Banned books are books to which free access is not allowed. The practice of banning books is a method of book censorship, and often has political, religious or moral motivations. Catching fire the second book in the hunger games trilogy. The book is banned and I believe that is shouldn’t be banned. The reasons are it has excessive violence, causes nightmares in children, and some believe is anti-ethnic. I think Catching fire shouldn’t be banned because the book teaches a lesson to never give up. But high school students should be able to read the book because it’s very influential on young readers and gives readers that feeling that giving up is not an option and to keep pushing on.
There are many reasons that violence is one of the
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A parent my not like the book and go to the school board and say my child had a nightmare and get the book banned. I would understand if there were other children in local schools or in the school have complaints but this is one parent and one student that have no evidence of a nightmare that was experienced because of the book. The book yes may cause nightmares but you can’t complain to a school about your child having nightmares without having any evidence that the book caused it.
Some parent’s argue that the book should be banned but their argument can be overturned. Parents continue to argue about the violence that the book has, but they soon are going to have to notice that the world is filled with violence and if you’re going to ban a book because of the PG-13 violence in the book you should think about what revolves around you every day. The opposition also argues that the book causes nightmares but without evidence that the book was the thing that cause the child to have the nightmare or was it something that your child seen on TV before bed or thought about we will never no because there’s no evidence the book caused the nightmare. Parents in the situation seem as if they want the best for child and try to avoid and hide their child from the violence but as they grow older there are going to be more harsh violence around them in the real world and the book I think is preparing and maturing them for the
What is a banned book? A banned book is a book that has been removed from the shelves because of its content. There are many reasons a book can be banned, a few of those reasons are is it contains offensive language, promotion of a religious viewpoint, unsuited to an age group, and many more. Lots of people and organizations have and still attempt to ban books. Some organizations that have banned books are The Anti – Defamation league, The Christian Voters League, and The Central Intelligence Agency.
“Hell!” the operator’s cigarette moved in his lips. “We got these cases, nine or ten at night. Got so many, starting a few years ago, we had the special machines built,” is a quote from the book that shows a bit of mature language that not be okay for some children. Another quote from the book gives an example of the same thing, “I’m afraid of children my own age. They kill each other. Did it always used to be that way? My uncle says no. Six of my friends have been shot in the last year alone. Ten of them died in car wrecks.” Those are not even the worst parts of the book. I believe some components would definitely be not okay with some parents.
Some parents want this book banned because they are afraid that the book could influence bullies against African American children in today’s society. However, in any history book or historical fiction about the pre-Civil War times in the United States, the same facts or even worse are shown.
Banning a book is when a person or group takes away a book from the public or a majority group (Wilson, 844). Books taken from the public are mostly banned for its materials or controversial topics, however, a handful of novels were able to avoid being taken off shelves. A novel that was able to avoid this is Slaughterhouse-Five, the book is banned in schools around the United States and the reason for this is sexual situations, violent content, and strong language within the story, but a majority of schools currently allow it (Paulson, 07A). However, this novel shouldn’t be banned because people have freedom to read, content shouldn’t be filtered or controlled and any topic should be free to the public.
What is a banned book? A banned book is a book that has been removed from the shelves; it could be from a library, classroom, or even the bookstore because of its content. A book could be banned for many reasons, but it could be banned because it contains sex, violence, inappropriate language, religious viewpoints, witch craft, and many more things because other people deem it inappropriate. When someone bans a book they ban it for everyone else too.
I would like to bring to your attention that the book “A Child Called “it” by David Pelzer, was announced banned in 2013 because students at Housel Middle School in Prosser, Washington, had to have parental permission to check out this best-selling memoir because of its graphic nature of child abuse described by the author. It was first challenged because of the foul language and the grotesque and violent scenes where the mother would beat the son. I think that this is absurd because I think students should be able to read books of this topic because it educates them of the disturbing acts of what an abusive parent can do. I don’t think that we should shelter older children because they should be introduced to these those types of scenarios. It also gives students an insight of what some other children have to go through.
