My entire life I’ve always felt different because of my ADHD and my twice exceptionality. And for those of you who don’t know twice exceptionality is when a gifted child also has a learning disability. My twice exceptionality manifest as extreme ADHD and extremely fast information processing as in faster than 99% of the globe along with very good verbal skills. There is another side to this coin, I also have extremely bad ADHD. This sometimes makes me feel alienated when I’m talking to more normal that I don’t feel I can relate to. But some of the effects of this are strengths and I enjoy these. I have can an intellectual conversation to anyone because of my processing speed and my enormous vocabulary. My information processing and verbal skills have made me funny, good at rapping, outgoing and good at making …show more content…
The first reason is I had a great teacher named Ms.Goltzer but she left on maternity leave and her dad came as the substitute. Her dad was also an amazing teacher even better than her and I was kinda confused about all of that and who I should like better. He made me like school. Also, he was really good at chess and taught me how to play pretty well. I would go to school early every morning to get better and get the title of “Chess Champion”. I don’t completely remember but I’m pretty sure that title did hold some weight with the other kids in my class. I worked super hard for this title. This probably the first I can remember twice exceptionality really helping me. The second thing that happened in first was a kid named David. And he was kind of a bully and I really didn’t like this. I couldn’t take him torturing my friends. And he would do this both mentally and physically. He would insult everyone in really mean ways for first grade. Also, David would physically hurt people. I tried to shove him off people and I got in a lot of trouble for this but to this day I don’t regret anything that I
My elementary life is eventful and enjoyable. One vivid memory I had in my elementary years, specifically first grade, is vomiting every other day during school. This was not caused by bullying; it was caused by scheduling P.E right after lunch. Every lunch I would drink chocolate milk with my meal. After enduring a vigorous exercise in P.E, the entire grade would line up so they could go back to class and continue their learning. Before we would leave to go to class, that is when I would erupt my lunch onto the green carpet we ran on. One noticeable food item in my vomit was chocolate milk. After first grade, I had the desire to switch schools, not because I was tired of the school I was going to, but because I wanted to go to the public school my aunt taught at. Sadly, I was not able to go to that school, and I went to a different public school, one that was closer to home. After experiencing a couple months of the public school life, I wanted to return to the private school I had attended. I wanted to return because I was disinterested in what the teacher was teaching. I was disinterested because what the teacher had taught me I had already been taught in first grade. Since I was bored in second grade, I stopped working on my homework, and this resulted in an immense drop in my grades. Once I had departed from public school for a grade, I returned to my private school in third grade. I
were not as easy for me. I struggled in school a lot. I felt like a disappointment. But i did not give up, I did everything i could to fix these problems and to please my parents. And it worked. I fixed my grades and got better in school. The school I was attending was Harry Stone Montessori Academy. I went to that school all the way to eighth grade. In second grade, I did have a scary accident. I had slipped then cut my head open. I lost a lot of blood and gave my family a big scare. Now I am scarred on my head for the rest of my life. Sadly. Also another accident that occurred in my elementary years, was when i was running on an elliptical machine and my foot a slipped in and i cut 3 of my toes open. I was really sad because I had to stop playing soccer for some time until my foot
By the time I got to about fifth grade, everyone started to notice how academically gifted I really was. In fourth and fifth grade, I even joined the spell bowl team. Me and a few other people I knew well were about two grade levels ahead of the rest of our class, mathematically speaking. Then, I got to middle school. It was a big change, lockers, stairs, a very large school it was. It was all very unknown to me, there were really tall kids, and they all had their friends, I had to adjust. By this time, I was still on the gifted academic path, being in Algebra in only seventh grade, a class that is supposed to be for freshmen. My family were always very proud of me because of this, and I had always tried to be smarter than my sister, who was always four grades and a step ahead of me. She was always the teacher's pet, overachiever type of student. School had never really been hard for me, just boring and mentally draining. By the time I was in eighth grade, I had found my true group of friends. There was a few that liked soccer, which fit me really
I started school when I was four-years-old. I didn’t hate school when I first started but I definitely didn’t enjoy it. When I first started school Brody was one of my best friends. My first ever teacher was Mrs. Anderson. She was a good teacher. I didn’t never paid much attention to the other kids, Brody was my friend and I had a couple other friends and that was all I needed. When I first started school I never did get in any serious trouble at school (that I remember of) except for a couple of times for talking.
When my freshman year had begun I was nervous. It meant that school was going to be harder. It meant that when I played sports that I was going to have to be with the big kids. I started my freshman football season and I was like there’s no way I’m going to let them treat me like a little punk. They tried to and I talked back and did not do what they said and it made them not like me much. The upper classman liked to pick on the younger people and we went to a football camp. I wasn’t the freshman getting picked on until we went paintballing the next day. One of the seniors kept picking on me and I got tired of it and got mad. Well I was also like 13 or 14 years old and I got so mad I started crying and ended up quitting. I started missing football and went back. We ended up not having many players during the end of the season because of injuries so I had to start for the high school. I was so nervous but I didn’t do a bad job.
