The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism says, “young people consume more than 90 percent of their alcohol by binge drinking.” Binge drinking “for males [is consuming] 5 or more drinks and for females 4 or more drinks on the same occasion within a few hours” and can be detrimental to the development of the brain’s prefrontal cortex or, the “part of the brain that involves judgment, impulse control and abstract thought and the ability to anticipate the consequences of your actions,” which “isn't fully shaped until your late 20s.” Despite the adverse effects alcohol can have on young people especially, underage drinking is a common crime in the United States. Although many people drink underage and seemingly suffer little to no consequences, underage drinking is a …show more content…
They will be fined no less than $1,000 but no more than $2,500 and can be jailed for up to 1 year. If caught a second or subsequent time, the fine is $2,500, but the possible jail time stays the same. The laws concerning underage drinking don’t seem too harsh at first, but all the fines and court costs really add up! Even if someone were to get their alcohol for free at a party or from their parents, the financial consequences would be bad. Instead of paying $500 plus court costs, a person could buy a decent smartphone, a plane ticket, a laptop, or college textbooks! The health consequences of underage drinking are also a concern. Because of the effects of alcohol on the brain, a young person can make their path to whatever goals they have in life harder. That kind of citation on someone’s record could negatively affect their college appeal or even hurt their job opportunities. Underage drinking can have long lasting, adverse effects: from a mark on a record to brain damage to the death of a loved one due to
Alcohol has been severely damaging young individuals health both mentally and physically. Even though alcohol can be harmful at any age it is especially dangerous for teens as their brains are still developing and cannot cope with alcohol the same way as an adult can. When consumed
Censoring Sherman Alexie’s book “The Absolutely True Story of a Part Time Indian” may not be detrimental to the author, and it may even be an appropriate act. It is the job of our schools and educators to open young minds to new ideas, while taking care to protect the innocence of the child. Doing this successfully may be a difficult undertaking for our educators as we are asking them to draw a fine line between childhood innocence and the awareness of worldly things. In the handling of this book I believe the censors have done their job.
al). Drinking is dangerous as it is, but underage drinking just upsurges the risk of wrecks, the health problems, and dependence on alcohol through adulthood (“Underage”).
In 2011, my aunt Tami was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer. She had many surgeries, MRI’s, and CT scans. She also had countless rounds of chemotherapy and radiation. To help pay for the hospital bills that come along with severe cancer cases, my family hosted a benefit in Tami’s name, and started a GoFundMe page. Hundreds, if not thousands of dollars were raised to help Tami and her husband, Kim, pay for everything necessary for her survival.
Despite the current legal drinking age being 21, underage drinkers have a virtually unlimited supply to alcohol because parents, siblings, and friends that are of age can easily supply them with booze; 26 percent of underage drinkers receive alcohol from parents or family members. In fact, 40 percent of young adults receive alcoholic beverages from friends and family (2008, Edgar Snyder). “When asked how easy it would be to get alcohol, most 8th, 10th, and 12th graders said ‘fairly easy’ or ‘very easy’” (2008, Edgar Snyder).
Drinking at a young age can lead to brain damage and terrible decisions. Alcohol affects these three main parts of human development, the brain, liver, and hormonal system. In addition, drinking alcohol actually shortens a person’s lifespan. By slowly damaging your body with alcohol you are taking more and more time out of your life meaning you might not get to see the future you always wished for. As stated by “Most are fully aware that heavy drinking is hard on the body, but a new study revealed alcoholism actually reduces one’s lifespan by an average of 7.6 years.” (Alcoholism Shortens Lifespan By Nearly a Decade, Study Finds. (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2017, from and also states “Adults have lived longer, and so they are supposed to be better at making decisions and judgments, like whether one has had too much to drink.” (It's My Life. Body. Alcohol. Your Questions | PBS Kids GO! (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2017, from Drinking also, damages the gums and may produce gum disease. Many teens care about their appearance while drinking they are ruining their teeth and could end up with gum disease. All in all, drinking at a young age can affect your body and destroy your
Simply remarking that such a decision is dangerous fails to suffice as concrete evidence of the negative effects of underage alcohol consumption, and so statistical evidence must be given. Approximately five thousand underage drinkers die each year; the most prevalent cause is, not surprisingly, motor vehicle accidents. What many do not understand is what other factors constitute the other approximately three thousand; sixteen hundred to homicides, that is, murders and other deliberate killings, as well as 300 to suicide, usually caused by an exacerbation of underlying depression or other psychological difficulties. The remaining thousand are usually caused by such grisly circumstances as falling, burning, and drowning. While this may seem a relatively small number in the vast amounts of the twelve to twenty year old age group, estimates are that within the past month one-quarter of underage persons used alcohol, while two-thirds of those were binge drinkers. Not only does underage drinking increase the chance of dying in related incidents it encourages other destructive behaviors: engage in sexual activities, carry a plethora of illegal substances, and correlations have even been found that links underage drinking to poor performance in school. Other observations have been made that negatively link underage drinking with mental
Drinking among teenagers is prone to cause long term damages in their life. At the adolescent stage, teenagers brain are still developing up until the they are in the 20’s. It is a fact that alcohol causes brain damages to anyone who consumes it but because of this occurrence in adolescent’s body,they are more affected by this. According to Saner in the article Health: Drunk young things: Teenage drinkers don 't just risk making fools of
Underage drinking is on the rise despite harsher laws to stop it. Itappears to have always been around despite whether the legal age to drink is 18 or 21. One of the main issues with underage drinking is that the brain in the teenager is not fully developed in the region of judgment and decision making. Because of this teens are known for deciding to do the wrong thing. That often includes drinking alcohol or experimenting with illegal drugs. many teenagers do not just have onedrink, they usually participate in binge drinking. This can continue long into adulthood and soon develop into a full blown alcohol problem.
