It is important to give your children the right tools. It is important to give different opportunities for friendships and groups to occur. Introduce your children into different groups. Boy scouts or girl scouts are great pathways for children to make and keep friends while showing them many important lessons in life. Communication is one of the most important things that can be stressed. Talk to your children, listen to what they have to say, more times than not they will open up to you about issues good and bad if they feel like they have parent to go to without judgement. Always respect your children, just as they respect you. Children often act different than others, no two kids are the same. Individuality is important when it comes to growing up and making friends. If there are children that you may not particularly like, talk to your children about what they have in common. It is possible that they see the good in people rather than the bad. During my middle childhood, I had many different types of friends. I noticed the girls I was spending the most time with were very sweet to me, but to …show more content…
Underage drinking has been and still is a major issue that needs to be addressed with teenagers. Studies have revealed that many underage students in college drink, many related to the fraternity or sorority lifestyle. Underage drinking can lead to harassment, sleep deprivation, lack of studying, and property damage. Sexual behavior also accompanies underage drinking. It is with increased use of alcohol that unprepared sexual activities take place. This could result in sexually transmitted diseases being obtained or teen pregnancy. Drinking before the legal age has also attributed to a decreased in academic performance. It has become common to miss class, do badly on tests, and get lower grades with the increased amount of underage
Children, like adults will have their disagreements. As children get older their arguments can become more serious and are not simple squabbles. In order for children and young people to trust us, it is important that we can identify difficulties and help them wherever possible to find ways through them. It is essential that children and young people perceive our way of doing this as fair. When you have a conflict with a child, there is an opportunity for learning about how to solve problems. Conflicts help children to understand that other people have different thoughts and feelings to their own. Listen to the child and try to understand their point of view, and help them to understand yours. Then together, try to think of ways to solve the problem that you are both happy with. It might take a while but it will be worth it, and will help to build your relationship.
Developing positive relationships is important within most situations in life, a good way of ensuring these positive relationships progress is to ensure you have effective communication. When working with children if you complicate things it can lead to the child becoming confused as to what is expected of them. Make sure the language that you use is age appropriate to avoid confusion. You may be able to see if the child has understood your request by either checking that your instructions have been carried out or simply by asking the child "do you understand?" and asking them to relay back what you have asked. Communication is a two way thing and to have a positive relationship with somebody you will also
consistent approach, and follow up your words with actions. Do not make promises to the children
Effective communication is important in developing positive relationships with children. You can do this by remembering children's names and pronouncing them properly, also helping them feel safe around school and other pupils. Make them feel safe by willing to listen to what they have to say, reassure the children that they are valued at all times make aware of any different behaviour in pupils and being alert of their feelings, avoiding stereotype judgements concerning race, gender, ability and religion will also make the children feel more safe and comfortable around you building a trust relationship. this is the same sort of thing with young people, adapting methods to suit their needs For example if the individual had hearing impairment
Building relationships is important in children and young people. You need to adapt your behavior and communication accordingly. Assessing the situation and environment you are in. It is important that children in all situations feel secure and have a sense of value from you. Your interaction with them should show this. You need to be able to create a positive relationship with children and young people this in turn will create a positive relationship, which will allow them to feel, accepted as part of the school community.
Children need support and guidance to establish friendships with their peers by; modelling positive interactions with your colleagues and other children, using positive language, through play you show them how to develop communication and negotiation skills, turn taking and help children to
Positive relationships with children and young people are important as when children feel comfortable they can separate more easily from their parents and children are more likely to participate in the play and learning activities if they are secure emotionally.
Research has supported the observation that young people in America consume alcohol regularly; this prevalence of use increases rapidly during adolescence, as well as a few years afterward (Wagenaar and Wolfson 37). This has come to be a problem among college students. It has been shown through extensive quantitative and qualitative research that those under twenty-one years of age are able to obtain alcohol, which allows them to binge drink. Binge drinking holds many problems for college students: alcohol poisoning, DUIs, traffic accidents, and even fatalities.
You’ll need to change your behaviour and method of communication when establishing respectful, professional relationships with children and young people. This can be done making yourself more approachable so that they feel safe to talk to you and ask for help. Its also important that you make them feel valued by listening to what they have to say and not rushing them or cutting off their sentences and also
Alcohol use among college students has always been a popular subject among teachers, parents, researchers, and even students. The actual act of drinking alcohol is not necessarily the problem, whether legal or not. The main problem is the act of binge drinking of college students, of age or not. Drinking modest amounts of alcohol may have some consequences, but binge drinking has more negative consequences than normal modest drinking. There are many examples as to the consequences that binge drinking can cause to college student’s lives, but one of the main consequences that students face as a result of frequent drinking is poor academic final grades.
College life is filled with changes. It is filled with many new experiences. As college students, we are on our own, adults. As adults we are responsible for keeping up to date on information that affects us. One issue that affects college students nation wide is drinking. The current legal drinking age in the United States is twenty-one years of age. The Federal government raised the legal drinking age from 18 to 21 in 1984. Even with the current drinking age at twenty-one, many people under that age choose to drink anyway. In fact, a government survey from 1996 showed that 56% of high school seniors reported drinking in the last 30 days (Hanson). With so many underage drinkers, many people
A lower dosage of alcohol will damage a young brain compared to a fully mature brain, and young brains are damaged more quickly. Alcohol exposure during adolescence is linked with a reduced ability to learn compared with those not exposed until adulthood.Alcohol is implicated in more than 40 percent of all college academic problems and 28 percent of all college dropouts. At both 2- and 4-year colleges, the heaviest drinkers make the lowest grades.High school students who use alcohol or other
“80 percent of teen-agers have tried alcohol, and that alcohol was a contributing factor in the top three causes of death among teens: accidents, homicide and suicide” (Underage, pg 3). Students may use drinking as a form of socializing, but is it really as good as it seems? The tradition of drinking has developed into a kind of “culture” fixed in every level of the college student environment. Customs handed down through generations of college drinkers reinforce students' expectation that alcohol is a necessary ingredient for social success. These perceptions of drinking are the going to ruin the lives of the students because it will lead to the development alcoholism. College students who drink a lot, while in a college
Communication between parent and child has always been important. ( Talk with your child. From an early age, have discussions with your children as much as possible. Possible topics of conversation are: stories from when they were babies; one of the happiest days of your life was the day they were born, about their favorite television show, or their favorite food. Answer any questions they may have even if they have asked it a billion times before. And, be sure to listen to their
In this situation, I will stop immediately to confront all the high school students. First, I will take the alcohol from the underage drinkers. Then, I will discuss the issue of underage drinking and how it could affect their lives in the future or in jail. I would then give them all a warning to leave except of my best player. Then reason I would give the other kids a warning is because majority of the kids in society today will try alcohol at less one time and never tries it again. But, however, some may continue to drink on other occasions. Far as for my athlete, I will discuss how important it is for him or her not to drink while underage or in life period. I will then explain how important it is not to drink alcohol while underage especially,