
Two Scavengers in a Truck,Two Beautiful People in Mercedes and Nothings Changed

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Two Scavengers in a Truck,Two Beautiful People in Mercedes and Nothings Changed

Compare and contrast of two poems from different cultures-

‘Two Scavengers in a Truck, Two beautiful People in Mercedes’ and ‘Nothings Changed’.

‘Two Scavengers in a Truck, Two Beautiful People in Mercedes’ by
Lawrence Ferlinghetti, is a poem about four very different people brought together by traffic lights turning red. The poet is protesting against the inequalities within a democracy. ‘Nothings
Changed’ by Tatamkhulu Afrika, is a poem which is also protesting, but about the way black people are treated in a place where the poet used to live, in District Six, in South Africa, where apartheid took place.

In the poem ‘Two Scavengers in a …show more content…

This description creates the image of a couple who have a very laid-back lifestyle and are cool but without effort. The poet describes the woman as ‘casually coifed’. These are two contrasting ideas; it creates the idea that the woman is looking very casual, although she also looks very neat. It also suggests that she has spent a lot of time and money trying to achieve this look. The poet describes the mans clothes as ‘a hip three piece linen suit’. This makes the reader imagine a smartly dressed man, who also looks very cool, again without effort. The couple are described as going to his artchitect’s office.

This suggests that the man is an architect and owns his own office. It is possible that the woman works there too. The fact that he is an artchitect suggests that the couple are very well off and probably have a very elaborate lifestyle.

The poet describes the four people brought together by the tracffic lights- ‘And the very red light for an instant

holding all four close together

as if anything were possible

between them’

This suggests that because they are all at the traffic lights together anything could happen and that the four people could even become friends. Nevertheless, the reader knows that this will never happen.

The poet also describes both the man in the Mercedes and one of the garbage men as having sunglasses on, and that although this connects them in some ways there

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