So when I was a kid, I would race up to the top of the stairs as fast as I could, like it was some sort of silly game. Well, I must have been five or six at the time. I'm not sure, but I know I was very little. Somewhere along the way, a voice at the top of the stairs started to whisper to me. It would make bets with me, such as... "I bet you a penny you can't make it to the top of the stairs." I don't really think there was a certain amount of time or anything. As I said, I was very little so I probably didn't have any counting abilities anyway. Ha. I recall just sitting at the top of the stairs, having conversations with this voice, about the betting, of course. :p
Eventually the voice (it was like a whisper of a man's voice, not my own voice in my head) started to bet me my life. Instead of pennies, it'd say "I bet you your life you can't make it up the stairs blah blah."
As I got older it stopped. I never really thought about it at all. I never mentioned it to anyone... UNTIL one night I was sleeping over at my brother's place (I was about eighteen, he was twenty-two) and we were talking about "spooky" stories. Out of nowhere I brought up the "voice at the top of the stairs" and my brother got all quiet and weird. Before I even mentioned the betting aspect, he said "Did it make bets with you?"
We both looked at eachother, horrified.
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Every time I walked past my bathroom door (which was constantly since it was right outside my bedroom) I saw a little girl with blond curled hair and a rose-colored dress. She just stood there, staring, looking like a photograph from 1905. I started keeping the door closed so I could walk by without seeing her, but she was always there when I opened it. Once I stepped in past her, I couldn't see her anymore but I could feel her there. She scared me, but I felt really sorry for her because she was trapped there, just like me, but probably
When I was extended seven feet above the ground, I knew we had succeeded. My two bases were in front of me and my backspot was behind me. I heard the familiar counts of my backspot “one, two, three, four”, I bounced and pushed myself up into my bases waiting hands, “five, six, seven, eight”, I straightened as my bases lifted me up to chest level. I locked my knees and stayed tight. I put on a smile and looked ahead. I felt my backspot release her hold on my ankles. I heard her voice once again, “extension, one, two, three, four”, I brought my hands down to my sides and focused on staying tight as I slowly rose, “five, six, seven, eight. I was all the way up. Then a few moments later I heard the counts as they brought me to chest level then back down to the ground. We had done it, we had hit the stunt and did an extension.
After Dallas had convinced everyone else that going to the bar and getting shit-faced was a good idea. She was forced to go as well. Seeing as how she was practically their baby sitters. Darry stayed behind with Johnny and Pony, not wanting them to go. While she was stuck with Dally, Steve, Two-Bit, and Soda. And she as the designated driver. They all looked old enough to be drinking, even though they weren't, so they got to go into the bar.
Doctor Larry Smith was the Pediatrician in Toombs County for as long as I can remember. He was well-known and loved in the community and a member of Lyons First United Methodist Church. Dr. Larry was married and he had two daughters, one stepdaughter and a stepson.
Hey, man! What's up? I'll tell you this, there are a lot of things that I
I had an idea of what I could do.... My parents had an Old Ouija board in the attic that I always wondered about and was always curious to take it out, I wanted answers of why this was happening to me and why my house. So after my parents went out to the store I went to the attic and took down the Ouija board and uncovered it, I went to my room where this was happening the most and took the little glass piece and asked the board “Is anyone there” The board started to shake and my heart started to beat I wanted to run away but I wanted answers. The piece quickly moved to “Yes” and I almost had a panic attack, I kept asking what it was doing in my house and on the mirror across my room a demon appeared and waved to me... Then the mirror shattered all over my floor and the Ouija board thrown around. I had chills all over my body scared to even move. I couldn’t take this anymore, and knew it was just going to get worse... And it
I asked if someone was there if they could make a noise and I heard a knock. I asked again two more times and got a knock immediately after. I sat in a chair that was in the boiler room and asked in my mind, if anybody was there, could they tell me there name. I heard a girls voice say “Stephanie”. I stood up and went to the back of one of the furnaces and I saw three or four, what looked like, tannish-brown colored foot prints up high, as if walking in the air towards the ceiling. As I came back around the furnace, I heard Stephanie say she was hiding. I asked in my mind, who she was hiding from? It sounded like she said she was hiding from someone older. Like older kids, the janitor, teacher or principal. Right before we left the boiler room, I felt Stephanie was trapped there or in the school.
