
Ulysses by Alfred Tennyson Essay

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Ulysses by Alfred Tennyson

'Ulysses' is both a lament and an inspiring poem. Even modern readers who are not so familiar with the classics, can visualize the heroic legend of Ulysses, and so is not prepared for what he finds in the poem— not Ulysses the hero but Ulysses the man. Tennyson brings out the agony felt by Ulysses at his old age, The influence of the Industrial age can be seen in Tennyson's usage of the word 'profits' in the very first line . The character calls himself 'idle' showing his disillusionment at this ripe stage of life .The "still hearth" and "the barren crags" symbolize death. He continues complaining about his hapless state and the reader begins to detect the shallowness of character of this otherwise …show more content…

He hates his infirm state as can be seen in lines 24- 30."For some three suns " is a connotation suggesting he has been in bed for three days, which for him is the most demeaning of all . Ulysses can see death at his doorstep , yet feels every hour can be used for the unending quest for knowledge. Tennyson uses a powerful simile in line 31 equating 'knowledge ' to 'the sinking star' which is the most elusive and the most difficult to discern in the sky. In line 32 he uses a hyperbole to dramatize the extent of the character's desire for the unknown and the unexplored .

The second part of the poem, lines 33-43 are devoted to the contrast between father and son , one can feel the heavy sarcasm in the words " slow prudence" "blamelessness" and "decency" of his son. He is contemptuous of these traits, which maybe harmless and noble, yet are hardly worthy of a great king.

Ulysses' wandering spirit looks upon any kind of softness as a failing. He sneers at the more 'centered' personality of his son who governs his people in a mild and orderly manner .In lines 37-38 he reveals his paradoxical personality as he feels soft handling is a form of subjugation that " subdues them to the useful and the good".Here the reader can peer into the maverick character of Ulysses and his complete disregard of anything normal and routine.

Another character trait that shows through in lines 41- 42 is that of an agnostic or to put it less

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