
Types Of Neighborhood Communities

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Your go to ENVIRONMENT: Trending Types of Neighborhood Communities We as a society have inherited countless types of communities; these new custom home developments have evolved as a direct result of past trial and error. Products of countless past day efforts have produced such a broad classification of what we now expect in a community. Therefore, when considering your custom home building adventure, it’s an engaging experience to delve into the variation offered today. Low-maintenance Concepts: An Increasingly Popular Option “Zero-lot line housing” can be an idyllic community trend for many to consider. With this type of community, the use of Row houses, garden homes, patio homes and/or townhouses is quite common. One obvious …show more content…

However, today’s demand has delegated such a vast variation in condominium community types, it’s no longer a standard definition. Overall, leading to many freestanding single family homes that can claim both a well-designed unique exterior façade, as well as a fully functional, spacious interior floor plan. WITH THESE LOW-MAINTENANCE COMMUNITIES, THE INCLUSION OF A HOMEOWNER’S ASSOCIATION HAS BECOME A COMMON AMENITY WHICH AIMS TO PROTECT THE PROPERTY VALUE AND SAFEGUARD THE COMMUNITY’S FEATURES. These associations typically address most exterior maintenance needs, along with a consistent plan to maintain all the neighbors! This is particularly favorable to those who revel in the ease that comes with having a lifestyle where your home is tended to while you are away. A further benefit, according to crime-prevention sites such as “Talk-theft” and “U.S. News” articles, these tight-knit communities can help to deter theft, largely because there is either someone always home very close by – or vastly assumed as such! Regardless, those who live in tight-knit communities tend to report odd “visitations” within the community. MULTI-GENERATIONAL HOUSING Today, one of the biggest trends in both home and community design is multi-generational housing, whereas several generations of a family live within the same planned neighborhood. In these neighborhoods, both single family and independent patio homes coexist. Often, multiple price points and styles occur within

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