Obesity is a disorder caused by an imbalance between the energy consumed as food and the energy used by our
body. Unused energy is turned into fat that leads to increased sugar levels in our body. The blood sugar level is
kept within a narrow range by the pancreas. A person whose pancreas fails to keep blood sugar levels under
control is called diabetic. The long term effects of diabetes include circulatory problems, eye disease and increased
rates of infections that pose a threat to the New Zealand health system.
Type 2 diabetes is a heterogeneous disorder, once called non-insulin-dependent. It is the result of your body not
creating enough insulin to keep blood sugar levels normal. While our body is made to process high sugar
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Professor Merriman says genes are a major part of the explanation as
to why someone people are obese and aren’t, with 60-70% of the inter-individual variation in weight.
“These genetic variants, because they are inherited at conception, define biological causes of obesity.
Many of these genetic variants have been identified - they highlight inadequate satiety signals and
energy balance as important biological drivers of obesity.”People who have inherited a greater
proportion of obesity-predisposing genetic variants need to exercise more conscious effort to remain
lean in an obesogenic environment (i.e. to feel hungry in the presence of abundant food) than that
required by a naturally lean person, he says. Without the proper information given out on obesity and
without the backup from the government obesity will continue to increase at a rapid rate. Furthermore,
physical activity has been limited largely to sports and gyms, whereas in the past it was integrated into
our day to day activities.
When the food and sugar we consume increase beyond the healthy limits, obesity and diabetes may
result. Studies have shown that type 2 diabetes and obesity are highly interlinked. A study conducted
Obesity is the net result of an excess of energy consumption over expenditure. Factors that must be considered as contributing to causation are: heredity, and altered metabolism of adipose tissue, the list goes on and on. Overeating is clearly a prominent contributor to obesity. Feeding behavior occurs in response to hunger and to appetite induced by the presence of food.
In the United States the society needs to work on controlling this problem known as obesity. It is a problem that if does not get controlled sooner than later, will spiral out of hand even more. Before this spirals out of control society needs to take action to reducing the cost of healthy food amongst middle-low class citizens so they can eat the
What? – What is causing obesity in the population? Many argue that obesity can be caused by the food that one eats, but also there may be a loophole in this statement. Lack of exercise and unhealthy activities and lifestyles can be a major factor as well. According to an article by M. P. Herring et al, “obesity results primarily from an imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure” (30). Thus one may infer that a lack of exercise may be a factor, not solely, in obesity and in relation with the food intake as
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a highly dominant and long-lasting metabolic disorder (Mukherjee 439). WHO suspects that by the year of 2025 up to 200-300 million people worldwide will have developed type 2 diabetes (Hussain 318). Approximately half of the risk factor for individuals with type 2 diabetes is due to environmental contact and to genetics (Hussain 318). It is collectively known for grown-ups to have type 2 diabetes, but youngsters can also have this disease. Type 2 diabetes can be greatly affected by people’s poor workout habits and what they eat.
It has long been debated whether obesity is a relative measure and should not be used as a stigma to label overweight people. However, the fact is, when the weight of a person significantly exceeds a certain norm for their age and gender, the health and well-being of a person tends to generally decrease in quality. Obesity might not be a serious disease in the commonly established meaning of this term, since it is not contagious like the flu, irreversible like AIDs, or deadly like cancer.Our survival skills are killing us. The human body has evolved into a fat-hoarding machine. Food that our bodies don’t immediately use for energy gets quickly stored as fat, and we convert this fat back into fuel for our brains and muscles when food is scarce.
