Examples of Ultra Nationalism are Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing both have something to do with forced killing of other people. Genocide is one of the events in the past or is still currently happening that also caused a major trauma for other people. People who are completely clueless on why people or superiors would kill and take away their lives. People who are not doing anything wrong or hurt anyone, people who are just trying to live their life and suddenly people who have power would take away their lives. Genocide happens all around the world and racism is one of the example why superiors would want to do this towards other people. They think that killing other people that is not like them will do them any good. An example of Genocide is the Holocaust, a bunch of people died during this because of the things that people does not like about the Jews. …show more content…
Same thing with Ethnic Cleansing which means an excessively killing of the members of unwanted ethnic or religious group in society, and one can tell thatpeople who are superiors are the only one who can do this. An example of Ethnic Cleansing is Rohingya ‘ethnic Cleansing in Myanmar continues’: UN(1). Aung Su Kyi the leader of Myanmar is currently persecuting Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar one of the reason why she is doing this is that she thinks that their religious group is not acceptable in their land. Which is unfavorable for other people because we believe that force killing a certain group any kind of people based on their religion or race should not be executed for what they believe in. People who have no remorse of taking one’s life, the life that is not given by
It can also be seen throughout history that genocides were also caused by ultra-nationalism. In 1994 a terrible incident has occurred and that would be the Rwanda genocide. The two groups that were involved in this are the Tutsi and Hutu group. The Tutsi and Hutu had animosity between them and deeply desired to kill each other. Their ultra-nationalistic views helped accumulate their anger towards each other. This led to the Hutu’s planned assassination on their president. They were able to use this as an excuse in order to destroy the Tutsis. The Hutus blamed the Tutsis for killing their president and went on a rampage which conducted the mass killing of the Tutsis. Also another genocide that was created because of ultra-nationalistic views is the Armenian genocide. After the
Genocide is a term that causes many to feel suffering, pain, grief, and truly understand brutality. When people hear this word, they think of bloodbath, chaos, instability, mass extermination, and loss. It is a word that evokes fear and agony. It is a word that right away directs us to think about the sadistic Adolf Hitler who annihilated millions of Jews, homosexuals, gypsies, and many more lives. We think of King Leopold II of Belgium who was greedy for a drink of innocent Congolese blood.
What is a genocide? A genocide is when one ethnic, racial, or religious group tries to destroy and eliminate another. This extermination is usually done through cruel and brutal methods. It is our responsibility to learn about the genocides to help prevent them from occurring in the future. Genocides have been occurring for centuries and, unfortunately, still take place today. We are going to focus on two particular genocides: the Jewish genocide (more commonly know as the Holocaust) and the Armenian genocide.
Ultranationalism is incredibly bad because it mean a nation pursues nothing but its own national interests and does anything, even if it means hurting others, to pursue them. It can lead to extreme crimes against humanity and war because ultranationalistc countries feel the need to assert themselves over other countries. Such crimes against humanity throughout history include: the holocaust and the rwandan genocide. An example of an ultranationalistic group today is Daesh (ISIS). Their ultanationalism has led them to senselessly commit genocide against the Yazidis (an independent religious community in iraq) simply because they want to pursue their national interest of creating a purely islamic state in the middle east by eliminating people of other religions. They had no sense of possibly just simply working peacefully with other religions because they embraced nationalism so wholly. Some people may argue that crimes against humanity and conflict between nations is not caused by ultranationalism because ultranationalism is not inherently violent. But that is wrong because no matter what, ultranationalism is nothing but violent and threatening to world
Genocide develops in eight stages that are predictable, but yet preventable. It is a complex process that usually occurs in chronological order (Rummel). The crime involves any acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group, such as killing members of the group, causing bodily harm to members, trying to prevent births within the group, and/or forcibly transferring children to another group (Rummel). Additionally, there are two research purposes of genocide. The first includes the definition as the intention to murder people because of their group membership, and the second includes any intentional government murder of unarmed and helpless people for whatever reason, which is another word for democide (Rummel). “As a crime, the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (UHCG), defined genocide as the intention to destroy any type of group for any reason as such” (Rummel). In short, many different interpretations for the word genocide, but every explanation ends the same
Throughout history many things have happened that included people who will blindly obey to orders given to them. Events where people have blindly obeyed orders, such as mass killings of innocent people or groups, were called genocides. The people leading genocides were trying to destroy a certain race or ethnic group by either killing them or dehumanizing them. One of the biggest genocide in history was the Holocaust which targeted Jews, disabled people, homosexuals, Jehovah witnesses, etc. The leader of the Holocaust was Adolf Hitler, who had the Germans kill more than six million Jews and many other kinds of people that were not considered the perfect German. People will follow orders blindly because they want to feel powerful or superior, the events relate to an individual's religion or beliefs, and because the individual wishes to appear as obedient.
