My culture differs from people all around me including the people from Ukraine, whether by culture, religion, music, and daily routine. The main language in Ukraine is Ukrainian. ”That Ukrainian is the most widely spoken Slavic language along, with Russian and Polish”(48). Slavic means languages relating to the branch of the Indo-European language family. These languages are spoken in most of eastern Europe, parts of central Europe, and northern parts of Asia. The language that I speak is English. We have twenty-six letters in our alphabet, while the Ukrainian culture has thirty-eight. At dinner time my family sits around the table and in Ukraine it is casual to sit down ,still in Ukraine, it is casual to sit down and talk about things in your life. The religion in …show more content…
It is a part of the Indo-European family and is the most widely spoken Slavic language, alongside with Russian and Polish. As stated in the book ”The Indo-European family is the largest language family in the world.” Ukrainian is known as Eastern Slavic, but shares common traits with Western Slavic and Southern Slavic subgroups. The Ukrainian alphabet is very different from the United States. It has a lot of the Cyrillic alphabet. The alphabet has thirty-three letters in it that represent thirty-eight phonemes. Even the language has an apostrophe that tells whether to signify the hardness of a sound or not. Each letter in the alphabet does belong to one of the phonemes. The Ukrainian language has three stages of their languages; Old, Middle, Modern Ukrainian. The Old language was between the tenth and fourteenth centuries. The fourteenth and eighteenth centuries were the Middle ages. Modern Ukrainian language is from the nineteenth to the twentieth centuries. The Old Ukrainian is used in scholarly and religious writings from that period. The Ukrainian language has had some language policies over the years, but the country has had a brief history of
American culture is a nontraditional and individualism culture. Americans are open to new principles, ideas, and practices. Many Americans are also more concerned about themselves and their immediate family and friends. Music and television exhibit aspects of both the nontraditional and individualism culture. The focus of American culture is technology, consumers, capitalism, sports, and politics. Almost everything in America revolves around technology, such as cell phones, computers, TV, social media, video games, etc. Money seems to play a major role. Wealth is an achievement everyone wants to have, living the American dream is getting rich. Advertisements constantly convince consumers to buy products (even products they don’t necessarily
The dominant U.S. culture can learn from the Ukrainian culture because Ukraine takes pride in their festivals, games, and dances. According to, Ukraine has different dances and games that unites their culture together. They also have many holidays to celebrate their culture. The culture of Ukraine also has many religions to pick from so you can worship in the religion you want.
Human beings are a social species that relies heavily on human interaction throughout their daily lives. There are roughly six billion people on this earth, and those human beings inhabit one hundred and ninety six countries. The varying countries have developed their own customs, languages, values, music, and style that give them their own identity, or “culture.” According to the Oxford dictionary, culture is defined as “the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a particular people or society [1].” An understanding of the meaning of culture and its characteristics provides the foundation to better comprehend specific cultures. By exploring a country’s cultural identity, one can gain a better understanding of a country’s values and viewpoints within a global context. Through an exploration of culture and its characteristics as well as the specific culture of Ukraine, it can be argued that the current conflict in Ukraine could potentially become an area of conflict for the United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
Scandinavian-Americanists argued that the continuation of traditional practices and customs allowed for the formation of the modern Scandinavian-American culture. Traditions in this case take the form of religious or secular practices that extended a connection between these migrants and their places of origin. Traditional practices were aided in their perpetuation by institutions established by Scandinavian immigrants and their descendants to maintain their heritage and connection to their homelands. Schools, churches, and social clubs acted as forms of cultural preservation and continuance within the United States. The continued existence of these institutions into the late-twentieth and twenty-first centuries exemplifies how Scandinavian-American culture maintained its existence and influence over those who identify with the ethnic identity that originated from these cultural distinctions.
1)Compare and contrast your culture with the culture of the Jews at Anatevka. What are the similarities and differences you noticed with your culture and their culture? Why is their varieties and similarities with your culture and their culture? According to the musical movie, the culture of the Jews at Anatevka.
1. How can an understanding of the complexities of culture help us make sense of the day-to-day world which we live? Give an example from your life to illustrate your answer.
Romania was founded in 1878 but is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. It is centrally located in Europe and has a population of over 20 million. There is much more to Romania than the mysterious Transylvania. This country is rich in food, culture, and history.
