Gr 1-4-Two Pura Belpre Honor Award winners have created a moving portrait of New York City's first Puerto Rican librarian, a woman whose work has inspired generations of young people in the communities she served. It's 1929, and Hildamar, who arrived in northern Manhattan only a few months before, misses the warmth and holiday celebrations of Puerto Rico. At school, she meets Pura Belpre, who tells her class stories in Spanish and English, explains that the library belongs to everyone, and invites them to visit during winter vacation. Hildamar comes to hear Ms. Belpre's tales, see her puppets, and make wishes as she blows out the storyteller's candle. When she announces plans for a Three Kings' Day fiesta, the members of northern Manhattan's
If I were inducted in the Abeneefoo Kuo Honor Society, I would love to see the organization expand and become more active on campus. There are so many organizations on campus that acknowledge and celebrate the African American race that this organization may not receive the recognition it deserves. I would love to see this organization spread its admiration for academic excellence by starting a tutoring program for kids in the Athens area. By lending our wits and mentorship to the students in the area, we will bridge the gap between the campus and the surrounding community. We can also host fun events for the students at the end of each semester and provide incentives to encourage them to exceed inside and outside the classroom. As the Programming
Many elements offered ascend to the annihilation of the British in the American Revolution. In the first place there was the way that the British didn't know the area. Without a doubt, the British knew the format of the greater part of the urban communities in America on the grounds that they had been quartered and possessed these urban areas. So obviously they'll beat the pilgrim at these urban communities in light of the fact that the British armed force was prepared at close battle. They out coordinated the pioneers in ability and experience and supplies. However, when they began their boondocks battle that would've crushed the Rebels, the tides changed. The British were currently experiencing the woods and spots that British warriors, generally, have never ventured foot in. The agitators took
Colombia was ahead of the times because they allowed blacks to attend the college, however, many chose not to because of the discrimination they would face. In her class there was 11 women and 6 black men leaving Bessie to be the only colored woman in the dentistry school. Bessie works hard to excel in her classes and show that one can be smart and talented even though they are black and a woman. Despite her always being at the top of the class, Bessie faces perpetual persecution as she is always singled out for her mistakes rather than her accomplishments. Her white fellow classmates attempted over 5 times to get Bessie kicked out of the school by accusing her of stealing because that’s what “her people do”.
The first theme of the book is the life of Carmen, “My mom was born in a place called Piedras Negras…a small town in Aguascalientes, Mexico…. I understand that my grandparents were very wealthy and had disowned her when she married my grandfather because of the class issue”(Romero 17). In this quote,
I believe I would be a valuable member of the National Junior Honor Society because I meet many of the four pillars, scholarship, service, leadership, and character, which NJHS represents. I partake in many after extra-curricular activities such as, rec soccer, rec cheer leading, TAG, the middle school musical, district band, after school volunteering, and in the student government; service. For leadership I am in the student government for my class. My grades have never been lower than honors, and the previous marking period and this marking period I have retained high honors. I believe that I am a well-rounded person and very encouraging and helpful
I have always found being inducted into National Honor Society (NHS) as great privilege. NHS requires certain qualities to be withheld by the members, and the organization is based on four core elements: character, scholarship, leadership, and service. In order to be inducted, an individual must demonstrate each of these attributes and must continue to exhibit these qualities after induction. This organization has kept me involved with my school and community and has also made me a better person.
