
Typical Chocolate Chip Soup

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The Egg Experiment For our group experiment, we studied the effects of eggs versus other egg substitutes (bananas and apple sauce) in a typical chocolate chip cookie recipe. All of the batches had distinct differences due to addition or lacking of essential ingredients or compositions in the mixture. It was interesting to try to substitute different items for eggs in the recipe because eggs are such essential ingredients. Egg is used as an emulsifier because an egg itself is an emulsion; it is a mixture of protein, fat, and water all held together. The protein part of the egg is so important as an emulsifier because the protein chains stretch to bond with surrounding particles which helps the mixture stick together instead of falling apart …show more content…

The first noticeable difference between the banana cookies and the normal cookies was when the bananas were thoroughly mixed in. Unlike the thick, lumpy, and viscous consistency of the control chocolate chip cookie mix, the banana cookie mix was creamier and smoother compared to the control cookie dough. The consistency was very sticky and had oddly similar qualities to those of ice cream. While the color of the control cookie dough was similar to a golden brown hue, the color of the banana cookie dough was a lighter tan. It was similar to the color of cookies that do not have vanilla extract and have less light brown sugar and more white granulated sugar. An interesting color change occurred throughout the cooking process: the banana cookies turned a darker color than the control cookies. The reason this occurred is because the added sugar from the bananas caramelized during the baking process. Sugar, when cooked/ caramelized browns and changes the color of the item being cooked. Even though the banana is a tremendous source of starch, it does not have any emulsifying or stabilizing properties. Starch and fiber are used as binding agents, which is why it is used instead of eggs (Science and Food, “Baking Without Eggs”). Due to all of these factors, the banana cookies did not keep a stable shape throughout the cooking process like the control cookies did. After the cookies were done baking, the banana cookies were still flat and gooey. Even after cooling on wire racks, the banana cookies still did not solidify significantly; they were still gooey and crumbled apart. Because the cookies did not have the extra leavening properties from the eggs, there should be an addition of extra flour or baking soda to supplement the need for extra leavening (My Darling Vegan, “A Complete Guide to Replacing Eggs”). The last unfavorable attribute to substituting bananas for eggs is the strong added flavor of

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