The United States Government is mainly controlled by two different political parties. These parties are called the Democrats and the Republicans. Most people lean towards one or the other because of specific beliefs they hold that they will not compromise on. I am a Democrat because I stand firm on LGBT rights, a woman’s right to choose to terminate a pregnancy, and that more drastic measures need to be taken on environmental problems.
Before I defend why I am a Democrat a little background is in order. The Democratic Party can trace its origins back to 1792 where it was started up by followers of Thomas Jefferson (ironically their original name was the Republican party, but it evolved over time) ("Democratic Party"). According to the Democrats official website, “Democrats believe that we're greater together than we are on our own—that this country succeeds when everyone gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same rules.” (“About our Party”). Conversely the Republican Party was started up in 1854 by people who opposed slavery and two years later in 1856 the first Republican convention was held. The Republican
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Most Republicans are against same sex marriages and legislation to protect their rights for a safe and happy life. They are refusing an entire community the right to love and marry who they want to, to be who they are, and to be protected from blatant discrimination. On the Republican’s website they say this about same sex marriage: “We do not accept the Supreme Court’s redefinition of marriage and we urge its reversal” ("2016 GOP Platform"). They are telling a whole community that their love for one another shouldn’t be right. They are calling for the end of one of the LGBT community's biggest victories and happiest moment in America. I can never understand or accept the Republican stance on this matter. These are people, and they deserve to be treated as
Political parties today started to form in the late 1600’s. In 1787, Hamilton and other leaders joined and called themselves the Federalist. The Federalist party is the party which is most qualified for the presidency because the Federalist want a central government, want to avoid foreign affairs, and also want a central banking system. First a strong central governments.
The Democratic Party was in favor of the rights of the states and the people and believed that the people should get to decide whether or not slavery was legal or not legal (illegal). In the year 1854, Senator Stephen Douglas who was from the state of Illinois, wanted to run for president, and he wanted southern Democrats to support him. He created the Kansas-Nebraska Act in question of slavery. The Kansas-Nebraska Act supported popular sovereignty. Popular sovereignty means the “rule by the people”. If the country were to vote for Stephen Douglas, the Missouri Compromise would be repealed, or cancelled. The southerners would like The Kansas-Nebraska Act, meaning that this would help Douglas to win the election. Although, the northerners were
This political party is very strict to their views and use history to show how a traditional marriage is the only logical way to continue a working society. Republican believe since homosexuals are unable to reproduce, they are unwilling to have a functional family, which is why they do not agree with same-sex marriage. Since the republicans did not pass this bill same-sex marriage is still currently today illegal in Wyoming. By not passing this bill in Laramie this shows that there is still ignorance throughout both the town of Laramie, the state of Wyoming, and the country of the United States of America. This ignorance will continue to roam throughout Laramie until change happens fully accepting all homosexuals as equal members of the
Government has been a paramount piece of the United States’s development after July 4, 1776. The role of government has been pivotal to the process of how America operates today. Government is an important part of America’s society because it protects individual rights of people. Government is a forever changing entity because it is a necessity to satisfy the people’s demands. As a political party, Democrats and Republicans have many views on different topics in America. Although the Democrats and Republicans may have different stances on modern issues in America, many of these politicians seem to have the same attitude toward changing policies on these issues/government. I believe that the democratic party is more appropriate party to represent the United States because of their philosophy. The traditional values of America needs to be altered and the democratic party represents the change that America needs. The democratic party best represents an ever-changing society by exemplifying the desires of the citizens as is apparent in their policies in regards to abortion, gun control, and same-sex marriage.
