
Tyler Durden Qualities

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You may know him from Space Jam or you may know him from his phenomenal skills on the basketball court with the Bulls. Yes that is Michael Jordan, one of the greatest athletes ever to put his hands on a basketball. His popularity soared through his career and he had this charisma that made everyone talk about him. What most people do not know about Jordan are his true qualities that made him a hungry and fierce competitor. Michael was possessed with innate qualities that made him the greatest of all time. These innate qualities are gifted to very few individuals who, “…know what’s important, have laser-like focus, and problem solve…” (Tartakovsky). Not only was Michael Jordan gifted with these traits, but so was Tyler Durden, the antagonist in Chuck Palahniuk’s novel Fight Club. As much as they are physically different, Michael Jordan and Tyler Durden are two very similar people with similar personalities, as they possess qualities that make them great and legendary from having an unstoppable drive, to determination, and dedication. Tyler Durden and Michael Jordan both stopped at nothing to achieve their goal. Tyler’s goal throughout the novel was to make fight club unstoppable and allow Project Mayhem to destroy society by bringing it back to “zero”. On the other hand, Michel Jordan in his career wanted to win an NBA …show more content…

Whether it be winning championships or establishing the cool boys club, or basically known as fight club. With Tyler he was determined to make people join this new club where they engaged in masculine activity and wanted to devastate society to its bottom. With this determination he ingrained into the narrator and all the other space monkeys a thought process was developed amongst them that brought the worst out of society. For instance in a moment where the narrator felt like crap he tells us something Tyler had told him which

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