
Two Main Characters: Pearl Louie Brandt And Winnie Louie

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The setting throughout the novel takes place in various cities in California, as well as islands in China. The two main characters of the novel are Pearl Louie Brandt and Winnie Louie. Pearl is the daughter of Winnie Louie. She is a women that is stuck in between two cultures. She is very distanced from her mother. They did not have a strong and close relationship. She even kept secrets from her mother. At the beginning of the novel it is very noticeable that Pearl feels out of place with her Chinese culture. Winnie Louie is the main narrator of the novel. She is a women who suffered very much throughout her life. She is a Chinese immigrant who migrated to America. Winnie lost her mother at a very young age and married into a very abusive marriage. The suffering she went through made her extremely strong. The novel is told in first person, always changing between Pearl’s point of view to her mother’s, Winnie. The novel begins …show more content…

Auntie Helen has a similar conversation with Winnie, when she tells her that she must tell Pearl the truth about her past. At this point the point of view switches to Winnie’s when she begins to tell the story of her past. We find out that before she made it to the United States, she lived a life full of turmoil and suffering. She was abandoned by her mother, and then later married into a marriage with a man named Wen Fu, which turned out to be a disaster. Winnie suffered physical and mental abuse from Wen Fu. Winnie later met Jimmy Louie, during a war, who she loved so much, and turned out to be an amazing husband and father to her kids. When she tried to divorce Wen Fu to escape from him, he raped her. Winnie mentioned that she had always tried to love Pearl more at the thought of her possibly being Wen Fu’s

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