There is a Historical list of reasons why I am a Democrat. The Democratic Party believes in a healthy administration, the elevation of the community and social responsibility. It is very same the party that took a stand for the jobs & economy, gay rights, civil rights, health care, Social Security, unions, and women's rights. The Democratic Party also home to the most iconic and influential presidents that would forever leave their mark on American history such as Barack Obama, John F. Kennedy, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Day by day the Democratic Party fights in House and in U.S. Senate to push forward important reforms that are often in the face of Republican rejection. Through the years the American people have turned to Democrats to
The American political system is made up of primarily two parties, Democrats and Republicans. These parties go against each-other for many political positions, such as presidency. Each supports and opposes different issues. The Democratic Party supports a bigger government and believes the government should guide the people. They are known as Liberals because typically they like change. The Republican Party supports a smaller government and believes the people should guide the government. They are known as Conservatives because they are in favor of the core laws of this country. Some people do not consider themselves Democratic or Republican. Not all members agree with the majority vote of their party. Each party has a majority
However, they do support the repeal of discriminatory laws and policies against members of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community. The Republicans on the other hand support legislations that would make it a felony to issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple and for any civil official to perform a marriage ceremony for such. I agree with the Democratic Party’s platform for multiple reasons. The main reason is that we should all be afforded equal rights. The LGBT community is continuously refused rights that the typical American is granted on a daily basis. Marriage is one of those rights. A couple should not be denied something as sacred as marriage simply because the beliefs or religion of another human being do not agree with it. After all it is solely about the legal aspect of it and getting the legal approval not the religious one. A same-sex couple is not harming anybody by joining in marriage. Some may argue that they don’t want to see it in their environment because it goes against their religion. In that case we would ban secular music, swear words and any other walk of life that doesn’t agree with a certain way of thinking. By taking away their right to marry you are taking away their rights to a stable retirement that they have both put money into. Couples who are LGBT are not exempt from paying taxes just like heterosexual couples so they shouldn’t be denied the same
At one point or another we had all heard the words Republican and Democrats each party has its own purpose and i on the neutral side. Republicans think that there should be tax cuts for every individual both people and corporations and factories. On the other hand Democrats think there should only be some cuts for the middle and low income families and believe there should be a higher tax on corporations and wealthy individuals. Also the republican tend to be conservative on the social issues the oppose gay marriage and promote the marriage being between a woman and a man another thing they also disagree on is abortion and the right of gun ownership. Therefore Democrats are more progressive in their thoughts they favor abortion
For centuries, two main political parties, the Democratic Party, and the Republican Party, have divided the United States government. The Democrats are considered the liberal political party and can trace its roots all the way back to Thomas Jefferson when they were known as Jefferson’s Republicans and they strongly opposed the Federalist Party and their nationalist views. Republicans are considered the conservative political party and try to uphold more traditional values. The Republican Party came into existence just prior to the Civil War due to their long-time stance in favor of the abolition of slavery. In 1860, they became an established political party when their nominee Abraham Lincoln was elected as President of the United States. Since their inception, the Republican and Democratic Party have had many disputes about policies. One of these major debates has focused on educational funding in the United States. The parties have different views on the education system of the country, but both agree there needs a change in some way. Democrats favor more progressive approaches to education, such as implementing the Common Core System, while Republicans tend to favor more conservative changes such as longer hours and more focused programs to better educational resources. In Virginia, Republicans from 1990 to 2013 worked to provide better educational funding more prominently than Democrats.
In 1824, John Quincy Adams became the 6th president of the United States. The candidates of the 1824 election were John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, Andrew Jackson, and William Crawford. All four of them were part of the same political party, Democratic-Republican. The two main candidates were Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams. John C. Calhoun was elected vice president with a majority of the votes.
In conclusion, both the Democratic and the Republican Parties have the interest and the wellbeing of the citizens at heart. Despite, the Republicans are known to be a much more conservative party on all issue; their ideology was the best for the American people in the sense that they believed their system was fair and benefited to every American. Again, the Republicans believe that people should be able to live in greater freedom and prosperity if they encourage and directed to the right path in their decisions. One unique thing their ideology is that despite numerous challenges and modifications, this ideology has been able to persist through over the years and shape the nation and government in various historic ways. This is a true testament
I would consider myself neither a Democrat nor a Republican. When I first began to vote, I voted Republican. My father was a republican and had instilled his thoughts and beliefs in his children. As I have grown older I feel that the Republican Party has gotten away from who they used to be and has become a party more for the rich and ultra-religious. My first time voting democrat was for the 2008 presidential election of former president Barack Obama. I listened and watched as he campaigned about the changes that he would bring if he was elected. With parents and in-laws that were growing older I wanted his health care reform to bring more affordability to their medical care. Obama did try to pass health care reform, but failed to pass something
The Republican Party has a total of 18 US presidents that were in office, the most of any political party to date. The Republican Party started with Abraham Lincoln and working its way down to George W Bush. The first start of the Party was in February, 1854, when antislavery Whigs met together to discuss a formation of a new political party. One such meeting on March 20th, 1854, in Wisconsin, is remembered as the Founding meeting of the Republican Party. The Civil War made the Republican Party victorious, but by 1876, the Republican Party had lost control of the South, but it continued to dominate the presidency until the election of FDR in 1933. Its humble beginnings began its triumphant start in its victories in congress as well as the world.
The Democratic Party is one of two major political parties in the United States. I associate myself as a Democrat for the reason of their liberal views. The Democratic Party tends to be more liberal and support the views like same sex marriage, immigration, and social and economic equality. Many of the views the party stands for and beliefs tie to my beliefs. Some of the key priorities of the Democratic Party are the Economy, Poverty and Homelessness, Education, Healthcare Policy, Social Security and Medicare, Immigration, and Gun Policy.
In the book called Miracle at Camp Friendship, by Sarah Hopewell, the theme of the book was about friendship and children getting along with others. The author described this friendship through Pudge, Racer, Booker, Miriam, Susie and Ronny during a weekend retreat, where the real challenge was said to be a test of the heart. An interesting statement the author made, referenced how God could do unexpected things in our lives, which could bring out special miracles. The next couple of paragraphs will show how God did unexpected things and that through these events produced miracles that bonded them together as life long friends. The unexpected thing that occurred with Pudge was when Ronny chose him to be his buddy at camp.