
Undercover Heroes Research Paper

Decent Essays

Undercover Heroes Since we could walk and talk, we always have had that person we looked up to, we called them our hero. A hero is someone that you admire or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. A hero doesn’t have to be someone that wears a cape, but mine did in my own imagination. I have more than one hero that I think highly of and appreciate; I have three that include my grandfather, my mom, and my brother. My grandfather is a strong, self-willed, and determined man. He served in the army for almost 10 years and was even held as a prisoner of war. He was held captive in The Korean War from 1950-1953. He is no doubt the strongest man I have ever known, after the Korean War ended the Vietnam War begin and my Grandfather volunteered to fight. He has done so much for our country and I, he deserves more than a thanks. My grandfather has made the country and myself extremely proud of him for all he has done. He brings the best out of every situation and is there for you when you are at battle with yourself. He is known to be a war hero, but he is also my own personal hero. The woman that raised me to be the person I am today is my next …show more content…

We have fussed and fought over the silliest things, but in the end, we are closer than ever. Blaine’s dream has always been to be a part of the law enforcement; he has worked hard and overcame many obstacles to become one today in our county. In our day and time being a cop isn’t the easiest job, every time he does out on duty I pray that he will return the same Blaine as he left. As much as I hate to say it, we are almost identical and even think the alike. I wouldn’t want to call anyone else my brother. I would take a bullet for him like he would for anyone else; he is always so supporting and makes me work vigorously to accomplish my own

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