolio then enters the play as a self-righteous head servant for Lady Olivia. He has no regard for fun, and frowns upon it entirely. When he becomes the target of a cruel practical joke by Sir Toby, Sir Andrew, and Maria his character shifts in order to please his love: Lady

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