
Two Girls By Jacob Eichholtz Essay

Decent Essays

I chose the painting Two Girls ( It was painted by Jacob Eichholtz in Lancaster, Pennsylvania in 1820. The reason I chose this piece of art was because I felt it would give me a challenge. There are not many things you can modernize in this painting. The artist gave me two young ladies, a book, two dresses, and a background, as you can see I do not have many options to change. However, I accept this challenge. My first step in modernizing this painting, was seeking out the obvious changes I could make, such as the book. Then I thought harder, and started looking for objects and ideas that did not seem so obvious to see, for example, the girls are both similar in age and very alike. In my modernized picture they are …show more content…

In the background of the painting, there is nothing but a dark wall, however in my background I have cars, a field, lights, power poles, schools, buildings, and many other things. The background in my picture is incredible, it combines farming and electricity, look at the field. Doesn’t it look like a regular field that someone would grow crops in? It is, just like they used to! However, notice the cars, the schools, the buildings, all of the objects I’m pointing out are improvements our world has made. The first school in America was built in 1635, it was small, probably only one classroom with no electricity or water. Now, schools has over 300 classrooms in them and electricity everywhere. We now have cars to take us from here to there, we have so many things that help us with everyday activities, and that is why I chose this painting to modernize. I chose it because it was bland, it had only a few objects and I transformed it into the world we see now. I modernized a picture that I thought was going to be a challenge, however, I had so much fun doing it, I had fun showing how our world has

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