The two-week plan was an absolute game changer for me. It helped structure my day on an hour by hour interval. This led to a productivity level never before seen. Simply, the two-week plan eliminated the good old habit of ‘wasting time doing nothing useful’ and left me on my feet. Every night before going to sleep, I would look over the next day’s schedule to get a sense of what was coming up. Those few minutes spent glancing over my smartphone, looking at the day ahead, turned out to significantly impact my mental peace. By knowing what was coming up hour by hour, I felt a feeling not often felt as a student in university, in control. All of a sudden the mountain of assignments, quizzes and tests appeared manageable. The sense of panic and …show more content…
Such measure was not limited to tasks that were of academic nature but everyday errands fell to the same contemplation. When drawing up my two-week plan I had set a specific start and end time for every activity and ideally hoped to finish the task within the anticipated time frame. But life isn’t a smooth line, it’s a big ugly scribble. There were times when my homework took longer than usual to complete. As a matter of fact, that was the case majority of the time. In particular, when completing the CIV100 problem sets, I always went over my designated timeframe. In such cases I would take the step of eliminating pending tasks by order of priority in order to finish the problem set. An example of this is I did not do my ESP readings before going to bed. Instead I finished my problem set, went to sleep and woke up early in order to catch up on the readings I had missed. In terms of events or obligations, I was able to meet my friend at UTM, explore the pharmacology department and buy the extension cord that I most definitely needed. Now if asked whether I legitimately went hour by hour according to my schedule, I would say
Time management and organization – Time management was critical this summer when juggling so many tasks at one time to ensure they all got accomplished by the specified due dates. One example of this was arranging my schedule so the videos got completed on time while still maintaining my high level of care for other assigned tasks.
In this essay I am going to talk about the five stages of life and also demonstrate my knowledge and understanding of the theories of Erikson and Maslow. I am going to apply these theories to a member of the madga family from the case study.
In life you encounter both good & bad. This is the same case in a play called The Crucible. Which a few girls change the lives of the town of Salem, Massachusetts where 19 people die including a farmer named John Proctor because of those few girls. There were 2 people who loved Proctor, his wife Elizabeth & one of the girls in the group named Abigail Williams. Elizabeth is a nice, truthful, & innocent person. While Abigail is a mean, lieing, & guilty person.
We all have a week or a month, when things are not as expected! Let me go back to one such week in 2017 it was the week that everything that happened was not expected. Before retelling the story, characters have to be introduced. The main characters are Noor, Alya, Abdullah, Aziz and I. They are my siblings. As for the other three, they are my girl cousins their names are Jawahar, Maha and Ghalya. As for the characters that are unnecessary and will only be mentioned once, they are my Aunt’s son and my Uncle’s son. Also, there are Ahmed, my Father, and Fahad my cousin who have both passed away. It was unexpected to have a week of grief.
Time-management is one of my core academic and employability skills I possess. This skill allows me to prioritise effectively, which includes planning workloads, alongside arriving in a timely manner to places such as work or university. Planning my time for university workloads ' is a strength I have, as I am able to organise and prepare myself, to meet coursework deadlines within the time period
From the data that I have collected in my two week time span for defining my problem, I was surprised to see that it utterly failed. My solution was not useful at all. I think how I used my time and resources before made much more sense than what I thought was a good idea.
Life is complex looking on how photosynthesis occurs there is so many steps involved. This means to me that life is not easy. For life to be complex it has to have different parts in doing something. Life is complex because it has many steps involved in solving everyday life problems. During class I found out carbon dioxide and water all connect to photosynthesis to make glucose and oxygen. You need to know how atoms change in order and what they create. Not only that but you also have to know what happens when ATP goes to ADP how ATP gets its energy it’s complex to know how much you need to know for photosynthesis to finish. You need to know what gives energy during photosynthesis which is the sun this showed examples on why life is complex. The sun gives energy to ATP then ATP uses that energy to finish photosynthesis.
