At Least everybody in this world can be courageous. Everybody has been courageous in some way. Courage can happen any day, any time without anyone even realizing it. People often think courage is standing up for oneself or helping someone out of home or school, and it can be, but courage can be as simple as doing something you're afraid to do and then faces your fears and doing it. Characters like Anne Frank from Diary of Anne Frank, the man from Giving and the boy from The Porcelain Unicorn.
In Giving the man is a good example of courage because he is thoughtful, kind and selfless. The man from Giving is courageous because he is thoughtful. He is thoughtful because the little kid steals medicine for his mother and gets caught so the man steps in and buys the medicine for the little boy's mom. This is courageous because he buys the medicine for the little boys mother even though he didn't have to. He did it because this little boy was going to risk getting in trouble for his sick mother.Next, He is
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The boy is a good example of courage because he is daring. He is daring because after they hear a noise he stays behind and checks to see what it was in the cabinet. This is courageous because we're the boy was, was abandoned and there was no way to tell if he was safe or not but he still stays and checks behind the cabinet not knowing what he might find. Knowing this, it shows that he was willing to be daring even if there was no way to tell if it was safe or not. Also, the boy is courageous because he was selfless. He helps the little girl getaway even if he does get punished. This is courageous because he helps the little girl get away, so they wouldn't take take her away. Lastly, The boy is courageous because he is thoughtful. He gives the girl a unicorn as an adult.This is courageous because he still remembers this girl and went out of the way to
Courage is a cardinal virtue every human being needs. Courage is doing something frightening you are for the right being even if you are alone in your belief. Many regular humans have used courage also. For example Dr. Martin Luther King jr. stood up for all African Americans, even though almost everyone did not agree with him. He eventually helped end segregation by raising awareness. Sadly, Dr. Martin Luther King jr. was killed just for his beliefs. Today we celebrate a holiday for his great bravery. Bravery is a synonym of courage.
One good example of courage is in Homer's epic poem, “The Odyssey,” when Odysseus enters the Cyclops’ cave. In the epic poem Odysseus and his men enter the Cyclops cave and the text states “We climbed, then, briskly to the cave. But Cyclops had gone afield..." (Homer 157-158). This example demonstrates that Odysseus enters a Cyclops cave and is not fearful. Odysseus enters the cave because he sees treasure and wants to get it for him and his crew. Odysseus chooses to enter the cave even though he knew the cave was the Cyclops home and this demonstrates courage, and this is why the trait should be encouraged. Another good example of courage that sticks out is Newton Knight, who chooses to help slaves even though he lives in the south during the Civil War. In the Editors’s article, “Newton Knight,” Knight chooses to stop fighting for the Confederate Army and goes back to his hometown to help slaves, as the text states “They saw themselves as defending the residents of Jones County from the Confederacy” ( Editors 1). Therefore, this example demonstrates that Knight chooses to fight against the Confederate Army even though he lives in Mississippi. It takes a lot of courage to go up against the Confederate Army even though he lived in the south and almost everyone was against him. It should
Another courageous person I know is my grandfather, Gary Breeden. When he was younger he was a marine in the Vietnam War. This shows courage because, he volunteered to fight for his country. He put himself in danger to protect, not only his loved ones, but the entire country which is a very brave and courageous thing to do. Volunteering to be in the military also shows a lot of courage because all throughout boot camp and training, the body and the mind are pushed to their breaking point. Breeden has taught me how to help others by sacrificing his life for the greater good. Breeden also displays courage by always putting the needs of others before his own. My grandfather puts his needs second to the needs of his loved ones. Breeden allows himself
One way courage was shown in the book was by someone talking to people. A character named David showed courage by speaking to someone even if he would most likely be judged or looked at differently. On page number 131 David asked Melinda if she wanted to go to his house for a party he was having after their school won a basketball game. He showed courage and didn’t care what other people thought. Since he had the courage to ask her she finally felt a little accepted at her school.
"I learned that courage was not the absence fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear"- Nelson Mandela. In the book, Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes by Chris Crutcher, Sarah Brynes and Eric Calhoune had been friends for years. With them both being an outcast in their society, their bond is unbreakable. Sarah Byrnes has an abusive dad who she hides a big secret with. Sarah Byrnes being the strongest and most toughest person he has ever met, he has to uncover her secret that has her keeping quite in a hospital. In this book, many characters shows this courage. I'm going to be giving you three examples of how three different characters showed this courage.
Courage is shown by doing something selfless. Andrew received a draft form the union army, and instead of going to fight the war like a man he chickened out.
Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird, shows great courage when he fights a lost battle for Tom Robinson, a black convict. Atticus knows that Tom is suppose to have equal rights in the court, but he know that racism of the jury and judge will probably result in a loss. “Courage to stand up/ For what’s right!/ Courage to stand up/ For the weak!/ Courage to know/ When a battle is lost!” (Hodges). Be Brave by Bree Hodges, gives examples of what you basically need to be brave in life. Standing up for Tom takes courage, because nobody else in Maycomb could or would take the job. The segregation and racism in that area, it makes Tom very weak in society. Atticus knows that Tom is going to lose, but that does not stop him at all from fighting.
Helping others shows courage by know what you help other people and that many people to try and help all of these people. One example is from the book when Boo Radley had come out of his house and saved Jem and Scout when they had been attacked by Bob Ewell and then Boo Radley killed Bob Ewell with the knife he was going to use to kill the kids. This is courage because Boo never comes out of his house and he knows that the kids have been chatting with him for a while and he was a friend to them so he stepped up and he helped them. Another example is that lawyers are willing to stand up to help their defendants in the courtroom. I know this because lawyers want t make sure that the innocent people don't end up in jail because they want a fair and even casein the courtroom. The evidence connects to the contention because it shows how people stand up for other people’s beliefs even if they might not believe in that. Also the contention connects to the thesis because it is hard to help all of these people all the time but you need to be willing to show that you do have courage by going and helping
An example where courage is shown is when Atticus explains to Jem and Scout that the dying Mrs. Dubose displayed “real courage” and his children are puzzled because Mrs. Dubose said awful statements about Atticus. On page 116, Atticus says, “‘I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand.” This is an example of courage because Atticus is explaining to his children that courage isn’t always physically shown and can be shown in other ways than this. He is saying that Mrs. Dubose displayed courage just by not wanting to die a morphine addict and accomplishing this. This act shows “real courage” because Mrs. Dubose depended on the morphine for so long and died the way she wanted to die. Even though Mrs. Dubose showed a different type of courage then a man with a gun in his hand, she still displayed immense courage and strength before she died, according to
Throughout history, there have been countless times whenre individuals have courageously fought for change and societal justice. For instance, Gandhi helped India gain their independence, even though the circumstances were extremely risky for him, and could have led to his arrest or even death. However, he continued to persevere through it all, and was able to accomplish great things for his country. Another example is Malala Yousafzai, who promoted the education of girls in her country. Despite the clear threat of the Taliban, she continued to fight hard for her cause. Courage can be defined in many different ways, such as the ability to persevere and accomplish something in a frightening or risky situation. Examples of courage can be seen all around the world. Without courageous people, society would not have been able to improve. Being courageous is difficult, and requires an abundance of dedication and perseverance. It also includes remaining strong, despite the challenges that may occur along the way.
For example, Ethan had courage when he went to Julian's tea party and gave Julian a pink heart shaped puzzle. He had courage because that present was like for a girl but that was the only puzzle the store had and he was afraid that Julian would laugh at him. Another example of courage is when Noah gave his red wagon
Having courage is a big thing especially when standing up for others and yourself. In the book “Beauty and the Beast” It shows courage in the chartachteres and the most known. Belle was brave and mostly had courage in herself she was brave especially when her mother passed away,but she also had courage in herself to stand up for her dad and to tell the beast to let her father free. Not only was Belle brave but also did the friends/servants of the beast they believed that one day someone will come along and see that getting along with a person that is not beautiful doesn’t matter but to see what's in the inside.
There are many instances on his Hero’s Journey when he proves his worth through courageous
Courage or the act of being courageous is something that can depict if a person is being weak. This act ties into the classic tale when identifying the strength it took Sundiata to walk. Sundiata was at an age where other young boys were gathering objects for their mothers and he simply could not, due to the fact that he was unable to walk. However, “In a great effort he straightened up and was on his feet at one go, but the great bar of iron was twisted and had taken the form of a bow.” (Page 21) A boy who once couldn't walk was now walking. He who once had to depend on his mother can now be the one his mother depends on. Thus, “ When Sogolon saw her son standing she stood dumb for a moment, then suddenly she sang these words of thanks to god who had given her son the use of his legs”. (Page 21) Sogolon was so discouraged to the point where the sight of her son’s slow development became an embarrassment. She soon became joyful of the courage
Courage is a necessity to overcome fears and achieve a desired goal. Fear is something that exists in all of us. There is no hero or any particular courageous figure that is without fear. Being fearless is not required to be courageous, one simply has to look past or overcome their fears to possess this great quality. When overcoming fears and going against the norm, there are always risks involved. There are different types of risks that come about. Someone could risk life or limb, while others risk their reputation. Either risk is serious enough that a person must have courage to endure that particular risk. Courage can occur anytime, anywhere, and often in our everyday lives. Everyone will experience courage no matter how young,