I was a first grader at Esqueda Elementary School. I had a mean teacher that never let you go to the restroom no matter how many times you asked. Would call your parents if you didn't finish your homework. I would get distracted easily and would never comprehend what I read and when she would ask me a question about a page we read and I would never give her an answer because I was not paying attention. Because of that, she flunked me and while everyone else got moved up to 2nd grade. I was still stuck in the first grade and had to meet new friends. I did not repeat the same grade with the same teacher, I had a nicer teacher and she did not flunk me. I did not go to the second grade there. I was transferred into a different school which is Eisenhower
What purpose does religion serve? Why does religion continue to play an important role in human life? Koenig (2009) declared that atheism is rare, and rather, 90% of the world’s population practices religion or spirituality. Religion and spirituality have ambiguous meanings and are not universally defined. Although difficult to adequately define, Koenig (2009) inferred that “religion is rooted in an established tradition that arises out of a group of people with common beliefs and practices concerning the sacred” (p. 284). Spirituality, however, is often defined on an individual basis and not necessarily connected to religious beliefs (Koenig, 2009). Researchers often relate spirituality to personal interaction with spiritual entities
In the Fall of the House of Usher, by Edgar Allan Poe, the writer creates a setting by describing the gloomy, isolated, and unpleasant atmosphere that the narrator encounters himself in. Poe writes: "During the whole of a dull, dark and soundless day in the autumn of the year" (pg. 675) and "the simple landscape features of the domain, upon the bleak walls... the vacant eye-like windows... a few rank sedges, and upon a few white trunks of decayed trees" (pg. 675). These two quotes are examples of mood the reader is induced into. Poe also uses words as "deficiency", "Gothic", "decayed", "strange" "mystic" and "mansion of gloom" to create a consistent mood throughout the story. Without further inspection to the story, it is easy to say that
As an adolescent I had many birth issues and illnesses including asthma. These issues had kept me out of school, giving me less time to learn the basics of reading, writing, and math. Because my mother coached varsity volleyball at Novi High School, most of my childhood was spent in the gym. My father did not always have the best grades, in fact high school was the same for both of us; however, as he continued to college he had increased his study habits and earned himself over a 3.0 GPA. My two sisters are both really school smart, and then there was me, the one who struggled with school. In my Junior year my father got sick and I was on constant worry about my family and how he was doing. School became harder for me to focus on because of this issue and none of my teachers helped me out with the number of assignments. Family was always first with us, then it was education and school, and continued off with friends and fun such as sports.
I was out of place, a quiet girl whose clothing was obviously not fashionable, lucky if she had a bag lunch, and no reason to be confident. I was picked on relentlessly by others who recognized an easy target. My chaotic home life was never conducive to good grades, or school for that matter. No one I knew was a role model and no one volunteered to step up to be one. With no social life and a toxic home life, my grades plummeted before they had a chance to climb.
The author seeks to differentiate ‘end-of-life-care’ from palliative care in the context of symptom management. The former being comfort care for advanced incurable illness and the latter being the managing quality of life in acute or chronic patients. The focus of palliative care is pain management but the unpredictable referral point means patients can have an array of presenting symptoms for an indeterminate time period. Some of the symptoms include nausea, vomiting, dyspnoea, and delirium. Symptoms that can cause significant distress and discomfort to a patient if not managed. Therefore, individualized care is necessary for proper holistic treatment in palliative care.
One reason is that the alignment with my interests. For as long as I remember, I love science and math. I was really good and never had any problem in my classes. I was horrible
Many characteristics of ADHD children are socially appropriate and desirable. Their zest, tirelessness, enthusiasm, intensity, curiosity, and life of the party energy have their useful moments and serve as social catalysts. Researches believe there is a link between ADHD and giftedness. ADHD children have rich imaginations and can quickly generate new and different ideas. They also seem to be aware of sensations that others miss. They can combine unrelated ideas in ways so their art productions and written compositions show a special measure of creativity. When ADHD children are treated biochemically, these personal expressions display even greater variety, depth, and attention to detail. Some of the most creative people in history, including Thomas Edison, had this disorder.
When I was a young boy I was not the smartest, most interactive, nor the best behaved. It was like this because I did not have anything to motivate me through school, in addition, I was a reckless young boy. It got to the point to where my father started losing his hair. Furthermore, it was the beginning of middle school for me, I did not know what to expect, but I was
Life has been an uphill battle since I could remember. I was always seen as the outcast, the girl with a crazy mind. I am the girl with a crazy mind. I think, act, and speak differently from other people in my school. I am very hyper with lots of energy while everyone is calm and relaxed. I am able to comprehend things much faster than my peers and even my teachers. I don’t need to sit down and wait for someone to explain something to me I just speed right through it. I have been a fast learner all my life and I have been ahead of everyone from day one. I am thirteen years old and I have already graduated from high school. I could have graduated two years ago but being that I am so hyper my teachers didn’t think I was mature enough to graduate.