
Five Types Of Power In The Workplace

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In the business world, there are five types of powers. There is coercive, legitimate, reward, referent and expert power. There are three formal types of power are coercive, reward and legitimate power. The remaining two skills derive from one’s personal attributes and skills, also referred to as personal powers.
Coercive power is the most common form of power genuinely uses in the workplace. Coercive power is when someone with authority uses threats against their subordinate, in order to get them to do something they want them to do. These types of threat are usually used in times of crisis and can consist of one being terminated, a demotion or the possibility of receiving a negative job performance review, if the person. Coercive power are threats that consist of some form of punishment the subordinate could be subject to if the person with authority demands that a specific job function be completed by a specific time or if the person does not live up to their job function. (Johnson, 2015) It can also be used in the case of a staff reduction. These types of threat are usually used in times of crisis and can consist of on being terminated, demotion or the possibility of receiving a negative job performance review. For example, by using the threats of termination in order to force subordinates to do what you want them to do, can lead to poor work performance and result in low job performance, and large turnovers.
Reward power is used by those with authorities, when

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