
Uncle Tom's Cabin Summary Chapter 1

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Uncle Tom's Cabin is written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. This novel takes place before the Civil War happened in America. The Civil War was a war where the North (Union) fought with the South (Confederate). Eventually, the Union and the Confederate combined back together and formed the United States of America. But, before the Civil War, America had an issue with Slavery, which was basically based on race/ethnicity. Slavery is also one of the reason why there was a civil war in America, and the split of the states.
The novel first starts off when a man named Mr Shelby, who is a farmer of the estate in the state of Kentucky. Mr. Shelby is in debt with Haley, who is a slave owner. Mr. Shelby offered to hand over one of his best slave, Uncle Tom. …show more content…

In the middle of chapter one, it describe how Ms. Shelby is trying to reassure Eliza that Harry, her son, won't be sold off. Ms. Shelby replies by saying " Nonsense, Child! to be sure, I shouldn't. What do you talk so for? I would as soon have one of my own children sold. But really, Eliza, you are getting altogether too proud of that little fellow. A man can't put his nose into the door, but you think he must be coming to buy him"(pg 11).

In Uncle Tom's Cabin, a character name Uncle Tom,who is a slave of Mr. Shelby at first. Throughout the novel, Uncle Tom seem to managed to carry his bible everywhere he went. Tom was able to form friendships with Mr. Shelby, Eva, and Cassy. They all read the bible together. George Shelby reads a small excerpt from the bible, while he reads the excerpt, there was a group of slaves all gathered around and singing and praying together. The bible gives Tom strength

Uncle Tom’s Cabin in Uncle Tom’s Cabin written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, is significant towards the end of the novel. The cabin is a place where Uncle Tom’s family all meet at. “The cabin of Uncle Tom was a small log building”(pg 21). Aunt Chloe, who was Uncle Tom’s wife, made “corn-cake, all its varieties of hoe-cakes, dodgers, muffins and other species too numerous to mention”(pg 22) for the family. This just makes the atmosphere all …show more content…

This just shows that Uncle Tom is willing to risk his life and get a beating to save someone else's life. When Tom works at the Legree's plantation to pick cotton, he gives some of his cotton to a slave named Luce so she wouldn't be beated for not getting enough cotton for the day. This can result with Tom being severely beaten up by his owner. All good things must come to an end right?
Eventually the slave owner, Legree, discovered that Tom could watch over the other slaves. First Legree decides that Tom must whip Luce, but Tom refuses. Legree then beat and kicked Tom making him all bruised up. Tom has said that his physical body might not belong to him, since he's a slace, but his soul will always be his. This just shows that Tom is willing to use faith as his

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