I awoke shivering afraid of the nightmare I had just had. It’s all because of the stories my brother told me, they aren’t true, I told myself. He always called me a loser. He always said “Zack you’re a baby!” Tonight I’ll show him, tonight is my revenge. I kept saying in my mind I’m not afraid. As I walked downstairs to go to my brother’s room in the basement I was passing the happy birthday decorations for me from two days ago. I remember the Dairy Queen Ice Cream cake in my mouth with the delicious frosting that said “Happy birthday fourteen year old!” When I opened the door to the basement I swear I saw something move. I reminded myself I am not a baby, and as I went down to the second step I heard what was down there. It sounded like fingernails being screeched across a chalk board.
I admit there was some things I knew was fake, but my ignorance got the best of me. They employees working at the exhibit turn the lights off, and a ghost came wandering through the room like a black cat wandering the streets, like it was abandoned.I was scared out of my mind, not knowing that they were doing some stupid effects. I hid behind my mom like a coward, and even though my mom told me that It was fake, I was still anxious . I was so scared, so terrified, I felt like as if my worst nightmare was coming true, right in front of my eyes. After the visit, me and my family decided to come home and get some sleep. I was really late and night when we returned, but I stayed up all night thinking about that ghost, as almost I was sleep
I woke up in the middle of the night. The sound of a coin dropping ringed in my ear, I was dazed. I tried to ignore it as I have done before, but the sound grew louder and louder until I could not bear it any more. I took it
For most of my adolescence and more intensely through puberty, I would have these peculiar but hyperreal daydreams of my mother at the end of this long white hall. They felt like waking
I went camping this summer for my friend’s birthday, It was a lot of fun and I have so many great memories from that trip. Marshmallows roasting,going swimming,screaming was so much fun. We also played volleyball and our ball almost fell into their fire. They didn’t care though everyone here was happy,happy kids,happy dogs,even elder people had smiles on their faces. We took a walk down to the dock and at one point it came up and bounced. For that moment I thought we were about to go flying into the water. Everything stopped and I grabbed a hold of the dock. Then we roasted marshmallows and most of them ended up on Jaydin’s little cousins' faces. When it was time to go back into the camper we played the try not to sing challenge.
I remember when the phone would ring, and I would be the only one around to answer it. I would answer the phone and some silly voice would come across the phone. It was always my papaw talking some crazy stuff. He once told me that it was Smokey the Bear, and that he was there to control the forest fires. Some other times he would ask for a pizza. There was never a time that you would answer the phone and not let out a giggle.
I explained in a rush to my friend as we were driving,to this house I kept seeing in my dreams,it’s been haunting me ever since I turned fifteen. But I don’t know why. “Nice scary story Danny,but I still don’t believe you.” I rolled my eyes and looked out the window smacking my lips in the process “How many variations do you need Maria.” She snickered,she knew I was a little frustrated about this situation,she always would refer to the person in my dreams as ‘The Trapped Ghost’ sometimes I’d laugh at it,sometimes I’d get mad at it but know I really need answers.
When I was younger, I never really believed in ghosts, but this experience changed my life. A long time ago, around the age of thirteen, I was in a lot of things that caused me to be labeled as a troublemaker. It was so bad that one time (ironically right before winter break) my parents thought it would be the best to come up with the ultimate punishment for me. They decided to leave me at home for a week while they were off on an extravagant vacation to the mountains. The first night before they left, they gave me a list of chores to do. Now, in the back on my mind, I was thinking how such a tuff guy like myself would not be doing any chores because chores were for the weak and spineless. Once they walked out the door, I began to make at least an attempt to actually read the list that was given to me, but after reading over the list, which was rather long, I balled it up and threw it right in the trash, not thinking about any of the consequences. I darted upstairs and hopped straight on my Xbox where I remained for a few hours until things started to get a little strange in the middle of the night.
I’m deep asleep at my parents’ house in Mexico. Its three in the morning and then a sudden jolt of my sister’s hand on my shoulder wakes me up abruptly. Back when this happened I was eight years old and my sister and I shared bedrooms. I still remember how surprised and confused I was when she woke me up its all still vividly in my head. I might still also remember this event due to how scary it was. I had never expected to see my sister spooked out like she was that morning. Then again, I don’t blame her after hearing those eerie sounds I was also scared. I guess you never know when you might be awakened from your peaceful sleep to be surprised by someone.