Unhealthy lifestyles are commonly expressed through obesity. Obesity is a large problem that the United States faces today. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, also known as the CDC, 34.9% of the United States adult population is obese and 17% of adolescents from ages 2-19 are obese. The lack of energy equilibrium in the body is what commonly causes obesity. The energy that is consumed through food is the energy that goes into your body. Energy is released from your body when you breath, digest, and preform physical activities. When the energy absorbed is less than the energy used people lose weight. When the energy absorbed and used is equal people maintain the weight they are in. When the energy absorbed is more than the energy used people can become overweight. The lack of physical activity and the abundance of energy, calories, in a typical daily American
We are all aware of how addicting sugary foods are. We are all aware of how little they do to satiate our hunger. However, we are not aware of when enough is enough. Some types of sugar do not trigger the sense of fullness like other foods with the same amount of calories may do increasing the risk of overeating. Our bodies convert sugar into energy essential for living but if excess sugar is consumed, sugar storage capacity in the liver is transcended. The excess sugar is transformed into fatty acids and stored at various places around the body, typically the regions of the stomach, hips, butt and breasts. But, that is not all. When simple carbohydrates are ingested, insulin is levels are spiked causing the fat burning process of the body to turn off. Sugar is then deposited into the muscles for energy when in fact most of us walk around with relatively full energy stores in our muscles. In that, excess sugar is transformed into fat and stored, reflecting the actions of the fatty acids from the liver. Under those circumstances, blood sugar drops due to the delay of the mechanism that tells the body to stop producing insulin. The stress hormone cortisol is also produced. Low blood sugar triggers an increase in appetite, which is only cured by eating. Cortisol causes blood levels to rise, which, incorporated with the meal eaten to cure the appetite craving, repeats the fat storage
There are many unknowns about obesity which make it difficult to pinpoint such as, whether it is inherited, genetic, or completely self imposed. If obesity is classified as a disease, according to this definition, it is implied that individuals have no responsibility for being obese, it happens completely random. However, the obese hold full responsibility for their appearance and by no means is obesity accidental or random. Obesity is a self-imposed condition brought about by destruction. Otis Kramer and Nancy Sprague declare that obesity is the result of consuming excess calories and not engaging in enough physical activity (par. 7). Overweight people are aware of the gradual physical changes to their body before becoming obese. By no means does obesity happen accidentally, it can almost always be prevented. An increase in food intake will always require an increase in physical activity. It is irrational to claim that obesity happens randomly and individuals have no responsibility for being obese.
The personal cost of diabetes and obesity is that consuming unhealthy drinks and foods increases the chances of being obese. This would increase your chance of dying early or you may end up with a paper field with complications with your health. “Type II diabetes and
The more common type, type 2, usually occurs in adults older than 35, and is referred to as non-insulin dependent diabetes. It is ordinarily present in those who are overweight and live a stationary, unhealthy lifestyle. The problem for type 2 victims is that allow insulin is produced- it is not a sufficient amount. This is when “insulin resistance” occurs, which is when insulin tries to do its job and open the cell, but does not open the cell to allow sugars to enter.
Researches studies differ on whether obese consume more energy (calories) than non-obese individuals. Some show they do consume more; others show they may consumer fewer calories. The big difference may be in the type of nutrients that they consume, such as fat. For example, Gazzaniga, found that the percentage of body fat was positively correlated with total dietary fat. Still, other researchers suggest that the reasons are metabolic in origin and that obese individuals "process" foods differently resulting in an increase in body fat. Although how these factors affect obesity are not fully understood, one thing is clear: Obesity results when energy intake exceeds energy expenditure and is stored as fat.
Obesity in the United States has more than doubled over the past four decades. Prevalence of obesity cause many other disease such as diabetes and heart issues. Obesity can be described as a health condition of a person or people of a population that have excess body fat. Diabetes is a disease related to high level of blood sugar in the blood. Obesity and diabetes are among disease that have direct relationship with each other. As obesity increase in a population, diabetes increases too. Jennifer B.Marks, Professor of Medicine at the University of Miami Miller researches in “Obesity in America: it’s getting worse”, Roger Z. Joanne a public health provider in the Obesity Action Coalition group researches in “Obesity and type 2 Diabetes”, Eckel H. Robert, Professor of Medicine in Colorado University researches in “Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes: What can be Unified and What needs to Be Individualized”, and Obesity Society group researches in “Your weight and diabetes”, mention that while obesity and diabetes have different definition in medical process, the reason why people become obese and diabetic as well as how to prevent them is same. Eating larger portion size than what the body needs , lack of physical activity, and putting foods without good quality in diet are the major reasons that people become obese.
Although reliable evidence suggests that body weight is affected by some biological and environmental factors, there are perceptions that obese individuals are alone responsible and that the gain or loss of weight is under their personal control. It is also a misconception that all obese individuals are seen as lazy and lack the value of self-control. This may then reinforce beliefs that the cause of obesity is a result of out-of-control behaviour and impulses (Puhl & Brownell 2003). However, this is not a real reflection of reality as obese individuals are not they only people who are unhealthy, has an
Obesity is caused by lack of physical inactivity. Obesity results from energy imbalance of taking in too many
Broadly speaking, overweight and obesity is caused when an energy imbalance between energy consumed and calories expanded takes place. The cause for this energy imbalance is often complex, resulting from the multifactorial interactions between genetics, overeating, slow metabolism, medications, and physiological factors. Obesity can be measured in several ways; the most widely used technique is BMI. Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure of size based on a person’s mass and height (NHLBI, 2015). Obesity is defined as having a Body Mass Index (BMI) between 25 kg/m2 and 30kg/m2 or having a body fat percent of 25% in males and 35% in females. Since the 1980’s, obesity worldwide has doubled (World Health Organization, 2014). In 2008, over 1.4