Drinking under the age of twenty-one can lead to many developmental issues, alcoholism (alcohol addiction), and lowering the legal drinking age would be medically irresponsible. Lots of research shows that the human brain continues to develop well into the twenties, while it develops it establishes important communication connectors and the brain continues to refine itself. Consuming alcohol throughout this developmental period can cause very serious damage, gaps, and failure to the brains development and maturity. Alcoholism is common amongst young drinkers since adolescent bodies are busy maturing physically along with mentally. Studies show that teens are commonly more affected by alcohol than adults because the pleasure center of the brain is more responsive than the executive descion making part, which leaves teens to be more prone to addiction. Lowering the drinking age would be incredibly medically irresponsible, due to all the damage consuming alcohol before full development can cause lasting impairments. The average adolescent who engages in alcohol related activities are more likely to be violent, attempt suicide, develop alcohol dependency and have a less functioning long-term memory. Consuming alcohol can interfere with the frontal lobe, which is in charge of emotion regulation, organization, and can lead to chronic problems later
But they are not smart enough to see what alcohol can do to their brain and their decisions. There is a reason why we have the law set at age twenty one. A human?s brain is not done developing until the age of twenty-one. Drinking before this age can contribute to alcohol-induced brain damage which can hinder a teenager?s performance in academics (Alcohol Alert). There is also a risk that teenagers that drink are four times more likely to develop an alcohol dependency sometime in their lives. Risks in sexual assault also plague underage drinkers. Sexual assault is already more prevalent during adolescent ages. By introducing alcohol, sexual assault cases are much more likely to happen. It has also been shown that when alcohol is involved, the more likely sex will result in unwanted pregnancies and STD?s. There is also a much higher risk of suicide. In one study, thirty seven percent of females that drank heavily had reported attempting suicide compared to only eleven percent that did not report drinking (Armstrong, Elizabeth). ?Smart? college students will even tell you that alcohol affects them. According to Hank Nuwer in Wrongs of Passage, four out of every five students in the collegiate Greek system are binge drinkers. These drinkers will tell you that this has caused them to engage in risky sexual behaviors, act irresponsibly, and hurt their academic standings. From elementary schoolers to college students, alcohol has detrimental effects
Underage drinking should not happen because it could lead to health problems, addictions, and serious accidents.
Clothing is one of many ways people express themselves to the world in which they live. One important piece of clothing is headgear. For example, a hat can be used to show someone’s favorite sports team, favorite band, favorite color, or maybe it just signifies your culture and/or faith. Headgear can tell a lot about someone and it can also hide what people do not want others to see. However, schools around the country continue to put strict rules in place which stop students from expressing themselves through the use of headgear. Headgears should be allowed for all students to wear as it symbolizes not only their beliefs and culture, but their individuality as a person.
Many under the age of 21 are getting in trouble with the law in alcohol related incidents, which wouldn?t take place if the drinking age was lowered. Many underage drinkers drink in more dangerous places in order to avoid law enforcement. "... when these young adults ?drink on the sly in unsupervised settings, they are
As stated by NIAAA, UNDERAGE DRINKING: A MAJOR PUBLIC HEALTH CHALLENGE, The younger you are when you start drinking, the greater your