We can't believe how quickly week 4 has passed at camp with group 34!! We started off our week by learning about some differences between machines and robots before exploring various accessories and having a robot battle in Lego Robotics and we topped off our busy Monday with an amazing trip the HKC Petting Zoo, where we played with the adorable bunnies and goats, watched the pig cool down in his pool, and picked up some flapping chickens! When we came back on Tuesday, we momentarily joined the NBA and played in a heated game of knockout at Basketball and we kicked off our shoes and ran around for a few crazy games during Krav Maga. This week's Wacky Wednesday was fairy tale themed, so on top of learning some really cool choreography and playing
Specific sub-aims with daily/weekly checklists were developed under each goal. For instance, I assigned 30 minutes calligraphy after class and 30 minutes yoga before bed every day, as stress-relieving and self-rewarding activities. In the current stage of action, I feel particularly motivated by these two activities and my working efficiency improved significantly. However, instead of setting strict rules on daily events, I did made the plan more flexible. I allowed myself going to bed around 01:00 no more than 2 nights per week in the first 6 months of action, even though my desired time for bed was 00:00. This approach mitigates my sense of guilty and self-accusation after occasional violations of the plan due to coursework stress. In addition, when I left no more than 2 items on the checklist in a certain week, I treated myself with three extra hours at the weekend enjoying calligraphy, painting or doing
While at work, in the morning I’d be given a daily list of what to complete and when certain tasks needed to be completed by. Getting right into the work and being organized helped me manage my time to do everything I was asked. In the business field, you’re given deadlines and need
When I first evaluated myself in the study skill academic test, time management was my weakest skill overall. This was priority in terms of skill development because I would always leave things till the last minute and stress myself out trying to turn in things on time. In order to improve this I made a smart goal to carry out in the beginning of the year. Now after some time, the results of my progression are shown. My smart goal that I created for myself regarding my time management planned out very well, I was able to successfully accomplish a majority of my assignments on time. I would review the material of the week on Monday’s and compile all of the assignments due for the week. The monthly calendar was also a key factor in helping me keep up to date in the month so see what where upcoming tasks the following week. If I needed more clarification on certain tasks then I would login and check the syllabus.
Throughout the semester, we have done many assignments that acted as assessments to help us in finding our specific learning pattern, personality type, areas where we excel and need to work on, all in order to help us plan accordingly and successfully on how each of us should approach future assignments in future courses for the rest of our university career. After doing so many assignments to help us determine our specific areas where we excel at and where we may need some work with, I believe I have found my caveat. The area where I believe I excel, would be in time management, and although I plan out my time well and realistically, I need to work on actually executing it and following through with the plan I make for myself.
Some of the techniques that Your College Experience, Gardner and Barefoot suggests in which work well for me are “prioritize, finding a balance, and using a planner” (33-34). I have a busy life, so if I do not prioritize my assignment, my kids schedule, and my work schedule I would not be able to get everything down. To prioritize everything, I use a calendar. It helps keep everyone schedule in line ad give a clear expectation for me and my family. It is not 100% but using the calendar keep everything mostly on point so that it is easy for me to prioritize. I have also learned how to find a balance, during the past couple of years I have had to do my best not to add too much to my schedule. I have learned the word “no” and it has helped keep my focus on my family, my work, and my
My Self-Management plan was extremely useful to me, and continues to assist me in forecasting the various assessments I have due. It proved to be a framework of time I could dedicate to all aspects of my life – not just my university life. It acted as a guideline rather than a strict schedule, but the initial flexibility I included in the plan eventuated to be vital. There were multiple scenarios where I had to push back my allotted homework and study periods to complete assessments, or meet up with groups for projects. Specific adjustments were made when there was an extension given for the Foundations of Law Problem Question due to the inundation of work the students were experiencing with the Ethics Essay due the week before. This allowed for a needed break on the weekend of the 14th of May. Although I allowed for time each week completing assessments, I found it was not adequate enough and I began compromising my allotted homework time. I had higher aspirations for my learning goals in both Ethics and Foundations to maintain satisfaction, but my focus on assessments affected my ability to complete all questions for all seminars each week.
At the beginning of every school week I open my assignments, make a to-do list on a note pad, and attach that to-do list with the assignments I print out. I print the assignments out so I can take the papers with me and make notes on them directly and so I can carry them with me where ever I go(some places don 't have wifi and I am not to keen on using my phone to make notes.) Then, I prepare my calendar to help me stay on schedule. I have 5 kids, manage a pottery shop, and coach several soccer teams so the calendar is crucial to staying on track with life, work, and school. I can monitor my progress by how well I accomplish my goals for the week because. I try not to think to far ahead of that.