I could help Tyler move past his inappropriate behavior in the classroom by making sure he understands visual and verbal directions. I would make sure I have a structured classroom that meets his needs. When things are in order, it is easier to deal with behavior problems. I would also beware of Tyler’s mood swings when he comes to class and makes sure he has what he need for classwork. I would have some interventions in place for his success. When the teacher has an understanding of Tyler’s needs and his weaknesses it can help to have a successful behavior plan for the
Many teachers are faced with the difficult task of managing their student’s behavior. Even if we
Remember, this is a strategy to help decrease negative behaviors by developing and fostering positive relationships. When you see an improvement in the student's behavior, indicate it on the form. If you don't see an improvement, you can extend the time with the student (continue past 10 days) until you see a change. Please remember to include some of your students who exhibit positive behavior in this process. Please don't tell the students what you are doing. Just try and keep it casual and school-appropriate. You may have to guide students if the conversation crosses over into inappropriate content. Make it a teachable moment, if possible, but redirect.
Mateo gets distracted easily and its hard for him to stay focused on one task. The first 4 weeks, he was good, he work and tried his best. I used a lot of verbal encouragement and it worked. Then the next 3 weeks of school, he was like different kid, he could not stay on task, he started putting things on his mouth, pushing, grabbing other students. I seemed like he did not had control over his arms or body, he apologized to his friends. I talked to him, and he said that he did not know he was doing it until it was done. When
Tommy’s educational team has provided some information that will be very helpful in determining where we go next with his behaviors. The staff have specific issues with him during circle time. He is non-compliant and non-engaged during this time. It was said that Tommy has limited attention abilities and has a hard
Have you ever thought about what inspired Harper Lee to write her novel To Kill a Mockingbird? Lee was inspired by the real world events that happened around her. The scottsboro trials influenced her. The murder of Emmett Till made her thoughts pliant on her thoughts about the relationships should be between blacks and whites. The way Jim Crow laws were carried out created a different view of the way black people should be treated by whites.
De-escalation strategies, cool off area, movement breaks, preferential seating away from distractions, visual/verbal prompts and cue, behavior intervention plan, clear and direct instructions and expectations, check for his understanding of classroom and assignment expectations, extended time (time and a half for classwork and assessments and at staff discretion), reduced class assignments and homework, shortened school day, chunking of assignments (task analysis and present 1-2 steps at a time), allowance to write on clipboard backed up away from desk, noise reduction headphones/ear
CM spoke to Justin about his recent behaviors in school, his inappropriate dressing and leaving school grounds. Justin informs CM that he left school grounds to visit his adoptive parents because he misses them. CM inform Justin that he did not have permission from DCP&P to visit the Williams. CM informs Justin that his safety comes first. CM also informs Justin that Joslin was also aware of his behaviors in school and according to her if he continues displaying unsafe and oppositional behaviors she can violate him. Justin states that he does not want his probation to be violated. Mrs. Monestime reports that Justin is having a better day today. She reports that he completed his English assignment and he has not been wondering the halls. CM
I had built this relationship with Brandon based upon implementing morning “check- ins” with him in a social and emotional learning aspect. I would make sure he was feeling okay before entering his classes and seeing what I could do to fix any problems that had happened that morning or could arise as the day goes on. Soon later this student was expelled due to continuous defiance and interfering with the safety with himself and with other students. I believe this could have been avoided if Brandon had received social and emotional learning experiences with other
What advice would you give teachers and administrators who indicated that they had school-wide problems with behavior? Advice that I would share with teachers or administrators that indicated experiencing issues with student behavior would be to employ the fundamental principles of RTI to support appropriate behaviors in the school. Tier 1 of the school wide behavioral support program would be to screen for behavior problems. The school could also establish school wide behavior expectations along with consequences and procedures for all students. Teachers would be encouraged to develop positive classroom experiences for all students. Tier 2 of the model would provide intervention and additional supports for students with behavioral issues. If the behavioral model and supports did not improve the overall behavioral outcomes for the students, then more intensive interventions could be implemented. Another suggestions that I would give to teachers and administrators would be to implement a positive social skills program such as Stop and Think, Conscious Discipline, or Great Expectations. All of these programs promote positive social skills, along with providing students and teachers the tools for dealing with behavior
The Cathedral was a symbol of authority and religious achievement to people of the Middle Ages. Both Romanesque and Gothic style cathedrals are monuments to the skill and creativity of medieval people. Upon entering a Romanesque or Gothic style cathedral, one would have noticed that the function of these houses of worship is very similar. They are each an urban religious center in which priests conducted masses. Upon further examination of the sculptures and the different structures that embody them, one would have found that they differ quite dramatically.
With getting Michael familiar with the class rules this will help promote positive behaviors. In the article “Set Up Rules and Routines” (California, 1999), it states that “Rules and routines keep your class running smoothly so that you have more time for teaching academics. Rules are just like other instructional activities. They have to be taught, reviewed, and reinforced if they are to be remembered.” I would also let the new teacher know what behavioral strategies that is in place which is the behavior chart and the cool down zone. The cool down zone is a place where Michael can go to take a break or to redirect his behavior. The behavioral chart is to show Michael that he is making wrong choice and also he can see when he starts improving when he can move back up the chart. By having a sticker chart system in place Michael can look forward to a reward for the treasure box when achieving positive
Put him in a part of the classroom where there are less distractions going on
As an educator, we have to pay attention to what people of different backgrounds, cultures, generations, or areas may have different values and beliefs. As a teacher’s point of view, Danny’s behavior is normal for a three-year-old. He is exploring, testing and learning the world around him. It is normal for him resist control, and know when we are asking him to do something that he does not want to do. However, sometimes he exhibit challenging behaviors. He frequently needs to get up and move/jump around, is louder and noisier, and inability to focus for more than a few minutes without losing interest. It is showing unusually low fear in situations that can lead the child into danger, such as touching hot oven, riding a biking without looking
Initial thoughts: Ms. Rollison needs to understand that students behave differently which will require a different way to approach their behavior. In most cases, when a student is acting out it is due to something stressful they are experiencing. A young student does not communicate their wants and needs well, this causes them to express their emotion is not the best manner. When children need are not met they will misbehave more frequently. Therefore, Ms. Rollison will need to understand and have patience with the student because there is always a reason behind why the student is misbehaving.
Contemporary criticism reflects the current audiences that are viewing the subject and their mindsets. Early movies specifically needed to know their audiences, as the reception they received could make or break actors, directors, and even entire studios. However, a movie viewed in modern times can have a completely different effect on the viewer than the original intended audience. Specifically movies, such as the ones shown here, that are based on historical events. In the order of the years they were released, Jezebel, Drums Along the Mohawk, and Unconquered, all focus on romantic relationships, and the different historical periods they are dropped into. Each of these movies take a drastically different look at their characters, despite their similar, specific, genre of romantic historical fiction. Each review of the movies echoes this, with analysis of the characters, historic accuracy, and just overall how compelling the story is.