
Uncle Tom's Weakness In The Crucible

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When hearing Uncle Tom’s Cabin, the audience is led to believe it’s a story about a man and his cabin, but once encapsulated it becomes evident that it is about much more. Uncle Tom’s Cabin shows both sides of slavery. On one hand there were the kind slave owners and then there were those that saw slaves as “property” as opposed to people. Although Stowe’s novel shows the dominance of men, she uses one key element that is every man’s weakness: a woman. “Mas'r Legree, as ye bought me, I'll be a true and faithful servant to ye. I'll give ye all the work of my hands, all my time, all my strength…Mas'r Legree, I an't a grain afeard to die. I'd as soon die as not. Ye may whip me, starve me, burn me,-it'll only send me sooner where I want to …show more content…

St. Clare ends up getting stabbed in a fight between two drunken men and dies. The slaves are left in the hands of his cruel wife, Mrs. Marie. She ends up putting him up for sale at the market. Uncle Tom and a beautiful girl by the name of Emmeline end up being sold to a man named, Legree. Legree is a man, whose mother tried to influence him to have a kind and loving spirit, but his father was a cruel man. Unfortunately, Legree followed in his father’s footsteps and left his home. While out at sea, his mother sent him an envelope with a lock of her hair and a note saying she loved and forgave him. A lock of hair became the strength of Uncle Tom and the weakness of Legree. Upon the death of Eva, Uncle Tom had a lock of her hair which he wore around his neck. That piece of hair helped Uncle Tom keep his head up in times of despair. However one day, Legree laid eyes on the lock of hair around Uncle Tom’s neck which led to him being brutally beaten. Legree becomes enraged when he finds out Emmeline and his mistress, Cassy have disappeared. Uncle Tom being the just man he is holds his tongue when asked about the girl’s whereabouts. As a result, Legree has him beaten all night, which leads to his …show more content…

Once Harry’s mother, Eliza is told the news of her son having to be sold, she does what any mother would do. She is determined to save her child. In times of slavery, if one was caught trying to escape they would have to endure cruel and unusual punishment. As a mother trying to save her child, they fled to cross the Ohio River to get to their final destination being Canada. The Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 was just passed forbidding the assistance of any runaway slaves. Coincidentally, Eliza and Harry end up at the doorsteps of the mayor of Ohio. At first, he was going to turn them away, but his wife’s kind heart saved them. She had them taken to a house in the woods where they could stay until they were ready to continue their journey. Upon getting back on their course for freedom, they end up being chased by slave hunters. During the chase, a fight breaks out which ends up injuring the lead hunter. Although Eliza could’ve agreed to leave him left for dead as he would’ve for her, she expresses sympathy and influences a Quaker family to nurse him back to

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