
Two-Process Theory Vs. Operant Conditioning

Decent Essays

Two-process theory and on one process theory are two theories that describe avoidance. The two-process theory incorporates the use of operant conditioning and Pavlovian classical conditioning, which differs in one-process theory because that theory only involves operant conditioning. The two-process theory suggests that escaping is the way to learning, which is may confuse people because it is classified as a theory of avoidance. The term “escape” is used to better describe the theory because the animals will experience an US and then will learn a CS from this experience. The subject will then figure out a method to escape that stimulus in the future, and will no longer will be affected by the CS. When the subject is trying to “escape” …show more content…

As mentioned earlier this theory only looks at one aspects, which is operant conditioning. Avoidance and escape are reinforced when there is less aversive stimulus. Another distinction between both theories is that the one-process theory shows that that less of something could be a reinforcer. In the two-process theory totally neglected the idea that no reinforcer could be reinforcing. In the same way as the two-process theory states that the subject will continue a behavior to avoid another. The one-process theory believes that as well, but it has an idea on how to deviate that behavior. To reduce the escaping behavior that behavior will have to be impacted. What it meant by this is that the subject would not be able to perform the escaping behavior, and that would reduce that behavior. Once the subject learns that the CR response is no longer there they will slowly start not to perform the escaping behavior as often. Not all of today’s researchers full agree with the one-process theory. Some researchers are still making the case to support the two-process theory, so it is hard to tell which theory explains the ideas

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