
Uncharn: A Visual Analysis

Decent Essays

If you're involved in this medium at any level, you've probably heard someone utter the infamous phrase 'Graphics don't matter' or something of the like. There is an ounce of truth to this statement as a games graphics don't necessarily make it a good product, however, I'd like to take the time to acknowledge the place of art in games and the people who bring our passion to life. When I say "Art in games" I should specify. Games in themselves are an art, and anyone who contributes is in some way an artist. This post, however, will focus on the visual art that can drastically enhance or diminish a players experience. A few weeks ago, renowned studio Naughty Dog launched their newest standalone Uncharted experience Uncharted: The Lost Legacy …show more content…

It's the whole package. This game's visuals, however, raised the following thought as I played... "The people who make this happen are brilliant". I'm a programmer. I write code, I discuss algorithms, and I implement solutions to technical problems when needed. It's what I like to do, moreover, I don't think I'll ever be able to possess the skills to produce such a graphically appealing environment, but you bet your ass I appreciate the people who do. As a programmer, how far would I really get without the talent of visual artists? I could come up with some pretty sweet ASCII art games or I could implement some basic GUI code using a framework, but that doesn't quite provide the engagement or immersion of a game as beautiful as The Lost Legacy. Games like Horizon: Zero Dawn, The Last of Us, Journey, and Gears of War 4 create a beautiful and immersive world through the use of robust environments, beautiful textures, intricate object meshes, and wonderful lighting. To say this doesn't greatly enhance the users' perception of the game is downright ridiculous. With that being said, It's worth noting that games can of course still be wonderful without a high level of graphical fidelity. The Fallout series is one of the most popular game series of the last 10 years, and although they are indeed great games, they aren't exactly known for their

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