INDEX 1. Unified modeling language 2. Use case Introduction 3. Use case diagram a. Use case of ATM machine b. Use case of Library management c. Use case of Railway Reservation System 4. Class introduction 5. Class diagram a. Class diagram of collage management system b. Class diagram of Hospital Management system c. Class diagram of Library management system 6. Interactive diagram Introduction 7. Interactive diagram a. Interactive diagram for ATM machine b. Interactive diagram for Library Management system c. Interactive diagram for Railway Reservation system 8. Collaboration introduction 9. Collaboration diagram a. Collaboration diagram for ATM machine b. Collaboration diagram for Library machine c. Collaboration diagram for Railway …show more content…
The following are behavioral things K ti I stitut h i P 4 ¥ ¤ £¢ 3. Co abora ion: - It de ¡ es inte action between elements. Roll No:_____________________ OOAD LAB 1. Interaction: - It is defined as a behavior that consists of a group of message exchanged among elements to accomplish a specific tas . message © 2. State machine: - It is useful when the states of an object in its life cycle. It defines the se uence of states and object goes through in response to events. c) Grouping Things: They can be defined as a mechanism to group elements of UML model together. There is only one grouping thing available i.e., Package. Package is used for gathering structural and behavioral things. d) Annotational Things: - They can be defined as a mechanism to capture remarks, description and comments of UML model elements. There is only one annotational thing available i.e., Note. Note is used to render comments, constraints and so on of a UML element. K ti I stitut h i P 5 Roll No:_____________________ OOAD LAB Relationships: The relationship is another most important building block of UML. They show how elements are associated with each other and their association describes the functionality of application. There are 5 types of relationships. They are, 1. Dependency: It is a relationship between two things in which change in one element also affects another. 2.
UML Composite Structure Diagram is a type of Structure Diagrams that shows the internal structure of a class and the interactions of elements of the internal structure of the class.
The useful systems ought to back the general techniques of the association, in the same way that the hierarchical methods ought to back the objectives and mission
Communications between individuals is known as an interaction and as you spend time communicating with
Definition 1. (퐹표푟푚푎푙 푐표푛푡푒푥푡). A formal context 퐾=(퐺,푀,퐼) consists of two sets 퐺 (set of objects) and 푀 (set of attributes) and I G×M is a binary relation between 퐺 and 푀. The fact (푔,푚)∈퐼 is interpreted as "the object 푔 has attribute 푚" and often denoted as gIm.
Communication can be defined as a social interaction where at least two interacting agents share a common set of signs and a common set of rules (Schramm, 1954). There are different forms of communication, verbal and non-verbal. Verbal communication can be defined as a
Attributes are often omitted as they can clutter up a diagram; other diagram techniques often list entity attributes within the rectangles drawn for entity sets. Chen's notation for entity-relationship modeling uses rectangles to represent entities, and diamonds to represent relationships appropriate for first-class objects: they can have attributes and relationships of their own.
Therefore, I consider the communication interactions to be the component that may decide the course of events when an exchange of ideas takes place.
Each method name correlates the type of data required to complete the base metadata for the
Software Architecture is made up of concurrent multiple views. UML provides a dynamic view of the system. It has 4+1 view architecture.
Use case Diagram is one of the five models of UML Diagram that models and captures the dynamic behaviour of the software system.
shows all the relationships and and the references to interfaces and also to base classes.
The Use Case analysis is a method which focuses highly on the systems functional Requirements and when completed will consist of a Use Case Model. The model consists of actors, Use cases, use case scenarios and other criteria which helps represents the use case. Within a use case Model there are many relationships (generalization, include and extends) which help represent the flow and functionality of the system and its entity’s.
There are several notations for data modeling. The actual model is frequently called "Entity relationship model", because it depicts data in terms of the entities and relationships described in the data.
Next you need to list all the things about each Relation that you need to record. These are the Relation’s Attributes (or the Class’ Properties in OOAD). For example, one