
Types Of Protein That Play Immune System By Its Multifunctional Acts Of Pro Inflammatory And Anti Inflammatory Response

Best Essays

Muhammad Rafi
Professor Chuck Fink
Biology 4100
10 March, 15
Interleukin 6 Interleukin 6 is a type of protein that plays a role in immune system by its multifunctional acts of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory response. It is produced by T-cells and macrophages. Interleukin 6 is encoded by “IL-6” gene in humans. IL-6 is type of myokine that stimulates immune response during infection and after trauma. IL-6 works by binding to two cell surface receptors, IL-6Ra (low-affinity specific) and gp130 (high-affinity converter) respectively (Crystal Structure…). In late 1960s, T-cells essential role of being involved in antibody production was reported. Dr. Tadamitsu Kishimoto discovered the activity of IL-6 in early 1970s. The factors …show more content…

The gene promoter contains elements that are induced by stimuli; glucocorticoid and cAMP. The protein itself is located in extracellular regions in the body. The IL-6 protein usually operates by classical and trans-signaling pathways to process expression. Following image shows the difference between two types of signal pathways. (The pro- and anti-inflammatory…) One of the many roles of IL-6 includes the profound effects on B-cells. It supports B-cell growth by the production of antibodies and promoting plasma cell differentiation. The trans-signaling of IL-6 plays an important role in chronic inflammation (Inhibition of Classic…). In acute inflammation, IL-6 is released along with neutrophil accumulation by proinflammatory cytokines. The chemokine (IL-8) makes neutrophils promote the IL-6R and leads to differential regulation of chemokine production. This results in the production of MCP-1 and IL-8 reduction, which favors the monocyte accumulation. This trans-signaling also promotes the leukocyte accumulation. In contrary, the IL-6 also saves T-cells from apoptosis leading to inflammatory cell infiltrate. This positive feedback of trans-signaling releases IL-6 and plays a role in propagating chronic inflammation. The trans-signaling of IL-6 also has its implications in autoimmune diseases. In Crohn’s disease, the IL-6 inhibits Na2+/K+ATPase and protects

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