
Underage Drinking Speech

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It is important to give your children the right tools. It is important to give different opportunities for friendships and groups to occur. Introduce your children into different groups. Boy scouts or girl scouts are great pathways for children to make and keep friends while showing them many important lessons in life. Communication is one of the most important things that can be stressed. Talk to your children, listen to what they have to say, more times than not they will open up to you about issues good and bad if they feel like they have parent to go to without judgement. Always respect your children, just as they respect you. Children often act different than others, no two kids are the same. Individuality is important when it comes to growing up and making friends. If there are children that you may not particularly like, talk to your children about what they have in common. It is possible that they see the good in people rather than the bad. During my middle childhood, I had many different types of friends. I noticed the girls I was spending the most time with were very sweet to me, but to …show more content…

Underage drinking has been and still is a major issue that needs to be addressed with teenagers. Studies have revealed that many underage students in college drink, many related to the fraternity or sorority lifestyle. Underage drinking can lead to harassment, sleep deprivation, lack of studying, and property damage. Sexual behavior also accompanies underage drinking. It is with increased use of alcohol that unprepared sexual activities take place. This could result in sexually transmitted diseases being obtained or teen pregnancy. Drinking before the legal age has also attributed to a decreased in academic performance. It has become common to miss class, do badly on tests, and get lower grades with the increased amount of underage

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