
Essay on Two Research Studies into Animal Navigation

Decent Essays

Two Research Studies into Animal Navigation

Keeton conducted a study regarding the ability of pigeon’s to navigate. It was suggested that pigeons are able to detect the earth’s magnetic field, and therefore navigate with this aid. An experiment carried out to explore this possibility. Small magnets were attached to the heads of pigeons which were then released in unfamiliar surroundings. The magnets were designed to disrupt any detection of the earth’s magnetic field. The pigeon’s ability to find it’s way back to it’s home loft was then observed. It was found that the pigeons had difficulty returning home on overcast days, but had very little difficultly doing so on clear, sunny days. This …show more content…

These butterflies were found to be headed in a different direction to the original butterflies. Their path’s were at a 90 degree angle from the path’s of the normal butterflies. This suggested that the butterflies headed in a certain direction according to where they believe the sun should be for the time of day they believed it to be. It was also found that the butterflies did not respond to changes in magnetic fields suggesting that their primary compass system is based on the sun.

b) Assess what these studies can tell us about homing and/or migration.

Both studies suggest that animals do not necessarily use just one method to navigate. Keeton’s studies shows pigeon’s to use both magnetic field and the sun depending on the weather condition. This demonstrates that animals are able to adapt their navigational strategy accordingly as it is essential for survival. However, in Mouritsen and Frost’s experiment, it was suggested that butterflies only utilise one strategy of navigation; the sun. Even in cloudy conditions butterflies are said to use patterns of polarised light visible through the clouds. In this case, the idea that animals adapt to different weather conditions cannot be put forward. The butterflies were able to navigate their direction even when the sun was not actually present. This puts forward the idea that animals do not necessarily

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