
Two Types in Society: Those Who Question and Those Who Accept

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There are two types of people in society, those whom question the realities endured daily and those whom go about life accepting their place in the world, not questioning it. When learning about social justice, one realized that society is not perfectly functioning like one might assume. One professor Bobbie, Harro broke down socialization into different stages of life and organized it into a cycle which exposes oppression, power, prejudice and privilege, all of which are still prominent in today whether people choose to accept it or not. Through his many stages, he discusses how oppression, power, and privilege are recreated through socialization. Harro’s Cycle of Socialization is a system that states that everyone is born into social …show more content…

As one begins to grow and mature, one begins to identify with a group of people and start to realize what is accepted behavior. These influences can come from our parents, loved ones, the schools we attend or even the area, which we live. This stage begins to influence how we look at differently at each type of group and begin to develop prejudices. This step opposes the idea of culture relativism, for this is an idea that no one culture is better than another (Brown, 2008). However this is an idea most assume America participates in. But it is in this stage that people are taught the type of people whom they should socialize with and the type of people they should be frightened of. This is also when we start seeing different privileges being granted, typically favoring whites. For example, if there are two college students fighting, one black and one white, the cops are more likely to side with the white teenager and place blame on the black one. This white privilege is typically an invisible knapsack, which most are not aware they have (McIntosh, 1988). This knapsack gives whites preference, they are more likely to be selected for a job, they are more likely to get paid more and they are even more likely to be treated better. To the end of the cycle we have the Results stage. This is when people typically self examine, and realize that the government does

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