What are two things that worth fighting for?
This prompt is asking the to things that are important to you and are they worth fighting for.It could be your family,education, or your own life.Some people would choose education because they want to learn and get good grades so they would fight for their education.Some people would choose their family because they don’t want someone that they really care about be taken away from them.They would risk their life for the one they love.My family and education are the that are worth fighting for for me. My first thing worth fighting for is my family like my Dad,Mom,Brothers,and my cousins.I love and care about all of my family but the ones the most are these people.My Mom does alot for me she
Fight for your children! Fight for your future! Fight for your name to survive! Fight! For immortality!”
The veterans who have fought in these wars to protect our country. They were very giving and not selfish. They put peoples lives, that they didn’t even know, before their own. T
I care about all the people and their families that have lost their battle, those that are fighting and
Service. Challenge. Ethics. The motivation I have for attending a service academy can be summed up in these three words. Growing up in a military family, my life has always revolved around service, challenge and ethics. It is what is imbedded in me and it is what I strive to continue living by.
3. College is important to me because I will be the 2nd individual in my family to have a college degree. Despite being a single mother, working full-time, and a full-time student; I want to lead by an example for my daughter and show her that anything you set your mind to can be done!
Education, family, and friends have always been my number one, but there's more of a story to tell. My family contains four members, my father John, my mother Dana, and my sister Hailey. My dad works for the military, Air force. He does a big favor to our country and I am proud to be his daughter. My mom Dana, is a CNA at Heritage nursing home. She wants to start her own photography business. My
During the Revolutionary War many Americans gave their property, their families, and their lives in exchange for freedom. Would you be willing to die so that someone else could be free? Would you give up all your precious and beloved possessions to a cause that seems hopeless and impossible? Is freedom really worth what it costs to obtain? Thomas Paine once said "those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it." So in other words men should fight if they wish to be free. Rab and the other minute
In the face of impossible odds, people who love this country can change it.” Freedom is worth fighting for and dying for because of our First Amendment rights such as religion, assembly, press, petition, and speech. Freedom is worth fighting for and dying for because if no one would fight for our country and our own rights then many of the future generations would possibly be tortured or even enslaved. The first example of why freedom is worth fighting for and dying for is The Sons of Liberty. The Sons of Liberty is a great example because they disagreed with the British rule of the 13 colonies.
Education. I believe it to be one of the greatest gifts this world could give us. My mother always told me that knowledge is power and that I could never learn enough. She taught me to love being the best I could be and to always want to know more, to question everything. There have been countless times that life has tried to take away my mom’s faith and strength, but she always felt the need to keep herself educated. When she needed to get somewhere, she walked. She had to. This improved her sense of direction and helped her in receiving a job as a postal carrier. From there, she became a federal police officer for the U.S. Postal Service. Working her way up, she was able to become a successful manager at a postal plant. But to get
To have a goal enables a person to do his/her best in whatever they set out to accomplish. Achieving academic excellence in high school has given me a love of learning. This desire for more knowledge propels me towards a college education that will prepare me to do my best in my future. Having the perseverance to become healthier has inspired me to work toward being a dietician. I have chosen this career goal because an increasing number of people in our country are struggling with obesity. In addition to these goals of a higher education and a career path, I would like to be a mother and raise my own family. Family is very important to me because I believe that family has a major influence on one’s personality. Without the influence of my family, I would not be who I am today.
The creation of the Bill of Rights, battles, and soldiers who died for us every day. These events and people all represent how I can live my life today, what I am allowed to do, and simply what I can even say. Freedom is not free, people shed blood for us and some even die, so that I could live in a free country. Freedom is my gift that I was given when I was adopted and through this whole year, I have learned who has sacrificed their life for my freedom and what events have impacted my freedom.
Education has always been an important foundation upon which my family encouraged the most. Not just the education pertaining to structured schooling, but the fundamentals in life that require you to interact in society and be a part of something bigger than yourself. They demonstrated how to commit to values such as responsibility, motivation, and consistency; and, how to be open-minded and passionate about the things you believe in. These things all required a sacrifice in various ways. They always stress how “sometimes you need to give up something to get ahead, or how sometimes sacrificing the familiar and what you expect from yourself to get the results that you are seeking in the long run.”
Crying and laughing, people experience many different emotions during different stages of their life. Sometimes they would find themselves dissatisfied almost every single moment when they assume that the world is not fulfilling their desire, in other words, their expectations on how the world supposes to be. Dan, an ordinary college student from the story Way of the Peaceful Warrior written by Dan Millman, faces the same obstacle as many others do. Although he has lived a pleased and content life, passion suddenly disappears from him. Such depression stops when he meets Socrates, an old man at the gas station, and learns inspirational lessons which connect to the Four Noble Truths from Socrates. The lessons promote great changes in Dan’s
Well for me my freedom is worth my life because at first I realize what it took to get this freedom, many wars, soldiers and grief just to get the very minimal and little freedom we have now. I am like
Millions of men and women have served in the armed forces before me and millions more will serve after. Some have paid the ultimate sacrifice; some lost and captured, others received wounds, physically and or emotionally, and that time