However, nationalism does not have one single definition, its meaning has evolved as society changes and modernises. Nationalism can “...refer to any behaviour designed to restore, maintain, or advance public images of that national community” (Gries, 2005:9). By the mid-1960s there were two main proposals to understanding nationalism. “In the first, nationalism was an aspect of national history, a sentiment associated with the nation...In the second approach, nationalism was a modern, irrational doctrine which could acquire sufficient power...to generate nationalists sentiments and even nation states” (Gellner, 2008:xx). Nationalism is defined differently by different schools of thought and theorists.
In history there have been many practices in the government that demonstrate Ultranationalism. What is ultra nationalism to begin with? Ultra Nationalism, by definition, is an extreme devotion to our advocacy of the interests of a nation, regardless of the effect on any other nations. Within the characteristics provided, Genocide, scapegoating and Dictatorship were by far the best done by governments in history's time.
The term "genocide" was developed during the Holocaust and announced an international crime during the 1948 United Nations Convention that focused on Prevention and Punishment of genocide as a crime. Genocide is, therefore, defined as deeds committed with the aim of destroying, in whole or partially, anethnical, national, religious or racial group.Such acts include, killing followers of the group, causing serious physical or mental harm to followers of the group, intentionallyimposing on the group conditions of living aimed at bringing about its physical loss, imposing measures envisioned to prevent new births within the group, or compulsorily transferring children of the society to a different group.
Genocide is a term that can be defined as a planned and systematic destruction of whole or parts of certain national, religious, race, ethnic, cultural or political group (Akhavan 21). Genocide is deliberated with a different set of actions for a purpose to destroy an essential foundation of life. Genocide is characterized with the massive killing of members of a group, causing mental or bodily injuries to a group of people, imposing mechanisms to prevent birth, removing particular group children and putting conditions of life in order to bring to an end existence of a particular group. Therefore, genocide is an illegal action and a crime recognized and punishable by international law (Charmy 35). For instance, Rwanda genocide is characterized by ethnic tensions within the country. Initially the definition of the term genocide as by genocide convection only comprised of racial, ethnic, national and religious groups. They argued that inclusion of other groups cannot strengthen but rather weakens it. This definition failed to recognize other groups such as political groups, economic and cultural groups that are essential elements of genocide. Genocide therefore, is generally considered the worst moral crime the ruling authority can commit against those it controls Naimark (2017).
In this source it is talking about the topic of ultranationalism and crimes against humanity, ultra nationalism can be best described using destructive force in the world and extreme force as well the ultranationalist shows that they have a strong sense of their own identity of their own country for example after the second world war when the country germany faced the great depression they have elected adolf hitler to be the new leader in the nation he promised to rebuild the country by armed forces in the country, The dictatorship germany had promoted propaganda and extreme nationalist values by getting rid of people who will question the nazi values and the friendship between jews and germans were forbidden in the country the propaganda was
On April 6, 1994, a plane carrying Habyarimana and Burundi’s president Cyprien Ntaryamira was shot down over Kigali their were no survivors. They did not know who shot the plane down but they are blaming Hutu extremists and the leaders of the RPF. An hour after the plane went down the Rwandan armed forces and the Hutu militia groups had started setting up roadblocks and barricades, and started killing Tutsis and moderate Hutus. the first victims of the genocide were the moderate Hutu Prime Minister Agathe Uwilingiyimana and her 10 Belgian bodyguards, with that happening it started more conflict and interim government of extremist Hutu Power leaders from the military high command had stepped in on april 9. The killing in Rwanda had spreaded to the rest of the country, up to 800,000 or more had been slaughtered within 3 months.
Nationalism has played a crucial role in world history over the past centuries. It continues to do so today. For many, nationalism is indelibly associated with some of the worst aspects of modern history, such as the destructive confidence of the Napoleon’s army and the murderous pride of Nazi Germany. Large numbers of people, descent in their hearts, have carried out unbelievable atrocities for no better reason than their nation required them to. Authoritarian and totalitarian regime have crushed dissent, eliminated opposition, and trampled on civil liberties in the name of the nation.
What is nationalism? Nationalism is another word for patriotism, but the word nationalism is used more negatively. The definition of nationalism is loyalty and devotion to a nation, but are there problems with nationalism? Of course, there is. Nationalism is to be proud of your nation, and when you're proud of something great, you want to keep it great. Now, let's think of a more recent form of nationalism, white nationalism. Not too long ago, in Charlottesville, Virginia, a "Unite the Right" rally was planned to protest against the removal of a statue of Confederate icon General Robert E Lee. Marches went to the University of Virginia, carrying torches and chanting things such as "white lives matter." Soon after, protesters gathered once again, and some started fights with each other, and beating them to the ground, hitting others with sticks, signs, or poles. Soon after, a racing car hit over anti-racist protesters, injuring over a dozen people and one person dead. Thirty-five people were injured at the rally, nineteen confirmed by the hospital in Charlottesville. This is an example of white supremacy.
Ultranationalism implies not only an intensely patriotic attitude toward and a highly chauvinistic perception of one's own nation, but also implies a desire to exclude others from one's nation, particularly should those others be in some way different from the majority population in