Growing up half Nigerian and half caucasian, I have grown up in very diverse and unique environments. I can say that because of this I have been privileged enough to experience two different sides to any type of celebration, talking point, or current event: from views on political issues, opinions on current events, to how a certain holiday is celebrated. For example, if I were to go celebrate Christmas with my dad, who is Nigerian, the majority of the day would be spent in the church, whereas with my mom's side of the family it is more a traditional American Christmas celebration spent at home with family and friends. These experiences have made me more open and accepting to anything from different and odd traditions to even opinions that
Contemporary American culture is defined as common themes of political attitudes, religious beliefs and news events that lead trends during the present time. Today, we see contemporary American culture portrayed in many more ways than that. We see it through art, music, and literature. In literature, for example, The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas by Ursula Le Guin, contemporary American culture is portrayed throughout. The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas represents contemporary American culture by portraying the exploitation of others, the symbolism of Americas political systems and oppression of the lower classes, and the lacking of moral responsibility.
This was a bit interesting, because I am from another country and I have been in America for about eight years now. I still do identify with my Ukrainian culture and those roots very much, but I have been in America for long enough to adapt this new culture as well. This assignment really had me thinking about where I identify more, I really never thought about it much before. In my mind I am Ukrainian and I live in America and I am a citizen of U.S., but I feel like I am an American as well. As I think about it more this is how I identify with each culture. I think of myself as a Ukrainian and my roots are from where I was born and lived till I was fourteen. My mind was molded by my Ukrainian family, the way I act, the way I am as an individual is because of how and where I was raised. I still notice myself doing things that I did when I was in Ukraine, or thinking a certain way, as I did when I was in Ukraine. Things that my parents taught me, are still things I do sometimes, my thought process is still centered around those teachings. Mentally I identify with my Ukrainian roots, but the way I live my life now is much Americanized. I do also identify with American culture and I would not change one thing about it. But as a teacher in the future, I know that I will have to explore my American culture and use it in the class more, because a lot of my students will identify with the American culture. I think it is very important to really think about the culture you are in
The identities of the indigenous American societies changed in their techniques of hunting. Instead of having permanent homes, they divided themselves into groups of 15 to 50 hunter-gatherers, who would follow the great mammals, “Giant beaver, giant ground slot, mammoth, mastodon, horses, and camels”(8). But, “By about 1500 BC, people in the American southwest and Midwest had begun to cultivate some maize and squash, but only as a minor supplement to their hunting and gathering”(11). As one can tell, in the beginning, the indigenous American societies were hunter gatherers that traveled with their prey, but eventually they learned how to farm, and established permanent homes where they would farm a great portion of their food. As for the colonizing
Culture is defined as the sum total of ways of living built up by a group of human beings and transmitted from one generation to another (Staff, 2015). Culture effects the way a person perceives, communicates and behaves in the world, what is “socially” acceptable in one culture is not necessarily acceptable in another. Common language, gestures and signals are used to communicate within each culture and are therefore an extension of culture and how you speak is effected by what you were taught and how you view the world. Communicating is a give and take process and it is an experience that you share with someone.
An American’s identity is characterized not by an individual's religion, race, and culture, but by how they use their freedom and how they . The United States culture and identity developed long ago when early settlers and immigrants came to the states for new lifestyles and mostly for religious freedom. American’s identity was built off of the settlers and immigrants who set the standards of who we are. America is made off of a diverse platform of race, religious, ethnic groups, and social class. All of these people are Americans. We look to be different, but we share the ability to welcome others of different backgrounds into our lives.
American ethnical values are built upon the respect for the dignity of every human life, the hunger for discovery, the ability to maintain harmony with others and nature, establishing a government built for the people, and ran by the people. These ethnical values have been the basis for American culture since the beginning and they continue to make an impact and grow in today’s society. The Iroquois Indians had a very open and accepting democratic society that involved everyone, including the women which wasn’t very prevalent in culture at this time. Compared to the Puritan society which didn’t have strong leadership or a healthy working government, Puritan society also looked down upon women. The Puritans saw other people as an inconvenience,
tribe located in Shawnee Oklahoma. The descendant of seven families that were forced to relocate from