
Types And Health Benefits Of The Red Wine

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Red wine is controversially associated with heart disease; specifically consuming red wine is thought to decrease the incidence of heart disease, among other recently emerging hypothesized health benefits. Although, to date this information is not scientifically proven, consumers enjoy a glass of wine with the assumed benefits of heart health. Despite many being unaware of the exact mechanisms behind this concept, it is a seemingly popular trend to associate red wine consumption with health benefits. Exactly what in red wine causes this health benefit? Resveratrol. Resveratrol is a component present due to the grapes used to create red wines. It has many specific properties that allow wine to possess the beneficial traits necessary to potentially benefit health. The purpose of this paper is to review the components, composition and health benefits of resveratrol, and to identify the specific qualities of red wine. The initial interest in the components of wine came about in 1992, due to various studies determining an inverse relationship between wine consumption and risk of coronary heart disease. (Higdon & Stewart, 2008) A “60 Minutes” episode sparked an interest in resveratrol when two doctors proposed this was the answer to the “French paradox”. (Visioli, 2014) The “French paradox” is the concept that the French live longer than most other populations and suffer from a decreased incidence of heart disease. Had the French typically consumed large amounts of fiber

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