I believe that I would be a good representative for the National Junior Honor Society because I represent the five qualities of a member of the organization: scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship, and character. I have leadership skills from programs like Girl Scouts, softball, and Student Council. I’ve volunteered in many service projects including Christmas bags for foster children, playing piano at a hospice center, volunteering at a food bank, teaching brownies (2nd to 3rd graders) how to camp at a Girl Scout camp, passing out flowers to rooms in a hospice center, and passing out care packages to the homeless. I have amazing citizenship skills such as following rules and laws in not only the classroom but in my community, teaching
Since entering SMU in the fall of 2013 I have had the honor and privilege of meeting some of the most outstanding indivuals. SMUs black population represents the crème of the crop. I say this because despite the numerous obstacles that society has placed in our way, we are all still here. We represent countless black people that continue to fight in the battle against oppression. When there isn’t a way we make a way. We make spaces for ourselves such as ABS, NPHC, SSS and BME. I have gone to numerous forums, meetings, film showings, service events, fish fry’s, barbeques, step shows, talent shows, church outings, teas, demonstrations, fundraisers and numerous other events with the goal of supporting my black brothers and sisters. The black community
Although the book’s titular character is Oscar de Leon, he shares chapters with his sister, his mother, his college roommate, Yunior (revealed to be the book’s narrator), and his mother’s parents, the Cabrals. By representing a family with different personalities—Oscar is overweight, and nerdy while Lola is powerful and independent, for example—Díaz creates a microcosm for all Dominican immigrants. Each chapter (and character) in the past is melded into the story in the present, and in this way, the momentum and excitement is never lost until the very last
After being inducted into National Honor Society my junior year, I have been working with children at Matoaca Elementary School on a weekly basis to gain the community service hours the honor society requires. I work alongside the computer teacher to assist in helping kindergarteners learn how to use a computer. Many of these children had never used a mouse or a keyboard, and some didn't know all of their numbers and letters. The progress they have made since September has made me very proud of them, and the educational activities they do on the computer has helped them improve their math and reading skills. Before I started to volunteer there, I had never been exposed to an environment where I was to fill the role of an educator and role model
As a result of the size of Stamps, and the people that inhabited the town, there was very little you could do without the whole town knowing. Throughout Maya Angelou’s and Bailey’s childhood they were constantly limited by the narrow-minded town and in San Francisco they gained the freedom to expand their minds. In San Francisco they left Momma’s disciplined ways and benefited from Vivian’s laid back ways. Considering this independence that they children were given, they reacted well and due to it, they realized who they were as a person and were able to
One important activity on the list, is being involved in the National Honors Society. This organization recognizes scholars and well-rounded students in middle and high school. These students better themselves at being active community members and exhibiting profound leadership skills. I have the opportunity to be a part of this nationally known organization.
The autobiography When I was Puerto Rican, written by Esmeralda Santiago, tells a story of a poor girl trying to succeed. The settings in this novel have an important influence on Esmeralda. They influence her behavior and change her ideals as an adult. Negi goes through many changes based on the challenges she faces by moving to new locations where society is different. All of these changes allow her to become a stronger person. When she lives in El Mangle, Negi has to face extreme prejudice against her upbringing as a jibara. When she leaves Puerto Rico to move to Brooklyn, she is forced to face an entirely different society. All of these events that took place in Esmeralda’s childhood had a significant impact in shaping her into an adult.
In the book The House on Mango Street, author Sandra Cisneros presents a series of vignettes that involve a young girl, named Esperanza, growing up in the Latino section of Chicago. Esperanza Cordero is searching for a release from the low expectations and restrictions that Latino society often imposes on its young women. Cisneros draws on her own background to supply the reader with accurate views of Latino society today. In particular, Cisneros provides the chapters “Boys and Girls” and “Beautiful and Cruel” to portray Esperanza’s stages of growth from a questioning and curious girl to an independent woman. Altogether, “Boys and Girls” is not like “Beautiful and Cruel” because Cisneros reveals two different maturity levels in Esperanza;
Marta Salinas’s realistic fiction story, “The Scholarship Jacket” is the story of a Mexican-American girl who lives in Texas. Marta is not at all part of the wealthiest family, but she still strives to maintain the highest grades possible in order to receive a scholarship jacket. This scholarship jacket was awarded to the class valedictorian, but Marta’s race seems to get in the way, making a tough conflict for her and her family. This conflict helps convey the theme of wisdom can teach life lessons and is demonstrated by various craft moves throughout the story like imagery and having Marta question herself.