
Why Should Women Be Allowed In Kenya?

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In an article from The Guardian from August 16, 2015 named “The village where men are banned”, Julie Bindel visits a village named Umoja in northern Kenya that is run by all women. This village has women and children that have come from all types of places that have experienced rape, female genital mutilation, child marriage, and abuse. These women come to Umoja to escape all those terrible things. In Umoja the women receive support and help from other women in the village. The women in this village come here to escape all the great dangers that they experience from men. These rapes are usually happening by British soldiers, the rapist is not being punished and these rapes usually lead to the women being abused by their husbands because of these rapes. The victims of these rapes have gone to report these incidents “However [the RMP] came to the view that every single one of these entries had been forged, even in the strongest cases identified,” said Day (The Guardian) This leads these women to look for somewhere safe to go which they find …show more content…

Throughout the article you are hearing stories from the women of Umoja. The women of Umoja are potrayed as strong women in the article. It talks about the village that was created by women for women to help each other out from terrible things that go on in Kenya. Although the article’s title is “the village where men are banned” Bindel still gets an opinion from a man that does come around the village to help but she does exclude opinions from other men on the topic. The article is missing vital information for women. The article does not let the reader know how some of the women find the village. Do the women just walk into the village and are automatically accepted? Has the village ever been attacked by men and tried to be torn down? How do they keep men out of their village and from the women being attacked by

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