
Types Of Cholesterol And Cholesterol

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III.1 Disease State Fundamentals
A. Normal Physiology: Cholesterol is created in the liver for several body purposes such as creating and taking care of cellular membranes, also for hormone and vitamin construction. The liver constructs three- fourths of the total cholesterol in the body. The brain is also in need of cholesterol and produces some of the cholesterol it needs. However, the remaining amount of cholesterol required is obtained from the food eaten. The cholesterol is absorbed via the small intestine. There are two types of cholesterol; LDL and HDL. LDL or low density lipoprotein is more fatty is used for the development of cellular membranes, vitamins, and hormones. Normal LDL levels in the blood are 90 mg/dL. HDL or high density lipoprotein consist of more protein than LDL. HDL primary function is to collect extra cholesterol pieces and take it back to the liver for later use. When too much LDL has been released, the HDL is released by the liver and uptakes all extra LDL particles. This prevents any cholesterol from attaching to the artery wall.3:All

B. Pathophysiology:
Disease Function: While it is normal for cholesterol to enter the blood pathways due to food intake and liver release, however due to excess LDL cholesterol and lacking HDL cholesterol, the blood pathways can have a high concentration of cholesterol.1 High cholesterol levels cause a build up on the walls of the arteries which cause the artery pathway to narrow over time.1

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