
Types Of Occupations Within The Workplace Essay

Decent Essays

Often in the world there are jobs that come across as rather boring or tedious to complete day in and day out. However, it is a must to keep these jobs as they allow us to provide basic needs for ourselves in life. Some types of occupations consist of a specialised job, with this, the five core job characteristics derived from the job characteristics model also apply to these jobs. Furthermore, the five job features are known to be skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback, each having their own importance. By identifying the characteristics, three redesigning techniques can be implemented being establishing client relationships which are, combining tasks, establishing client relationships and vertically loading the job. The specialised job holds the job characteristics and can be redesigned as well to improve on some of those five task features.
Mortgage brokers are known to have very demanding jobs with having to settle deals involving different types of investment properties, providing home loan services and organise large amounts of documents. However, a mortgage broker may take upon a business intern or administrator which is a specialised job, these individuals look after their documents and organise all their client files. A specialised job can be further defined as ‘a job composed of a small part of a larger task or process’ (Williams & McWilliams 2014, p. 156). A business intern seems like a fancy name, but a primary job for them would

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