
Under The Same Moon

Decent Essays

The construction of the American identity has been formulated to illustrate specific points that distinctly characterize “Americans” as Americans. Being committed, free, and equal, are just a few of the traits that characterize this nation. However, these values are changed to fit the situation. When this occurs there is no longer a free or equal country because changes have been made. The film Under the Same Moon (2008), portrays this idea, that individuals were constantly being labeled as illegals and living with the fear of being caught and deported. For them the American Dream seemed to be an impossible goal they had set. Even though they worked hard, and tried to pursue a good income, the limitations to succeed created barriers they could not over come. The protagonist of this overwhelming film Rosario (Kate del Castillo), is forced to …show more content…

These two traits were evident in the characters of both Rosario and her son, Carlitos, they both worked hard and never lost hope they would reunite. However, even though they worked to improve their lives, their condition never seemed to improve. In the mind of the American their success is measured by how hard an individual works, and the determination they have to succeed. According to the American Dream, anyone is capable of improving his social and economic situation by sheer determination, and those who do not succeed have simply not worked hard enough (Vertov,p.g 333). Rosario migrated to the United States to follow the American Dream, yet she did not achieve her goal. She worked day and night, provided for her family, while earning only the minimum wage. She was limited to working as a maid, because she did not have the documents necessary to work in the United States. Although she put all her energy in providing for her family, success was unattainable in her situation, because she never had the resources necessary to

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