Most schools assign this novel as an English assignment to young students, because of the blasphemous language it contains parents have complain to the schools about why this novel is being assign to students. In ALA states " a parent complained about its vulgarity and racial slurs." As a parent they wouldn’t want their children to read novels that contain so much vulgar language or do know want them to learn those kind of bad things they'd say. Parents expect their children to go to school and learn good school work not learn or use vulgar language. While in Idaho another parent complains that the novel "Of mice and men"
What is a banned book? Well a banned book is a book that people have tried to get teens not to read, not only teens but also for younger children. This means that people don’t like what content may be in a book, they think it’s inappropriate or not meeting the standards for the age group. That’s when banning a book takes place. Before a book can be considered banned a person has to challenge the book. No,not like a like a fight with a book, but just “an attempt to remove or restrict materials, based upon the objections of a person or a group.” says The American Library Association. Then after the book is challenge the library board will decide if the book shall be banned or not. A lot of books are banned and 13 reasons why is one of them. Teens should be allowed to read 13 reasons why because it teaches people that words truly do hurt, Choices that people make in life can affect others too, and it also teaches people to ask for help when it is needed.
In addition, they believe that the content of the book could corrupt their kids’ moral sense. However, there are people that argue against the idea of censoring books in schools.
Teachers and librarians would reject work that is “emotionally inappropriate” for the kids at the schools. Banned Books says that banning books from kids is bad. Banning books only hurts the writer because you think that there book is unacceptable. If the privilege of writing something one believes in is taken away, then the privilege of believing has been taken away. We should not underestimate our youths knowledge. A student can't be sheltered from what is true or from ideas that can change their lives. “Everyone deserves an opportunity to be touched by literature. Censoring books in a school library is not acceptable.” said Kendall Anderson. Banning books does
Books are a part of our society that entertain us through literature by showing us new experiences and characters that we may relate to or easily might despise due to how they are written, these are usually found in teen novels, comic books, manga, and many more. Books have also usually taught us through traditional means by teaching us about history and other things about society and overall morals we learn at a young age. However, some people have actually taken offense to certain books due to the content inside the book being “too offensive to them and have asked that these books be banned while other people want these books to stay. It’s a consistent debate of whether certain books should be banned or not and there are different viewpoints
Banning books is a practice that has been used all throughout history. It affects many people such as authors, religious groups, students, and other citizens. When books are banned, it limits the amount a person can read or learn about a certain topic. Banning books is a key component in the novel, Fahrenheit 451, as well as in society throughout history.
Throughout history many books have been banned, for many reasons. I believe that banning books is a dangerous power to give the government or people in authority. Banning book is not only morally unjust but also I believe that some of the reasons are also illegal. I will explain my opinion in the following.
This book does get harsh many times, but that does not mean people should shy away from it. Schools feel the need to ban books that they do not think are appropriate for their children, but that is not their say to take the book away from everyone. Some schools tried to ban this book because they felt there was a lot of profanity and violence. I do agree that both of those are in this story, but also profanity and violence exists in the world today, so why should we try to act as if none of this exists. Many children in middle school and high school face this problem of abuse and feel a comfort by reading these types of stories that they can relate to; it helps them to realize that they are not alone, and that there is hope. Perhaps David’s voice is the one that makes a difference for a young person facing such troubles.
Books are challenged/banned all over the world because of their content. But they shouldn’t be. Books are tools and are very important to help students learn and grow. Books are used for leaning, entertainment, and many movies/shows are based on books. Books are banned/ challenged mostly by parents and students because of language, violence, and other things in the book that bother them. For example, the novel Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. The book is based on the characters Clay Jensen, and Hannah Baker, and their peers. In the book, Hannah is a girl that killed herself but left behind 13 tapes that told the “story of her life” and why “her life ended”. The book includes Hannah’s reasons for her to take her life and they’re very realistic and detailed reasons. The book is from Clay’s point of view, and about Clay’s feelings and reactions toward Hannah’s death and tapes. Thirteen Reasons Why shouldn’t be banned not only because it’s a very good book, but because this book can help many people. This novel can help teenagers understand that the things they say can hurt people and cause their personal problems to grow. It also shows them that their actions matter a lot.